(A selected reading list of classical, notable, famous, best-selling, or otherwise significant books, plays, poems, and other works of literature, primarily English language.) |
VIEW QUOTES Patience Abbe, Richard Abbe, and Johnny Abbe, American young sibling travelers and authors (20th century)
VIEW QUOTES Around the World in Eleven Years (1936)
VIEW QUOTES Alexander Abingdon, American (20th century)
VIEW QUOTES Boners: Being a Collection of Schoolboy Wisdom, or Knowledge as It Is . . . (1931)
VIEW QUOTES Meyer Howard Abrams, American literary critic and educator (1912 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Mirror and the Lamp (1953)
VIEW QUOTES Dean Acheson,
American lawyer and statesman (1893 - 1971)
VIEW QUOTES Present at the Creation (1969)
VIEW QUOTES Louis Adamic, American (Slovenian-born) author (1899 - 1951)
VIEW QUOTES The Native's Return (1934)
VIEW QUOTES Henry Brooks Adams,
American man of letters (1838 - 1918)
VIEW QUOTES The Education of Henry Adams (1907)
VIEW QUOTES History of the United States during the Administration of Jefferson (1884)
VIEW QUOTES History of the United States during the Administration of Madison (1888)
VIEW QUOTES Mont Saint Michel and Chartres (1904)
VIEW QUOTES James Truslow Adams,
American historian (1878 - 1949)
VIEW QUOTES The Adams Family (1930)
VIEW QUOTES The Epic of America (1931)
VIEW QUOTES The March of Democracy (1933) (2 volumes)
VIEW QUOTES Scott Adams,
American author and cartoonist (creator of "Dilbert") (1957 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Dilbert Principle (1996)
VIEW QUOTES Dogbert's Top Secret Management Handbook (1996)
VIEW QUOTES Jane Addams,
American social worker and suffragist (1860 - 1935)
VIEW QUOTES A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil (1912)
VIEW QUOTES Mortimer Jerome Adler, American philosopher, educator and editor (1902 - 2001)
VIEW QUOTES How to Read a Book (1940)
VIEW QUOTES Polly Adler,
American writer (1900 - c. 1962)
VIEW QUOTES A House Is Not a Home (1953)
VIEW QUOTES Aeschylus,
Greek tragic poet (525 BC - 456 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Tragedies (c. 472 BC - c. 430 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Arthur Agatson, American physician (1947 - )
VIEW QUOTES The South Beach Diet Cookbook (2004)
VIEW QUOTES Arthur Agatston, American cardiologist (1947 - )
VIEW QUOTES The South Beach Diet (2003)
VIEW QUOTES The American Dream (1961)
VIEW QUOTES Mitch Albom, American sports columnist and writer (1958 - )
VIEW QUOTES Tuesdays with Morrie (1997)
VIEW QUOTES Dan Dale Alexander, American physician (1919 - )
VIEW QUOTES Arthritis and Common Sense (1954)
VIEW QUOTES Frederick Lewis Allen, American writer and editor (1890 - 1954)
VIEW QUOTES Only Yesterday (1931)
American comedian and actor (1953 - )
VIEW QUOTES Don't Stand Too Close to a Naked Man (1994)
VIEW QUOTES Robert G. Allen, American financial adviser, entrepreneur and author (1948 - )
VIEW QUOTES Creating Wealth (1983)
VIEW QUOTES Nothing Down (1980)
VIEW QUOTES Isabel Allende,
Chilean (Peruvian-born, U.S. resident) novelist (1942 - )
VIEW QUOTES The House of the Spirits (1985)
VIEW QUOTES Joseph W. Alsop, Jr. and Robert Kintnor
VIEW QUOTES American White Paper (1940)
VIEW QUOTES Stephen Edward Ambrose, American biographer and historian (1936 - 2002)
VIEW QUOTES Nothing Like It in the World (2000)
VIEW QUOTES American Heritage and United Press International
VIEW QUOTES Four Days (1964)
VIEW QUOTES Anonymous (Clinton Wallace Gilbert and John Kirby)
VIEW QUOTES Mirrors of Washington (1921)
VIEW QUOTES Anonymous (Drew Pearson and Robert S. Allen), American newspaper journalists (1897 - 1969 / 1900 - 1981)
VIEW QUOTES More Merry-Go-Round (1932)
VIEW QUOTES Washington Merry-Go-Round (1931)
VIEW QUOTES Jay Anson, American novelist (1921 - 1980)
VIEW QUOTES The Amityville Horror (1977)
VIEW QUOTES Mary Antin, American (Russian-born) writer and social reformer (1881 - 1949)
VIEW QUOTES The Promised Land (1912)
VIEW QUOTES Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (Marcus Aurelius),
Roman emperor and philosopher (121 - 180)
VIEW QUOTES Meditations (167)
VIEW QUOTES Apollonius of Perga ("The Great Geometer"), Greek epigrammatic poet and mathematician (c. 262 BC - c. 190 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Conic Sections (c. 240 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Everard J. Appleton, American poet and newspaper columnist (1872 - 1931)
VIEW QUOTES With the Colors (1917)
VIEW QUOTES Saint Thomas Aquinas,
Italian theologian and philosopher (1225 - 1274)
VIEW QUOTES Summa Theologica (1265 - 1273)
VIEW QUOTES Archimedes,
Syracusan (Sicilian) geometrician (287 BC - 212 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Works (c. 250 BC - c. 212 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Robert Ardrey,
American anthropologist, human behaviorist and screenwriter (1908 - 1980)
VIEW QUOTES The Territorial Imperative (1966)
VIEW QUOTES Aristophanes,
Greek poet and satirist (c. 448 BC - c. 380 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Comedies (c. 425 BC - c. 380 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Aristotle,
Greek philosopher (384 BC - 322 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Works (c. 350 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Tommy Armour,
American (Scottish-born) golfer (1895 - 1968)
VIEW QUOTES How to Play Your Best Golf All the Time (1953)
VIEW QUOTES Margaret Neilson Armstrong, American book designer and writer (1867 - 1944)
VIEW QUOTES Fanny Kemble (1938)
VIEW QUOTES Countess Elizabeth von Arnim ("Countess Elizabeth Mary Russell"),
English (Australian-born) writer (1866 - 1941)
VIEW QUOTES All the Dogs in My Life (1936)
VIEW QUOTES Cliff Arquette (used pseudonym Charley Weaver), American comedian, actor and song writer (1905 - 1974)
VIEW QUOTES Charley Weaver's Letters from Mamma (1959)
VIEW QUOTES Margot Asquith,
English author (1864 - 1945)
VIEW QUOTES The Autobiography of Margot Asquith (1920)
VIEW QUOTES Robert C. Atkins, American doctor of cardiology and internal medicine (1930 - 2003)
VIEW QUOTES Atkins for Life (2003)
VIEW QUOTES Dr. Atkins' Diet Revolution (1972)
VIEW QUOTES W.H. (Wystan Hugh) Auden,
American (English-born) poet, dramatist and editor (1907 - 1973)
VIEW QUOTES The Dyer's Hand (1962)
VIEW QUOTES Erich Auerbach, German philologist, educator, critic and literary historian (1892 - 1957)
VIEW QUOTES Mimesis (1946)
VIEW QUOTES Saint Aurelius Augustine (Augustine of Hippo),
Roman (Numidian-born) religious figure, writer and philosopher (354 - 430)
VIEW QUOTES City of God (413 - 426)
VIEW QUOTES Confessions (c. 401)
VIEW QUOTES On Christian Doctrine (c. 397)
VIEW QUOTES On the Teacher (c. 389)
VIEW QUOTES Lauren Bacall By Myself (1979)
VIEW QUOTES David Bach, Amercian personal finance writer
VIEW QUOTES The Automatic Millionaire (2004)
VIEW QUOTES Francis Bacon,
English philosopher, statesman and writer (1561 - 1626)
VIEW QUOTES Advancement of Learning (1605)
VIEW QUOTES New Atlantis (1627)
VIEW QUOTES Novum Organum (1620)
VIEW QUOTES John Bakeless, American historiographer and biographer (1894 - 1978)
VIEW QUOTES Daniel Boone (1939)
VIEW QUOTES James Baldwin,
American novelist and essayist (1924 - 1987)
VIEW QUOTES Notes of a Native Son (1955)
VIEW QUOTES Tallulah Bankhead,
American actress (1903 - 1968)
VIEW QUOTES Tallulah (1952)
VIEW QUOTES Joseph J. Bannon, Jr. and Susan M. Moyer
VIEW QUOTES America's Heroes (2001)
VIEW QUOTES W.N.P. (Wilhelm Nero Pilate) Barbellion (pseud. of Bruce F. Cummings), English naturalist and diarist (1889 - 1919)
