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[ Also see Acquirement Alchemy Appearance Avarice Bribery Corruption Covetousness Creation Jewels Mammon Misers Money Ornament Politics Possession Riches Wealth ]

Can pocket states, or fetch or carry kings.
      - Alexander Pope

What nature wants, commodious gold bestows;
  'Tis thus we cut the bread another sows.
      - Alexander Pope, Moral Essay
         (ep. III, l. 21)

Gold is Caesar's treasure, man is God's; thy gold hath Caesar's image, and thou hast God's; give, therefore, those things unto C‘sar which are Caesar's, and unto God which are God's.
      - Francis Quarles

Gold like the sun, which melts wax, but hardens clay, expands great souls.
      - Antoine de Rivarol, Comte de Rivarol

Gold is a vain and foolish fancy.
  [Fr., L'or est une chimere.]
      - Augustin Eugene Scribe and Germain Delavigne,
        Robert le Diable (ch. I, sc. 7)

Foul-cankering rust the hidden treasure frets;
  But gold, that's put to use, more gold begets.
      - William Shakespeare

Give him gold enough, and marry him to a puppet, or an aglet-baby; or an old trot with ne'er a tooth in her head, though she have as many diseases as two and fifty horses; why, nothing comes amiss, so money comes withal.
      - William Shakespeare

Gold--what can it not do, and undo?
      - William Shakespeare

It is gold which buys admittance; and it is gold which makes the true man killed, and saves the thief; nay, sometimes hangs both thief and true man; what can it not do and undo?
      - William Shakespeare

O thou sweet king-killer, and dear divorce
  Twixt natural son and sire! thou bright defiler
    Of hymen's purest bed! thou valiant Mars!
      Thou ever young, fresh, lov'd, and delicate wooer,
        Whose blush doth thaw the consecrated snow
          That lies on Dian's lip! thou visible god,
            That solder'st close impossibilities,
              And mak'st them kiss! and speak'st with every tongue,
                To every purpose!
      - William Shakespeare

O, I cry your mercy;
  There is my purse, to cure that blow of thine.
      - William Shakespeare

Saint-seducing gold.
      - William Shakespeare

How quickly nature falls into revolt
  When gold becomes her object!
    For this the foolish overcareful fathers
      Have broke their sleep with thoughts, their brains with care.
        Their bones with industry.
          For this they have engrossed and piled up
            The cankered heaps of strange-achieved gold;
              For this they have been thoughtful to invest
                Their sons with arts and martial exercises.
      - William Shakespeare,
        King Henry the Fourth, Part II
         (King Henry at IV, v)

Thou that so stoutly hast resisted me,
  Give me thy gold, if thou hast any gold;
    For I have bought it with an hundred blows.
      - William Shakespeare,
        King Henry the Sixth, Part III
         (Father at II, v)

I see, the jewel best enamelled
  Will lose his beauty; yet the gold bides still
    That others touch, and often touching will
      Wear gold; and no man that hath a name,
        By falsehood and corruption doth it shame.
      - William Shakespeare, The Comedy of Errors
         (Adriana at II, i)

(Portia:) A quarrel ho! already! What's the matter?
  (Gratiano:) About a hoop of gold, a paltry ring
    That she did give me, whose posy was
      For all the world like cutler's poetry
        Upon a knife--'Love me, and leave me not.'
      - William Shakespeare,
        The Merchant of Venice
         (Portia & Gratiano at V, i)

You have a choice between the natural stability of gold and the honesty and intelligence of the members of government. And with all due respect for those gentlemen, I advise you, as long as the capitalist system lasts, vote for gold.
      - George Bernard Shaw

Gold is a living god, and rules in scorn all earthly things but virtue.
      - Percy Bysshe Shelley

Commerce has set the mark of selfishness,
  The signet of its all-enslaving power
    Upon a shining ore, and called it gold;
      Before whose image bow the vulgar great,
        The vainly rich, the miserable proud,
          The mob of peasants, nobles, priests, and kings,
            And with blind feelings reverence the power
              That grinds them to the dust of misery.
                But in the temple of their hireling hearts
                  Gold is a living god, and rules in scorn
                    All earthly things but virtue.
      - Percy Bysshe Shelley, Queen Mab
         (pt. V, st. 4)

Gold can gild a rotten stick, and dirt sully an ingot.
      - Sir Philip Sidney (Sydney)

Gold adulterates one thing only,--the human heart.
      - Marguerite de Valois

How few, like Daniel, have God and gold together!
      - George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham

Accursed thirst for gold! what dost thou not compel mortals to do?
  [Lat., Quid non mortalia pectora cogis,
    Auri sacra fames?]
      - Virgil or Vergil (Publius Virgilius Maro Vergil),
        The Aeneid (III, 56)

Can gold calm passion, or make reason shine?
  Can we dig peace, or wisdom, from the mine?
    Wisdom to gold prefer; for 'tis much less
      To make our fortune, than our happiness.
      - Edward Young

Gold glitters most where virtue shines no more, as stars from absent suns have leave to shine.
      - Edward Young

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