VIEW QUOTES The Journal of a Disappointed Man (1919)
VIEW QUOTES Henri Barbusse, French novelist and journalist (1873 - 1935)
VIEW QUOTES Under Fire (1917)
VIEW QUOTES Clare Barnes, Jr., American author and advertising agency art director (c1992 - 1992)
VIEW QUOTES Campus Zoo (1950)
VIEW QUOTES Home Sweet Zoo (1949)
VIEW QUOTES White Collar Zoo (1949)
VIEW QUOTES Clarence Barnhart, American lexicographer (1900 - 1993)
VIEW QUOTES Thorndike-Barnhart Comprehensive Desk Dictionary (1951)
VIEW QUOTES Roseanne Barr (a/k/a Rosanne Barr Arnold), American actress and comedian (1952 - )
VIEW QUOTES Roseanne (1989)
VIEW QUOTES Church Dogmatics (1932)
VIEW QUOTES Bruce Barton,
American author and advertising executive (1886 - 1967)
VIEW QUOTES The Book Nobody Knows (1926)
VIEW QUOTES The Man Nobody Knows (1925)
VIEW QUOTES Bernard M. Baruch, American businessman and statesman (1870 - 1965)
VIEW QUOTES Baruch: My Own Story (1957)
VIEW QUOTES Walter Jackson Bate, American educator, biographer and critic (1918 - 1999)
VIEW QUOTES Samuel Johnson (1977)
VIEW QUOTES Ravi Batra, American (Indian-born) educator and economist (1943 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Great Depression of 1990 (1987)
VIEW QUOTES Charles Pierre Baudelaire,
French poet, critic and translator (1821 - 1867)
VIEW QUOTES Lisa Beamer with Ken Abraham
VIEW QUOTES Let's Roll! (2002)
VIEW QUOTES Charles A. Beard and Mary Ritter Beard
VIEW QUOTES The Rise of American Civilization (1927)
VIEW QUOTES Beatles, British rock band (20th century)
VIEW QUOTES The Beatles Anthology (2000)
VIEW QUOTES Simone de Beauvoir,
French writer (1908 - 1986)
VIEW QUOTES The Second Sex (1949)
VIEW QUOTES Harold Begbie (used pseudonym "A Gentleman with a Duster"),
English author and journalist (1871 - 1929)
VIEW QUOTES Mirrors of Downing Street (1920)
VIEW QUOTES Painted Windows (1922)
VIEW QUOTES Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo, American/American comedian and writer/actress and writer (1963 - /1960s(?) -)
VIEW QUOTES He's Just Not That Into You (2004)
VIEW QUOTES Daniel Bell, American educator, sociologist and social theorist (1919 - 2011)
VIEW QUOTES The End of Ideology (1960)
VIEW QUOTES Stephen Vincent Benet,
American poet, novelist and short story writer (1898 - 1943)
VIEW QUOTES John Brown's Body (1928)
VIEW QUOTES Arnold Bennett (Enoch Arnold Bennett),
English novelist, essayist, and playwright (1867 - 1931)
VIEW QUOTES How to Live on Twenty-Four Hours a Day (1910)
VIEW QUOTES Your United States (1912)
VIEW QUOTES William J. Bennett, American government officer (1943 - )
VIEW QUOTES Book of Virtues (1993)
VIEW QUOTES The Moral Compass (1995)
VIEW QUOTES Jeremy Bentham,
English jurist and philosopher (1748 - 1832)
VIEW QUOTES Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation (1780)
VIEW QUOTES Theory of Fictions (1932) edited by C.K. Ogden
VIEW QUOTES Frances Benton, no available biographical information
VIEW QUOTES Etiquette (1956)
VIEW QUOTES Beowulf (c. 700 - 750)
VIEW QUOTES John Berendt, American editor, columnist and writer (1939 - )
VIEW QUOTES Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (1994)
VIEW QUOTES A. (Andrew) Scott Berg, American writer (1949 - )
VIEW QUOTES Kate Remembered (2003)
VIEW QUOTES Peter L. Berger, American sociologist (1929 - )
VIEW QUOTES Invitation to Sociology (1963)
VIEW QUOTES Stuart M. Berger, M.D., American health advice writer, created "Southampton Diet" (1953 - 1994)
VIEW QUOTES Dr. Berger's Immune Power Diet (1985)
VIEW QUOTES Henri Louis Bergson,
French scientist, philosopher and psychologist (1859 - 1941)
VIEW QUOTES Creative Evolution (1907)
VIEW QUOTES Matter and Memory (1896)
VIEW QUOTES Time and Free Will (1889)
VIEW QUOTES The Two Sources of Morality and Religion (1932)
VIEW QUOTES Bishop George Berkeley,
Irish prelate, metaphysical philosopher and writer (1685 - 1753)
VIEW QUOTES Principles of Human Knowledge (1710)
VIEW QUOTES Isaiah Berlin, English (Russian-born) philosopher and historian (1909 - 1997)
VIEW QUOTES The Proper Study of Mankind (1997)
VIEW QUOTES Hector Berlioz,
French composer (1803 - 1869)
VIEW QUOTES The Memoirs of Hector Berlioz (1870)
VIEW QUOTES Charles Berlitz, American linguist and author (1914 - 2003)
VIEW QUOTES The Bermuda Triangle (1974)
VIEW QUOTES Claude Bernard,
French physiologist (1813 - 1878)
VIEW QUOTES Introduction to the Study of Experimental Medicine (1865)
VIEW QUOTES Eric Berne, M.D.,
American psychiatrist and writer (1910 - 1970)
VIEW QUOTES Games People Play (1964)
VIEW QUOTES Morey Bernstein, American businessman, hypnotist and author (1919 - 1999)
VIEW QUOTES The Search for Bridey Murphy (1956)
VIEW QUOTES Better Homes and Gardens
VIEW QUOTES Better Homes and Gardens Baby Book (1963)
VIEW QUOTES Better Homes and Gardens Barbecue Book (1956)
VIEW QUOTES Better Homes and Gardens Blender Cook Book (1971)
VIEW QUOTES Better Homes and Gardens Bread Cook Book (1963)
VIEW QUOTES Better Homes and Gardens Decorating Book (1956)
VIEW QUOTES Better Homes and Gardens Decorating Ideas (1960)
VIEW QUOTES Better Homes and Gardens Dessert Book (1960)
VIEW QUOTES Better Homes and Gardens Diet Book (1955)
VIEW QUOTES Better Homes and Gardens Eat and Stay Slim (1968)
VIEW QUOTES Better Homes and Gardens Favorite Ways with Chicken (1967)
VIEW QUOTES Better Homes and Gardens First Aid for Your Family (1960)
VIEW QUOTES Better Homes and Gardens Flower Arranging (1957)
VIEW QUOTES Better Homes and Gardens Fondue and Tabletop Cooking (1970)
VIEW QUOTES Better Homes and Gardens Home Canning Cookbook (1973)
VIEW QUOTES Better Homes and Gardens Low-Calorie Desserts (1972)
VIEW QUOTES Better Homes and Gardens Menu Cook Book (1972)
VIEW QUOTES Better Homes and Gardens New Cook Book (1981)
VIEW QUOTES Better Homes and Gardens New Cook Book (1989) (10th ed.)
VIEW QUOTES Better Homes and Gardens New Cook Book (1968) (1968 ed.)
VIEW QUOTES Better Homes and Gardens New Cook Book (1954) (1st ed.)
VIEW QUOTES Better Homes and Gardens New Cook Book (1962) (New Edition)
VIEW QUOTES Better Homes and Gardens Nutrition for Your Family (1961)
VIEW QUOTES Better Homes and Gardens Salad Book (1958)
VIEW QUOTES Better Homes and Gardens Sewing Book (1961)
VIEW QUOTES Better Homes and Gardens Casserole Cook Book (1961)
VIEW QUOTES Better Homes and Gardens Garden Book (1951)
VIEW QUOTES Better Homes and Gardens Handyman's Book (1951)
VIEW QUOTES Frank Bettger, American salesman (1888 - 1981)
VIEW QUOTES How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling (1949)
VIEW QUOTES Bible (1400 BC? - 95 AD?)
VIEW QUOTES Bible - Authorized King James Version (1611)
VIEW QUOTES Bible - The New Testament (45? - 95?)
VIEW QUOTES Bible - The Old Testament (1400 BC? - 300 BC?)
VIEW QUOTES The Holy Bible: Revised Standard Version (1952)
VIEW QUOTES The New English Bible (1970)
VIEW QUOTES The New English Bible: The New Testament (1961)
VIEW QUOTES James H. Billington, American historian and Librarian of Congress (1929 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Icon and the Axe (1966)
VIEW QUOTES Stephen Birmingham,
American writer (1932 - )
VIEW QUOTES Our Crowd (1967)
VIEW QUOTES Jim Bishop, American author and journalist (1907 - 1987)
VIEW QUOTES The Day Christ Died (1957)
VIEW QUOTES A Day in the Life of President Kennedy (1964)
VIEW QUOTES Joseph B. Bishop, American journalist and author (1847 - 1929)
VIEW QUOTES Theodore Roosevelt's Letters to His Children (1919)
VIEW QUOTES Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson, M.D.
VIEW QUOTES The One Minute Manager (1982)
VIEW QUOTES Smiley Blanton, M.D.,
English poet (1757 - 1827)
VIEW QUOTES Love or Perish (1956)
VIEW QUOTES Allan David Bloom, American philosopher and educator (1930 - 1992)
VIEW QUOTES The Closing of the American Mind (1987)
VIEW QUOTES Harold H. Bloomfield, American psychiatrist and educator (1944 - )
VIEW QUOTES TM: Discovering Energy and Overcoming Stress (1975)
VIEW QUOTES Betty B. Blunt, no available biographical information
VIEW QUOTES Bet It's a Boy (1940)
VIEW QUOTES Edward Bok, American (Dutch-born) editor (1863 - 1930)
VIEW QUOTES The Americanization of Edward Bok (1920)
VIEW QUOTES A Man from Maine (1923)
VIEW QUOTES Twice Thirty (1925)
VIEW QUOTES Erma Bombeck,
American journalist, author and humorist (1927 - 1996)
VIEW QUOTES Aunt Erma's Cope Book (1979)
VIEW QUOTES Family: The Ties That Bind . . . and Gag! (1987)
VIEW QUOTES The Grass Is Always Greener over the Septic Tank (1976)
VIEW QUOTES If Life Is a Bowl of Cherries--What Am I Doing in the Pits? (1978)
VIEW QUOTES Motherhood (1983)
VIEW QUOTES When You Look Like Your Passport Photo, It's Time to Go Home (1991)
VIEW QUOTES Margaret B. Boni, American music teacher and songbook author (1893? - 1974)
VIEW QUOTES The Fireside Book of Folk Songs (1947)
VIEW QUOTES Pat Boone, American singer (1934 - )
VIEW QUOTES Between You, Me and the Gatepost (1960)
VIEW QUOTES 'Twixt Twelve and Twenty (1958)
VIEW QUOTES Daniel J. Boorstin, American historian, Librarian of Congress and author (1914 - 2004)
VIEW QUOTES The Image (1961)
VIEW QUOTES James Boswell,
Scottish lawyer and biographer (1740 - 1795)
VIEW QUOTES Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides (1785)
VIEW QUOTES The Life of Samuel Johnson (1791)
VIEW QUOTES Kenneth Ewart Boulding, American (British-born) economist (1910 - 1993)
VIEW QUOTES The Meaning of the Twentieth Century (1964)
VIEW QUOTES Jim Bouton, American baseball player (1939 - )
VIEW QUOTES Ball Four (1970)
VIEW QUOTES Catherine Drinker Bowen, American writer (1897 - 1973)
VIEW QUOTES Yankee from Olympus (1944) (biography of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr)
VIEW QUOTES Claude G. Bowers, American journalist, historian and diplomat (1878 - 1958)
VIEW QUOTES Jefferson and Hamilton (1925)
VIEW QUOTES The Tragic Era (1929)
VIEW QUOTES James Bradley, American writer (1954 - )
VIEW QUOTES Flags of Our Fathers (2000)
VIEW QUOTES John Bradshaw, American philosopher, lecturer and author (1933 - )
VIEW QUOTES Homecoming (1990)
VIEW QUOTES Dorothea Brande,
American writer (1893 - 1948)
VIEW QUOTES Wake Up and Live! (1936)
VIEW QUOTES Sarah Ban Breathnach,
American columnist (late 20th century)
VIEW QUOTES Simple Abundance (1995)
VIEW QUOTES Something More (1998)
VIEW QUOTES Eugene Brieux, French dramatist, journalist and editor (1858 - 1932)
VIEW QUOTES Three Plays (1911)
American broadcast journalist (1940 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Greatest Generation (1998)
VIEW QUOTES The Greatest Generation Speaks (1999)
VIEW QUOTES Louis Bromfield,
American novelist (1896 - 1956)
VIEW QUOTES Pleasant Valley (1945)
VIEW QUOTES Jacob Bronowski,
English historian and mathematician (1908 - 1974)
VIEW QUOTES The Ascent of Man (1974)
VIEW QUOTES Van Wyck Brooks,
American literary critic and cultural historian (1886 - 1963)
VIEW QUOTES The Flowering of New England (1936)
VIEW QUOTES New England: Indian Summer (1940)
VIEW QUOTES Jean Jacques Brousson, French (1878 - 1958)
VIEW QUOTES Anatole France Himself (1925)
VIEW QUOTES Dee Brown, American librarian and writer (1908 - 2002)
VIEW QUOTES Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (1970)
VIEW QUOTES Harrison Brown, American geochemist and scientific statesman (1917 - 1986)
VIEW QUOTES The Challenge of Man's Future (1954)
VIEW QUOTES Helen Gurley Brown,
American editor and author (1922 - 2012)
VIEW QUOTES Sex and the Single Girl (1962)
VIEW QUOTES Harry Browne,
American politician and financial manager (1933 - )
VIEW QUOTES You Can Profit from a Monetary Crisis (1974)
VIEW QUOTES Elizabeth Barrett Browning,
English poet (1806 - 1861)
VIEW QUOTES Robert Browning,
English poet (1812 - 1889)
VIEW QUOTES Jerome Seymour Bruner, American cognitive psychologist (1915 - )
VIEW QUOTES On Knowing (1962)
VIEW QUOTES James Bryce, Viscount Bryce,
English diplomat and author (1838 - 1922)
VIEW QUOTES South America (1912)
VIEW QUOTES Scott Milross Buchanan, American educator, philosopher and foundation consultant (1895 - 1968)
VIEW QUOTES Poetry and Mathematics (1929)
American adventurer, actor, filmmaker and writer (1884 - 1950)
VIEW QUOTES On Jungle Trails (1936)
VIEW QUOTES Frank Buck and Edward Anthony
VIEW QUOTES Bring 'em Back Alive (1930)
VIEW QUOTES A Pirate Looks at Fifty (1998)
VIEW QUOTES Prosper Buranelli, F. Gregory Hartswick and Margaret Petherbridge, American crossword puzzle editors (1890 - 1960 / ? / 1897 - 1967)
VIEW QUOTES The Cross Word Puzzle Book (1924)
VIEW QUOTES George Burns,
American comedian and actor (1896 - 1996)
VIEW QUOTES Gracie (1988)
VIEW QUOTES Paul Burrell, English butler and author (1958 - )
VIEW QUOTES A Royal Duty (2003)
VIEW QUOTES Leo Buscaglia, American author and educator (1925 - 1998)
VIEW QUOTES Living, Loving and Learning (1983)
VIEW QUOTES Loving Each Other (1984)
VIEW QUOTES Roger Butterfield, American journalist, editor, historian, consultant and author (1907 - 1981)
VIEW QUOTES The American Past (1947)
VIEW QUOTES The Saturday Evening Post Treasury (1954)
VIEW QUOTES Richard E. Byrd,
American polar explorer (1888 - 1957)
VIEW QUOTES Alone (1938)
VIEW QUOTES Skyward (1928)
VIEW QUOTES James F. Byrnes, American politician and administrator (1879 - 1972)
VIEW QUOTES Speaking Frankly (1947)
VIEW QUOTES Lord Byron (George Gordon Noel Byron),
English poet (1788 - 1824)
VIEW QUOTES Don Juan (1821)
VIEW QUOTES Julius Caesar (Gaius Julius Caesar),
Roman general, statesman, writer and orator (100 BC - 44 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Caesar's Conquests (written about 51 BC)
VIEW QUOTES John Calvin,
French theologian and ecclesiastical statesman (1509 - 1564)
VIEW QUOTES Institutes of the Christian Religion (1536)
VIEW QUOTES Truman Capote,
American novelist and short story writer (1924 - 1984)
VIEW QUOTES In Cold Blood (1965)
American cartoonist (creator of "Li'l Abner") (1909 - 1979)
VIEW QUOTES The Life and Times of the Shmoo (1948)
VIEW QUOTES John Roy Carlson (pseudonym of Avedis Derounian), American investigative reporter and government informant (1909 - 1991)
VIEW QUOTES Under Cover (1943)
VIEW QUOTES Carl Carmer, American poet and novelist (1893 - 1976)
VIEW QUOTES Stars Fell on Alabama (1934)
VIEW QUOTES Dale Carnegie,
American writer and lecturer (1888 - 1955)
VIEW QUOTES How to Stop Worrying and Start Living (1948)
VIEW QUOTES How To Win Friends and Influence People (1936)
VIEW QUOTES Robert A. Caro, American biographer (1935 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Power Broker (1974)
VIEW QUOTES Alexis Carrel,
American surgeon and biologist (1873 - 1944)
VIEW QUOTES Man the Unknown (1935)
VIEW QUOTES Johnny Carson,
American talk show host and comedian (1925 - 2005)
VIEW QUOTES Happiness Is a Dry Martini (1965)
VIEW QUOTES Misery Is a Blind Date (1967)
VIEW QUOTES Rachel L. Carson,
American zoologist (1907 - 1964)
VIEW QUOTES The Sea Around Us (1951)
VIEW QUOTES Silent Spring (1962)
VIEW QUOTES James Earl "Jimmy" Carter,
American 39th president of U.S. (1924 - )
VIEW QUOTES Our Endangered Values (2005)
VIEW QUOTES Cherie Carter-Scott, Ph.D., American writer, public speaker and management consultant (1949 - )
VIEW QUOTES If Life Is a Game, These Are the Rules (1998)
VIEW QUOTES Douglas R. Casey, American businessman and author (1946 - )
VIEW QUOTES Crisis Investing (1979)
VIEW QUOTES Carlos A. Castaneda, American anthropologist and writer (1931 - 1998)
VIEW QUOTES Journey to Ixtlan (1972)
VIEW QUOTES The Second Ring of Power (1977)
VIEW QUOTES Tales of Power (1974)
VIEW QUOTES Bernal Diaz Del Castillo, Spanish soldier and historian (1492 - 1584)
VIEW QUOTES The Discovery and Conquest of Mexico (1632)
VIEW QUOTES Lord David Cecil (Edward Christian David Cecil),
English writer (1902 - 1986)
VIEW QUOTES The Young Melbourne (1939)
VIEW QUOTES Benvenuto Cellini,
Italian goldsmith and sculptor (1500 - 1571)
VIEW QUOTES The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini (1652)
VIEW QUOTES Bennett Cerf, American journalist and publisher (1898 - 1971)
VIEW QUOTES Try and Stop Me (1944)
VIEW QUOTES Whittaker Chambers,
American editor (1901 - 1961)
VIEW QUOTES Witness (1952)
VIEW QUOTES Raymond Chandler,
American short story writer and novelist (1888 - 1959)
VIEW QUOTES The Lady in the Lake (1943)
American actress and writer (1905 - 1978)
VIEW QUOTES Past Imperfect (1942)
VIEW QUOTES Stuart Chase,
American writer (1888 - 1985)
VIEW QUOTES Mexico: A Study of Two Americas (1931)
VIEW QUOTES Geoffrey Chaucer,
English poet (c. 1340 - 1400)
VIEW QUOTES Troilus and Criseyde (1386)
VIEW QUOTES Ron Chernow, American journalist and writer (1949 - )
VIEW QUOTES The House of Morgan (1990)
VIEW QUOTES Apsley G.B. Cherry-Garrard, English explorer (1886 - 1959)
VIEW QUOTES Worst Journey in the World (1922)
VIEW QUOTES Deepak Chopra, Indian physician and author (1949 - )
VIEW QUOTES Ageless Body, Timeless Mind (1993)
VIEW QUOTES The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success (1994)
VIEW QUOTES Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (3),
English statesman and prime minister (1874 - 1965)
VIEW QUOTES Blood, Sweat and Tears (1941)
VIEW QUOTES The Gathering Storm (1948)
VIEW QUOTES The Second World War (1948) (6 volumes)
VIEW QUOTES Cicero (Marcus Tullius Cicero) (often called "Tully" for short),
Roman philosopher, statesman and orator (106 BC - 43 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Works (c. 81 BC - c. 43 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Craig Claiborne, American editor and author (1920 - 2000)
VIEW QUOTES Craig Claiborne's Gourmet Diet (1980)
VIEW QUOTES Kenneth MacKenzie Clark, English art historian and author (1903 - 1983)
VIEW QUOTES The Nude (1956)
VIEW QUOTES Ron Clark, American educator and author (c. 1972 -)
VIEW QUOTES The Essential 55 (2003)
VIEW QUOTES George Herbert Clarke, American (Canadian-born) educator and poet (1873 - 1953)
VIEW QUOTES Treasury of War Poetry (1917)
VIEW QUOTES Paul L.C. Claudel, French dramatist, poet and diplomat (1868 - 1955)
VIEW QUOTES The Satin Slipper (1931)
VIEW QUOTES Karl von Clausewitz,
Prussian military leader and author (1780 - 1831)
VIEW QUOTES On War (1827)
VIEW QUOTES Hillary Rodham Clinton,
American first lady, author and lawyer (1947 - )
VIEW QUOTES Living History (2003)
VIEW QUOTES William Jefferson "Bill" Clinton,
American 42nd president of U.S. (1946 - )
VIEW QUOTES My Life (2004)
VIEW QUOTES Hubbard Cobb, American (1917 - )
VIEW QUOTES Your Dream Home (1950)
VIEW QUOTES Irvin Shrewsbury Cobb,
American journalist, novelist and miscellaneous writer (1876 - 1944)
VIEW QUOTES Exit Laughing (1941)
VIEW QUOTES William Frederick Cody ("Buffalo Bill"), American scout, Indian fighter and showman (1846 - 1917)
VIEW QUOTES Buffalo Bill (1920)
VIEW QUOTES David Elliot Cohen, American editor (1955 - )
VIEW QUOTES Christmas in America (1988)
VIEW QUOTES Herb Cohen, American negotiator (late 20th century)
VIEW QUOTES You Can Negotiate Anything (1980)
VIEW QUOTES Samuel Taylor Coleridge,
English poet and critic (1772 - 1834)
VIEW QUOTES Poems Biographia Literaria (1817)
VIEW QUOTES Robert Coles, American psychiatrist (1929 - )
VIEW QUOTES Children of Crisis (1967)
VIEW QUOTES Hiram Price Collier, American miscellaneous writer (1860 - 1913)
VIEW QUOTES Germany and the Germans (1913)
VIEW QUOTES Jim Collins (James Charles Collins), American management researcher (1958 - )
VIEW QUOTES Good to Great (2001)
VIEW QUOTES Charles W. Colson, American presidential adviser (1931 - )
VIEW QUOTES Born Again (1976)
VIEW QUOTES Alex Comfort, English gerontology and sexuality researcher (1920 - 2000)
VIEW QUOTES The Joy of Sex (1972)
VIEW QUOTES More Joy (1973)
VIEW QUOTES Ivy Compton-Burnett,
English novelist (1884 - 1969)
VIEW QUOTES Men and Wives (1931)
VIEW QUOTES The Mighty and Their Fall (1961)
VIEW QUOTES Auguste Comte,
French philosopher (1798 - 1857)
VIEW QUOTES The Positive Philosophy (1830 - 1842) (6 volumes)
VIEW QUOTES Confucius,
Chinese philosopher (c. 551 BC - 478 BC)
VIEW QUOTES The Analects (c. 500 BC)
VIEW QUOTES William Congreve,
English dramatic poet (1670 - 1729)
VIEW QUOTES The Way of the World (1700)
VIEW QUOTES Charles Paul Conn, American psychologist (1945 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Possible Dream (1977)
VIEW QUOTES The Winner's Circle (1979)
VIEW QUOTES Alistair Cooke,
English-American journalist and broadcaster (1908 - 2004)
VIEW QUOTES Alistair Cooke's America (1973)
VIEW QUOTES Nicolaus Copernicus,
Polish astronomer (1473 - 1543)
VIEW QUOTES On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres (1543)
VIEW QUOTES Patricia Cornwell (Patricia Daniels Cornwell), American novelist (1956 - )
VIEW QUOTES Portrait of a Killer (2002)
American comedian and actor (1937 - )
VIEW QUOTES Childhood (1991)
VIEW QUOTES Fatherhood (1986)
VIEW QUOTES Time Flies (1987)
VIEW QUOTES Howard Cosell, American lawyer and television sports commentator (1920 - 1995)
VIEW QUOTES I Never Played the Game (1985) with Peter Bonventre
French psychologist (1857 - 1926)
VIEW QUOTES Self Mastery Through Conscious Auto-Suggestion (1922)
VIEW QUOTES Ann Coulter,
American lawyer, essayist and author (1961 - )
VIEW QUOTES Godless (2006)
VIEW QUOTES Treason (2003)
VIEW QUOTES Norman Cousins,
American editor and essayist (1912 - 1990)
VIEW QUOTES Anatomy of an Illness as Perceived by the Patient (1979)
VIEW QUOTES Noel Coward,
English playwright, actor, composer and director (1899 - 1973)
VIEW QUOTES Present Indicative (1937)
VIEW QUOTES Marjorie Craig (Marjorie Craig Crowley)(used pseudonym Miss Craig), American health and fitness author (1912 - 2003)
VIEW QUOTES Miss Craig's 21-Day Shape-Up Program for Men and Women (1968)
VIEW QUOTES Gertrude Crampton
VIEW QUOTES Scuffy the Tugboat (1946)
VIEW QUOTES Tootle (1945)
VIEW QUOTES Stephen Crane,
American novelist, poet, short story writer and (1871 - 1900)
VIEW QUOTES Christina Crawford, American daughter of actress Joan Crawford (1939 - )
VIEW QUOTES Mommie Dearest (1978)
VIEW QUOTES Betty Crocker
VIEW QUOTES Betty Crocker's Good and Easy Cook Book (1954)
VIEW QUOTES Betty Crocker's New Picture Cook Book: New Edition (1961)
VIEW QUOTES Betty Crocker's Picture Cook Book (1950)
VIEW QUOTES Betty Crocker's Picture Cook Book (1956) (2nd ed.)
VIEW QUOTES Herbert Croly, American journalist and political philosopher (1869 - 1930)
VIEW QUOTES The Promise of American Life (1909)
VIEW QUOTES Walter Cronkite,
American broadcast journalist (1916 - )
VIEW QUOTES A Reporter's Life (1996)
VIEW QUOTES Billy Crystal,
American comedian and actor (1947 - )
VIEW QUOTES 700 Sundays (2005)
VIEW QUOTES Ely Culbertson,
American bridge card game expert (1891 - 1955)
VIEW QUOTES Contract Bridge Blue Book (1930)
VIEW QUOTES Contract Bridge Blue Book of 1933 (1933)
VIEW QUOTES Culbertson's Summary (1931)
VIEW QUOTES Euclides da Cunha, Brazilian writer (1866 - 1909)
VIEW QUOTES Rebellion in the Backlands (1902)
VIEW QUOTES Eve Curie (Eve Marie Labouisse), French journalist and biographer (1904 - 2007)
VIEW QUOTES Journey Among Warriors (1943)
VIEW QUOTES Madame Curie (1938)
VIEW QUOTES D. Thomas Curtin (Daniel Thomas Curtin), American (1886 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Land of Deepening Shadow (1917)
VIEW QUOTES Norman F. Dacey, American business adviser, estate planner and author (1908 - 1940)
VIEW QUOTES How to Avoid Probate (1965)
VIEW QUOTES Robert A. Dahl, American educator and political scientist (1915 - )
VIEW QUOTES A Preface to Democratic Theory (1956)
VIEW QUOTES Dalai Lama and Howard C. Cutler
VIEW QUOTES The Art of Happiness (1999)
VIEW QUOTES Rosie Daley, American cook (1961 - )
VIEW QUOTES In the Kitchen with Rosie (1994)
VIEW QUOTES George Dangerfield, American (English-born) historian (1904 - 1986)
VIEW QUOTES The Strange Death of Liberal England (1935)
VIEW QUOTES Dante ("Dante Alighieri"),
Italian epic poet (1265 - 1321)
VIEW QUOTES The Divine Comedy (c. 1306 - 1321)
VIEW QUOTES On Monarchy (1313)
VIEW QUOTES Christopher A. Darden, American lawyer (1957 - )
VIEW QUOTES In Contempt (1996)
VIEW QUOTES Clarence Darrow,
American lawyer (1857 - 1938)
VIEW QUOTES The Story of My Life (1932)
VIEW QUOTES Charles Robert Darwin,
English naturalist and writer (1809 - 1882)
VIEW QUOTES Autobiography (1887)
VIEW QUOTES The Descent of Man (1871)
VIEW QUOTES The Origin of Species (1859)
VIEW QUOTES The Voyage of the Beagle (1839)
VIEW QUOTES Joseph E. Davies, American lawyer and diplomat (1876 - 1958)
VIEW QUOTES Mission to Moscow (1941)
VIEW QUOTES Leonardo da Vinci,
Italian painter, sculptor, architect and engineer (1452 - 1519)
VIEW QUOTES Notebooks (1478 and after)
VIEW QUOTES Elmer Davis,
American journalist and news commentator (1890 - 1958)
VIEW QUOTES But We Were Born Free (1954)
VIEW QUOTES Richard Harding Davis,
American journalist, novelist and miscellaneous writer (1864 - 1916)
VIEW QUOTES Adventures and Letters of Richard Harding Davis (1917)
VIEW QUOTES Coningsby William Dawson,
American (English-born) novelist (1883 - 1959)
VIEW QUOTES Carry On (1917)
VIEW QUOTES The Glory of the Trenches (1918)
VIEW QUOTES Out to Win (1918)
VIEW QUOTES Clarence Day,
American biographer and essayist (1874 - 1935)
VIEW QUOTES Life with Father (1935)
VIEW QUOTES Life with Mother (1937)
VIEW QUOTES This Simian World (1920)
American lawyer and White House counsel (1938 - )
VIEW QUOTES Blind Ambition: The White House Years (1976)
VIEW QUOTES Paula Deen, American television chef
VIEW QUOTES Paula Deen Celebrates! (2006)
VIEW QUOTES Ellen DeGeneres, American comedienne (1958 - )
VIEW QUOTES My Point . . . and I Do Have One (1995)
VIEW QUOTES Rene Descartes,
French mathematician and philosopher (1596 - 1650)
VIEW QUOTES Discourse on the Method (1637)
VIEW QUOTES Geometry (1637) (appendix to "Discourse on the Method")
VIEW QUOTES Meditations on First Philosophy (1641)
VIEW QUOTES Rules for the Direction of the Mind (written 1629; publ. 1701)
VIEW QUOTES Karl W. Deutsch, American (Czech-born) international political scientist (1912 - 1992)
VIEW QUOTES Nerves of Government (1963)
American philosopher and educator (1859 - 1952)
VIEW QUOTES Democracy and Education (1916)
VIEW QUOTES Experience and Nature (1925)
VIEW QUOTES How We Think: A Restatement (1933)
VIEW QUOTES Logic, the Theory of Inquiry (1938)
VIEW QUOTES Philosophy and Civilization (1931)
VIEW QUOTES Harvey Diamond and Marilyn Diamond
VIEW QUOTES Fit for Life (1985)
VIEW QUOTES Charles Dickens,
English novelist (1812 - 1870)
VIEW QUOTES The Life of Our Lord (1849)
VIEW QUOTES Emily Dickinson,
American poet (1830 - 1886)
VIEW QUOTES Pilgrim at Tinker Creek (1974)
VIEW QUOTES Phyllis Diller,
American comedienne (1917 - )
VIEW QUOTES Phyllis Diller's Housekeeping Hints (1966)
VIEW QUOTES Phyllis Diller's Marriage Manual (1967)
VIEW QUOTES The Art of Thinking (1928)
VIEW QUOTES What We Live By (1932)
VIEW QUOTES Isak Dinesen (pseudonym of Karen Blixen),
Danish short story writer (1885 - 1962)
VIEW QUOTES Out of Africa (1937)
VIEW QUOTES Jeane Dixon, American astrologer and alleged psychic (1918 - 1997)
VIEW QUOTES Jean Dixon (1969)
VIEW QUOTES James Dobson, American child psychologist and author (1936 - )
VIEW QUOTES Bringing Up Boys (2001)
VIEW QUOTES George A. Dorsey, American anthropologist (1868 - 1931)
VIEW QUOTES Why We Behave Like Human Beings (1925)
VIEW QUOTES Charles M. Doughty, English poet and traveler (1843 - 1926)
VIEW QUOTES Travels in Arabia Deserta (1888)
VIEW QUOTES W.E.B. (William Edward Burghardt) Du Bois,
American writer and social reformer (1868 - 1963)
VIEW QUOTES The Souls of Black Folk (1903)
VIEW QUOTES William James (Will) Durant,
American historian and author (1885 - 1981)
VIEW QUOTES The Mansions of Philosophy (1929)
VIEW QUOTES The Story of Philosophy (1926)
VIEW QUOTES Walter Duranty, American (English-born) journalist and author (1884 - 1957)
VIEW QUOTES I Write As I Please (1935)
VIEW QUOTES Emile Durkheim, French sociologist (1858 - 1917)
VIEW QUOTES Suicide (1897)
VIEW QUOTES Friedrich Durrenmatt,
Swiss playwright (1921 - 1990)
VIEW QUOTES The Visit (1956)
VIEW QUOTES Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, American psychologist (1940 - )
VIEW QUOTES Pulling Your Own Strings (1978)
VIEW QUOTES The Sky's the Limit (1980)
VIEW QUOTES Your Erroneous Zones (1976)
VIEW QUOTES Betty J. Eadie, American writer (1942 - )
VIEW QUOTES Embraced by the Light (1992)
VIEW QUOTES Albert Einstein,
American (German-born) theoretical physicist (1879 - 1955)
VIEW QUOTES The Evolution of Physics (1938)
VIEW QUOTES Ideas and Opinions (1954)
VIEW QUOTES The Meaning of Relativity (1922)
VIEW QUOTES On the Method of Theoretical Physics (1933)
VIEW QUOTES Loren Eiseley,
American anthropologist, educator and author (1907 - 1977)
VIEW QUOTES The Immense Journey (1957)
VIEW QUOTES Dwight David Eisenhower,
American 34th president of U.S. (1890 - 1969)
VIEW QUOTES Crusade in Europe (1948)
VIEW QUOTES T.S. Eliot (Thomas Stearns Eliot),
American poet, critic and playwright (1888 - 1965)
VIEW QUOTES Complete Plays
VIEW QUOTES Complete Poems
VIEW QUOTES Selected Essays, 1917-1932 (1917 - 1932)
VIEW QUOTES Edward Sylvester Ellis, American educator and writer (1840 - 1916)
VIEW QUOTES The Life of Colonel David Crockett (1884)
VIEW QUOTES O.O. Ellis and E.B. Garey
VIEW QUOTES The Plattsburg Manual (1917)
VIEW QUOTES Ralph Ellison,
American author (1914 - 1994)
VIEW QUOTES Shadow and Act (1964)
VIEW QUOTES Richard Ellman, American biographer, literary critic and educator (1918 - 1987)
VIEW QUOTES James Joyce (1959)
VIEW QUOTES Ralph Waldo Emerson,
American essayist and poet (1803 - 1882)
VIEW QUOTES Representative Men (1850)
VIEW QUOTES Selected Writings
VIEW QUOTES Arthur Guy Empey, American soldier, actor, producer, director and author (1883 - 1963)
VIEW QUOTES Over the Top (1917)
VIEW QUOTES Epictetus,
Greek (Phrygian) philosopher (55 - 135)
VIEW QUOTES Discourses (101)
VIEW QUOTES Enchiridion (101) (a/k/a Encheiridion)
Greek philosopher (341 BC - 271 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Letter to Herodotus (c. 306 BC - c. 270 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Letter to Menoecus (c. 306 BC - c. 270 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Desiderius Gerhard Erasmus,
Dutch scholar, philosopher and writer (1465 - 1536)
VIEW QUOTES In the Praise of Folly (1509)
VIEW QUOTES Emile Erckmann and Alexandre Chatrian
VIEW QUOTES Waterloo (1868)
VIEW QUOTES Erik H. Erikson, American (German-born) psychoanalyst and theorist (1902 - 1994)
VIEW QUOTES Childhood and Society (1950)
VIEW QUOTES Clarissa Pinkola Estes, American psychoanalyst (1943 - )
VIEW QUOTES Women Who Run With the Wolves (1992)
Greek geometer (c. 323 BC - 283 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Elements (c. 300 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Euripides,
Greek tragic poet (485 BC - 406 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Tragedies (c. 450 BC - c. 408 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Clifton Fadiman,
American radio performer, critic and author (1904 - 1999)
VIEW QUOTES Reading I've Liked (1941)
VIEW QUOTES Douglas Fairbanks, Sr.,
American actor (1883 - 1939)
VIEW QUOTES Laugh and Live (1917)
VIEW QUOTES Frantz Fanon,
French West Indian (Martinique-born) psychoanalyst, anticolonist and writer (1925 - 1961)
VIEW QUOTES The Wretched of the Earth (1961)
VIEW QUOTES Michael Faraday, English physicist and chemist (1791 - 1867)
VIEW QUOTES Chemical History of a Candle (1860)
VIEW QUOTES Experimental Researches in Electricity (1839 - 1855)
VIEW QUOTES Fannie Farmer, American culinary authority (1857 - 1915)
VIEW QUOTES The Boston Cooking School Cook Book (1896)
VIEW QUOTES James Negley Farson, American writer (1890 - 1960)
VIEW QUOTES The Way of a Transgressor (1935)
VIEW QUOTES Julius Fast, American writer (1919 - )
VIEW QUOTES Body Language (1970)
VIEW QUOTES Edna Ferber,
American novelist and playwright (1885 - 1968)
VIEW QUOTES A Peculiar Treasure (1939)
VIEW QUOTES Richard P. Feynman,
American physicist (1918 - 1988)
VIEW QUOTES Six Easy Pieces (1995)
VIEW QUOTES Christopher Finch, American (English-born) art critic (1939 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Art of Walt Disney (1973)
VIEW QUOTES James Fixx, American jogger (runner) and writer (1932 - 1984)
VIEW QUOTES The Complete Book of Running (1977)
VIEW QUOTES Charles Macomb Flandrau, American traveler and writer (1871 - 1938)
VIEW QUOTES Viva Mexico! (1908)
VIEW QUOTES Peter Fleming, English traveler and writer (1907 - 1971)
VIEW QUOTES Brazilian Adventure (1933)
VIEW QUOTES Rudolf Flesch, American (Austrian-born) writer (1911 - 1986)
VIEW QUOTES Why Johnny Can't Read (1955)
VIEW QUOTES John T. Flynn, American journalist (1882 - 1964)
VIEW QUOTES Country Squire in the White House (1940)
VIEW QUOTES Ken Follett, English (Welsh-born) novelist (1949 - )
VIEW QUOTES On Wings of Eagles (1983)
American actress and political activist (1937 - )
VIEW QUOTES Jane Fonda's Workout Book (1981)
VIEW QUOTES Women Coming of Age (1984)
VIEW QUOTES Shelby Foote,
American novelist, playwright, historian and author (1916 - 2005)
VIEW QUOTES The Civil War (1958) (a series)
VIEW QUOTES E.M. (Edward Morgan) Forster,
English novelist (1879 - 1970)
VIEW QUOTES Aspects of the Novel (1927)
VIEW QUOTES Harry Emerson Fosdick,
American Baptist minister (1878 - 1969)
VIEW QUOTES On Being a Real Person (1943)
VIEW QUOTES Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier, French mathematician and physicist (1768 - 1830)
VIEW QUOTES Analytical Theory of Heat (1822)
VIEW QUOTES Gene Fowler,
American journalist, screenwriter and biographer (1890 - 1960)
VIEW QUOTES Good Night, Sweet Prince (1944)
VIEW QUOTES A Solo in Tom-Toms (1946)
VIEW QUOTES Harry A. Franck, American writer and world traveler (1881 - 1962)
VIEW QUOTES Zone Policeman 88 (1913)
German-Dutch diarist (1929 - 1945)
VIEW QUOTES The Diary of a Young Girl (1847)
VIEW QUOTES Al Franken, American comedian, actor and writer (1951 - )
VIEW QUOTES Lies: And the Lying Liars Who Tell Them (2003)
VIEW QUOTES Benjamin Franklin,
American philosopher and statesman (1706 - 1790)
VIEW QUOTES Benjamin Franklin (1817)
VIEW QUOTES James George Frazer,
Scottish anthropologist (1854 - 1941)
VIEW QUOTES The Golden Bough (1922) (1 volume abridged edition, original 2 volume edition published 1890)
VIEW QUOTES Douglas Southall Freeman, American editor (1886 - 1952)
VIEW QUOTES R.E. Lee (1934)
VIEW QUOTES Sigmund Freud,
Austrian psychoanalyst (1856 - 1939)
VIEW QUOTES Basic Writings (1938)
VIEW QUOTES Civilization and Its Discontents (1930)
VIEW QUOTES The Interpretation of Dreams (1900)
VIEW QUOTES Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis (1916)
VIEW QUOTES New Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis (1933)
VIEW QUOTES Thomas L. Friedman, American journalist (1953 - )
VIEW QUOTES The World is Flat (2005)
VIEW QUOTES Milton Friedman and Rose Friedman
VIEW QUOTES Free to Choose: A Personal Statement (1980)
VIEW QUOTES Robert Lee Frost,
American poet and psychologist (1874 - 1963)
VIEW QUOTES Brian Froud and Alan Lee
VIEW QUOTES Faeries (1978)
VIEW QUOTES Robert Fulghum, American author (1937 - )
VIEW QUOTES All I Really Need To Know I Learned in Kindergarten (1988)
VIEW QUOTES It Was on Fire When I Lay Down on It (1989)
VIEW QUOTES Uh-Oh (1991)
VIEW QUOTES The Great War and Modern Memory (1975)
VIEW QUOTES John Kenneth Galbraith,
American economist, diplomat and author (1908 - 2006)
VIEW QUOTES The Affluent Society (1958)
VIEW QUOTES Claudius Galen (Galenus),
Greek physician and medical writer (130 - c. 201)
VIEW QUOTES On the Natural Faculties (170)
VIEW QUOTES Galilei Galileo,
Italian physicist and astronomer (1564 - 1642)
VIEW QUOTES Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences (1638)
VIEW QUOTES The Starry Messenger (1610)
VIEW QUOTES John W. Gardner, American writer and government official (1912 - 2002)
VIEW QUOTES Self-Renewal (1964)
VIEW QUOTES William ("Bill") H. Gates,
American business executive (1955 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Road Ahead (1995)
VIEW QUOTES The General Food Kitchens
VIEW QUOTES The General Foods Kitchens Cookbook (1959)
VIEW QUOTES James Watson Gerard,
American lawyer, judge, politician and diplomat, ambassador to Germany (1867 - 1951)
VIEW QUOTES Face to Face with Kaiserism (1918)
VIEW QUOTES My Four Years in Germany (1917)
VIEW QUOTES Edward Gibbon,
English historian (1737 - 1794)
VIEW QUOTES Autobiography (1796) (a/k/a "Memoirs of His Life & Writings")
VIEW QUOTES The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1776 - 1788) (6 volumes)
VIEW QUOTES Sir Philip Gibbs,
English journalist, editor and novelist (1877 - 1962)
VIEW QUOTES Now It Can Be Told (1920)
VIEW QUOTES Sir William Schwenk Gilbert,
English comedic and satirical writer, dramatist and librettist (1836 - 1911)
VIEW QUOTES On the Loadstone and Magnetic Bodies (1600)
VIEW QUOTES Frank Bunker Gilbreth, Jr. and Ernestine Gilbreth Carey, American siblings and writers (1911 - 2001 / 1908 - 2006)
VIEW QUOTES Belles on Their Toes (1950)
VIEW QUOTES Cheaper by the Dozen (1948)
VIEW QUOTES Charles Coulston Gillispie, American scientist (1918 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Edge of Objectivity (1960)
VIEW QUOTES Newt (Newton) Gingrich,
American politician (1943 - )
VIEW QUOTES To Renew America (1995)
VIEW QUOTES Dr. Haim G. Ginott, American (Israeli-born) child psychologist and author (1922 - 1973)
VIEW QUOTES Between Parent and Child (1965)
VIEW QUOTES Between Parent and Teenager (1969)
VIEW QUOTES Rudolph W. Giuliani,
American politician and mayor of New York (1944 - )
VIEW QUOTES Leadership (2002)
VIEW QUOTES Charles J. Givens, American financial adviser and author (1942? - 1998)
VIEW QUOTES Financial Self-Defense (1990)
VIEW QUOTES More Wealth Without Risk (1991)
VIEW QUOTES Wealth Without Risk (1988)
VIEW QUOTES Malcolm Gladwell, American journalist (1963 - )
VIEW QUOTES Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking (2005)
VIEW QUOTES Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
German poet (1749 - 1832)
VIEW QUOTES Faust (1808)
VIEW QUOTES Of My Life: Poetry and Truth (1811)
VIEW QUOTES Harry Golden, American journalist, publisher and writer (1902 - 1981)
VIEW QUOTES For 2 Cents Plain (1959)
VIEW QUOTES Only in America (1958)
VIEW QUOTES Barry M. Goldwater,
American republican politician (1909 - 1998)
VIEW QUOTES The Conscience of a Conservative (1960)
VIEW QUOTES Robert John Goldwater, American art historian (1907 - 1973)
VIEW QUOTES Artists on Art (1945)
VIEW QUOTES Ernest H. Gombrich, Austrian art historian and author (1909 - 2001)
VIEW QUOTES Art and Illusion (1960)
VIEW QUOTES Linda Goodman, American astrologer and author (1925 - 1995)
VIEW QUOTES Sun Signs (1968)
VIEW QUOTES Doris Kearns Goodwin, American writer (1943 - )
VIEW QUOTES Team of Rivals (2005)
VIEW QUOTES Ekaterina Gordeeva, Russian ice skater (1971 - )
VIEW QUOTES My Sergei (1996)
VIEW QUOTES Stephen Jay Gould,
American paleontologist and evolutionary biologist (1941 - 2002)
VIEW QUOTES The Mismeasure of Man (1981)
VIEW QUOTES Lawrence Gowing, English painter, curator, art historian and author (1918 - 1991)
VIEW QUOTES Vermeer (1952)
VIEW QUOTES Billy Graham,
American evangelist (1918 - )
VIEW QUOTES Angels (1975)
VIEW QUOTES The Secret of Happiness (1955)
VIEW QUOTES World Aflame (1965)
VIEW QUOTES Ulysses Simpson Grant,
American general and 18th president of U.S. (1822 - 1885)
VIEW QUOTES Personal Memoirs (1885)
VIEW QUOTES Robert Ranke Graves,
Irish novelist, poet and writer (1895 - 1985)
VIEW QUOTES Goodbye to All That (1929)
American psychotherapist and writer (1951 - )
VIEW QUOTES Mars and Venus in the Bedroom (1995)
VIEW QUOTES Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus (1992)
VIEW QUOTES Thomas Gray,
English poet, prose writer and scholar (1716 - 1771)
VIEW QUOTES Elegy in a Country Churchyard (1751)
VIEW QUOTES Mary Green (pseudonym of Marietta McPherson Greenough), American (1870 - )
VIEW QUOTES Better Meals for Less Money (1917)
VIEW QUOTES How To Be a Jewish Mother (1964)
VIEW QUOTES Bob Greene (2), American exercise physiologist and personal trainer (late 20th century)
VIEW QUOTES The Best Life Diet (2006)
VIEW QUOTES Get with the Program (2002)
VIEW QUOTES Bradley Trevor Greive, Australian author (1970 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Blue Day Book (2000)
VIEW QUOTES Joseph C. Grew, American diplomat (1880 - 1965)
VIEW QUOTES Ten Years in Japan (1944)
VIEW QUOTES Lord Edward Grey (Grey of Fallodon, 1st Viscount),
English viscount, diplomatist and sec'y of state for foreign affairs (1862 - 1933)
VIEW QUOTES Twenty-Five Years (1925)
VIEW QUOTES John Grisham, American writer (1955 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Innocent Man (2006)
VIEW QUOTES John Grogan, American journalist (1957 - )
VIEW QUOTES Marley & Me (2006)
VIEW QUOTES Edgar Albert Guest,
American poet, humorist, journalist and miscellaneous writer (1881 - 1959)
VIEW QUOTES The Light of Faith (1926)
VIEW QUOTES Over Here (1918)
VIEW QUOTES Mireille Guiliano, American (French-born) business woman and author (1946 -)
VIEW QUOTES French Women Don't Eat Fat (2005)
VIEW QUOTES Guinness World Records
VIEW QUOTES Guinness World Records 2000 Millenium Edition (1999)
VIEW QUOTES Guinness World Records 2001 (2000)
VIEW QUOTES Guinness World Records 2002 (2001)
VIEW QUOTES Guinness World Records 2003 (2002)
VIEW QUOTES Guinness World Records 2004 (2003)
VIEW QUOTES Guinness World Records 2005 (2004)
VIEW QUOTES Guinness World Records 2006 (2005)
VIEW QUOTES Guinness World Records 2007 (2006)
VIEW QUOTES John Gunther,
American journalist (1901 - 1970)
VIEW QUOTES Inside Africa (1955)
VIEW QUOTES Inside Asia (1939)
VIEW QUOTES Inside Europe (1936)
VIEW QUOTES Inside Latin America (1941)
VIEW QUOTES Inside Russia Today (1958)
VIEW QUOTES Inside U.S.A. (1947)
VIEW QUOTES David B. Guralnik, American editor (1920 - 2000)
VIEW QUOTES Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language, concise ed. (1956)
VIEW QUOTES Robert Haas, M.D., American physician (1948 - )
VIEW QUOTES Eat to Win (1983)
VIEW QUOTES Francis Hackett, American (Irish-born) writer (1883 - 1962)
VIEW QUOTES Francis the First (1934)
VIEW QUOTES Henry the Eighth (1929)
VIEW QUOTES Ian Hacking, Canadian philosopher (1936 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Taming of Chance (1990)
American novelist and journalist (1921 - 1992)
VIEW QUOTES Roots (1976)
VIEW QUOTES Louis J. Halle, American diplomat and writer (1910 - 1998)
VIEW QUOTES Spring in Washington (1947)
VIEW QUOTES Richard Halliburton, American explorer and writer (1900 - 1939)
VIEW QUOTES The Glorious Adventure (1927)
VIEW QUOTES The Royal Road to Romance (1925)
VIEW QUOTES Margaret Halsey,
American author (1910 - 1997)
VIEW QUOTES With Malice Toward Some (1938)
VIEW QUOTES Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay, American statesmen (18th - 19th centuries)
VIEW QUOTES Federalist Papers (1787 - 1789)
VIEW QUOTES Dag Hammarskjold,
Swedish diplomat and political economist (1905 - 1961)
VIEW QUOTES Markings (1964)
VIEW QUOTES Hammurabi, Babylonian king (c. 1792 BC - 1750 BC)
VIEW QUOTES The Code of Hammurabi (c. 1790 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Donald William Alers Hankey, American (1884 - 1916)
VIEW QUOTES A Student in Arms (1916)
VIEW QUOTES Godfrey Harold Hardy,
English mathematician (1877 - 1947)
VIEW QUOTES A Mathematician's Apology (1940)
VIEW QUOTES Thomas Hardy,
English novelist and poet (1840 - 1928)
VIEW QUOTES Collected Poems
VIEW QUOTES Marion Hargrove, American editor and writer (1919 - 2003)
VIEW QUOTES See Here, Private Hargrove (1942)
VIEW QUOTES Thomas Anthony Harris, M.D. (1), American psychiatrist who developed transactional analysis (1910 - 1995)
VIEW QUOTES I'm O.K., You're O.K. (1971)
VIEW QUOTES Moss Hart, American librettist and playwright (1904 - 1961)
VIEW QUOTES Act One (1959)
VIEW QUOTES William Harvey (1),
English physician (1578 - 1657)
VIEW QUOTES An Anatomical Study of the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals (1628)
VIEW QUOTES Essays on the Generation of Animals (1651)
VIEW QUOTES On the Circulation of the Blood (1641)
VIEW QUOTES Frank A. Haskell, American Union army officer (1828 - 1864)
VIEW QUOTES The Battle of Gettysburg (1863)
VIEW QUOTES Gayelord Hauser (a/k/a Bengamin Gayelord Hauser), American nutritionist (1895 - 1984)
VIEW QUOTES Look Younger, Live Longer (1950)
VIEW QUOTES Stephen W. Hawking,
English theoretical physicist (1942 - )
VIEW QUOTES A Brief History of Time (1988)
VIEW QUOTES Ian Hay (pseudonym of Major John Hay Beith),
English novelist and playwright (1876 - 1952)
VIEW QUOTES The First Hundred Thousand (1916)
VIEW QUOTES Getting Together (1917)
VIEW QUOTES Naura Hayden, American actress, singer and writer (1942 - )
VIEW QUOTES How to Satisfy a Woman Every Time (1983)
VIEW QUOTES Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel,
German philosopher (1770 - 1831)
VIEW QUOTES Lectures on the Philosophy of History (1833)
VIEW QUOTES Phenomenology of Spirit (1807) (a/k/a "Phenomenology of Mind")
VIEW QUOTES Philosophy of Right (1821)
VIEW QUOTES Robert L. Heilbroner, American economist (1919 - 2005)
VIEW QUOTES The Future as History (1960)
VIEW QUOTES Victor Heiser, American physician and public health authority (1873 - 1972)
VIEW QUOTES An American Doctor's Odyssey (1936)
VIEW QUOTES Ernest Hemingway,
American novelist (1898 - 1961)
VIEW QUOTES A Moveable Feast (1964)
VIEW QUOTES Burton J. Hendrick, American writer (1870 - 1949)
VIEW QUOTES The Life and Letters of Walter H. Page (1922)
VIEW QUOTES Katharine Hepburn,
American actress (1907 - 2003)
VIEW QUOTES Herodotus ("Father of History"),
Greek historian (c. 484 BC - c. 409 BC)
VIEW QUOTES History of the Persians (c. 440 BC) (a/k/a "The Histories")
VIEW QUOTES James Herriot (f/k/a James Alfred Wright),
English veterinarian and writer (1916 - 1995)
VIEW QUOTES All Things Bright and Beautiful (1974)
VIEW QUOTES All Things Wise and Wonderful (1977)
VIEW QUOTES The Best of James Herriot (1982)
VIEW QUOTES Every Living Thing (1992)
VIEW QUOTES James Herriot's Dog Stories (1986)
VIEW QUOTES The Lord God Made Them All (1981)
VIEW QUOTES Moses the Kitten (1984)
VIEW QUOTES Arthur E. Hertzler, M.D., American surgeon and writer (1870 - 1946)
VIEW QUOTES The Horse and Buggy Doctor (1938)
VIEW QUOTES Thor Heyerdahl,
Norwegian adventurer (1914 - 2002)
VIEW QUOTES Aku-Aku (1958)
VIEW QUOTES Kon-Tiki (1948)
VIEW QUOTES C. David Heymann (a/k/a Clemens Claude Heymann), American writer (1945 - )
VIEW QUOTES A Woman Named Jackie (1989)
VIEW QUOTES Wilson Hicks, American editor and photojournalist (1897 - 1970)
VIEW QUOTES This Is Ike (1952)
VIEW QUOTES Marjorie Hillis, American writer (1890 - 1971)
VIEW QUOTES Live Alone and Like It (1936)
VIEW QUOTES Orchids on Your Budget (1937)
VIEW QUOTES William Hillman, American journalist and news commentator (1895 - 1962)
VIEW QUOTES Mr. President (1952)
VIEW QUOTES Hippocrates of Iphicrates,
Island of Cos physician and writer, Father of Medicine (460 BC - 377 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Medical Writings (c. 400 BC)
American sex researcher (1942 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Hite Report (1976)
VIEW QUOTES Adolph Hitler,
German (Austrian-born) dictator (1889 - 1945)
VIEW QUOTES Mein Kampf (1926)
VIEW QUOTES Thomas Hobbes,
English philosopher and author (1588 - 1679)
VIEW QUOTES The Leviathan (1651)
VIEW QUOTES Bert Hoelldobler and Edward O. Wilson
VIEW QUOTES The Ants (1990)
VIEW QUOTES Richard Hofstadter, American historian (1916 - 1970)
VIEW QUOTES The American Political Tradition (1948)
VIEW QUOTES Lancelot Hogben, English scientist, educator and writer (1895 - 1975)
VIEW QUOTES Mathematics for the Million (1937)
VIEW QUOTES Homer ("Smyrns of Chios"),
Greek poet (fl. 750 BC or earlier)
VIEW QUOTES The Iliad (c. 800 BC)
VIEW QUOTES The Odyssey (c. 800 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Ike Hoover (irwin Hood Hoover), American White House usher (1871 - 1933)
VIEW QUOTES Forty-two Years in the White House (1934)
VIEW QUOTES J. Edgar Hoover,
American government official (1895 - 1972)
VIEW QUOTES Masters of Deceit (1958)
VIEW QUOTES Bob Hope (Leslie Townes Hope),
American (English-born) comedian and actor (1903 - 2003)
VIEW QUOTES I Never Left Home (1944)
VIEW QUOTES I Owe Russia $1200 (1963)
VIEW QUOTES Gerard Manley Hopkins, English poet and religious leader (1844 - 1889)
VIEW QUOTES Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus),
Roman poet (65 BC - 8 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Works (c. 35 BC - c. 13 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Alfred Aloysius Horn and Ethelreda Lewis
VIEW QUOTES Trader Horn (1927)
VIEW QUOTES Frances W. Huard, American writer (1885 - )
VIEW QUOTES My Home in the Field of Honour (1916)
VIEW QUOTES Virginia Cary Hudson, American essayist (1894 - 1954)
VIEW QUOTES O Ye Jigs & Juleps! (1962)
VIEW QUOTES William Henry Hudson,
English naturalist and writer (1841 - 1922)
VIEW QUOTES Far Away and Long Ago (1918)
VIEW QUOTES Langston Hughes,
American poet, writer and editor (1902 - 1967)
VIEW QUOTES Kathryn Hulme, American writer (1900 - 1981)
VIEW QUOTES The Nun's Story (1956)
Scottish philosopher and historian (1711 - 1776)
VIEW QUOTES An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding (1748)
VIEW QUOTES Essays, Moral and Political (1748)
VIEW QUOTES A Treatise on Human Nature (1739)
VIEW QUOTES Derek Humphry, English journalist and author (1930 - )
VIEW QUOTES Final Exit (1991)
VIEW QUOTES J. (James) Williard Hurst, American legal educator (1910 - 1997)
VIEW QUOTES Law and the Conditions of Freedom (1956)
VIEW QUOTES Julian Sorell Huxley, English biologist and miscellaneous writer (1887 - 1975)
VIEW QUOTES New Bottles for New Wine (1957)
VIEW QUOTES Wil Huygen and Rien Poortvliet
VIEW QUOTES Gnomes (1977)
VIEW QUOTES Christian Huygens, Dutch mathematician, physicist and astronomer (1629 - 1695)
VIEW QUOTES Treatise on Light (1678; publ. again 1690)
VIEW QUOTES Lee A. Iacocca,
American auto business executive (1924 - )
VIEW QUOTES Iacocca (1984)
VIEW QUOTES Talking Straight (1988)
VIEW QUOTES Henrik Ibsen,
Norwegian poet and dramatist (1828 - 1906)
VIEW QUOTES Mikhail Ilin (pseudonum of Ilia IAkovlevich Marshak), Russian writer (1895 - 1953)
VIEW QUOTES New Russia's Primer (1931)
VIEW QUOTES Ralph Ingersoll, American engineer and publisher (1900 - 1985)
VIEW QUOTES Top Secret (1946)
VIEW QUOTES J (pseudonym of Joan Terry Garrity), American writer (1940 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Sensuous Woman (1969)
VIEW QUOTES Michael Jackson, American singer and song writer (1958 - 2009)
VIEW QUOTES Moonwalk (1988)
VIEW QUOTES Bo Jackson and Dick Schaap
VIEW QUOTES Bo Knows Bo (1990)
VIEW QUOTES Josephine A. Jackson and Helen M. Salisbury
VIEW QUOTES Outwitting Our Nerves (1921)
VIEW QUOTES Kathryn Jackson and Byron Jackson
VIEW QUOTES Saggy Baggy Elephant (1947)
VIEW QUOTES Edmund Jacobson, American physician (1888 - 1983)
VIEW QUOTES You Must Relax (1934)
VIEW QUOTES Oswald Jacoby, American game authority and syndicated bridge columnist (1902 - 1984)
VIEW QUOTES How to Win at Canasta (1949)
VIEW QUOTES William James,
American philosopher and psychologist (1842 - 1910)
VIEW QUOTES Essays in Radical Empiricism (1912)
VIEW QUOTES Pragmatism (1907)
VIEW QUOTES The Principles of Psychology (1890)
VIEW QUOTES The Varieties of Religious Experience (1902)
VIEW QUOTES Writings 1902-1910 (1902 - 1910)
VIEW QUOTES Will Roderick James, American writer and illustrator (1892 - 1942)
VIEW QUOTES Lone Cowboy (1930)
VIEW QUOTES Henry James, Jr.,
British (American-born) novelist, short story writer and critic (1843 - 1916)
VIEW QUOTES Henry James, Literary Criticism (1984) (edited by Edel and Mark Wilson)
VIEW QUOTES D.C. Jarvis (DeForest Clinton Jarvis), American physician (1881 - 1966)
VIEW QUOTES Folk Medicine (1958)
VIEW QUOTES Leon Jaworski, American government official (1905 - 1982)
VIEW QUOTES The Right and the Power (1976)
VIEW QUOTES Robinson Jeffers,
American poet (1887 - 1962)
VIEW QUOTES Selected Poetry
VIEW QUOTES Thomas Jefferson,
American 3rd president of U.S. (1743 - 1826)
VIEW QUOTES Peter Jennings and Todd Brewster
VIEW QUOTES The Century (1999)
VIEW QUOTES Pope John Paul II, Polish religious leader (1920 - 2005)
VIEW QUOTES Crossing the Threshold of Hope (1994)
VIEW QUOTES Osa Johnson, American explorer (1894 - 1953)
VIEW QUOTES I Married Adventure (1940)
VIEW QUOTES Samuel Johnson (a/k/a Dr. Johnson) ("The Great Cham of Literature"),
English author and lexicographer (1709 - 1784)
VIEW QUOTES Dictionary (1755)
VIEW QUOTES A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland (1775)
VIEW QUOTES Prefaces, Biographical and Critical, to the Works of the English Poets (1779 - 1781) (a/k/a "Lives of the Poets")
VIEW QUOTES Rasselas (1759)
VIEW QUOTES The Vanity of Human Wishes (1769) a poem
VIEW QUOTES Spencer Johnson, M.D., American physician and writer (1938 - )
VIEW QUOTES Who Moved My Cheese? (1998)
VIEW QUOTES Spencer Johnson, M.D., and Larry Wilson
VIEW QUOTES The One Minute Sales Pperson (1984)
VIEW QUOTES Arthur Kallet and F.J. Schlink
VIEW QUOTES 100,000,000 Guinea Pigs (1932)
VIEW QUOTES Immanuel Kant,
German philosopher (1724 - 1804)
VIEW QUOTES Critique of Judgement (1790)
VIEW QUOTES Critique of Practical Reason (1788)
VIEW QUOTES Critique of Pure Reason (1781)
VIEW QUOTES Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals (1785)
VIEW QUOTES Perpetual Peace (1795)
VIEW QUOTES The Science of Right (1790)
VIEW QUOTES Martin Katahn, American psychologist and diet guru (1928 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Rotation Diet (1986)
VIEW QUOTES Father James J. Kavanaugh, American clergyman, clinical psychologist and writer (1926 - )
VIEW QUOTES A Modern Priest Looks at His Outdated Church (1967)
VIEW QUOTES John Keegan, English historian (1934 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Face of Battle (1976)
VIEW QUOTES Agnes Newton Keith, American writer (1901 - 1982)
VIEW QUOTES Land Below the Wind (1939)
VIEW QUOTES Kitty Kelley, American writer (1942 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Family (2004)
VIEW QUOTES His Way (1986)
VIEW QUOTES Nancy Reagan (1991)
VIEW QUOTES The Royals (1997)
VIEW QUOTES Walt Kelly, American cartoonist (creator of "Pogo") (1913 - 1973)
VIEW QUOTES Pogo (1951)
VIEW QUOTES John Fitzgerald Kennedy,
American 35th president of U.S. (1917 - 1963)
VIEW QUOTES The Kennedy Wit (1964) edited by Bill Adler
VIEW QUOTES Profiles in Courage (1956)
VIEW QUOTES Johannes Kepler,
German scientist and astronomer (1571 - 1630)
VIEW QUOTES Epitome of Copernican Astronomy (1627)
VIEW QUOTES The Harmonies of the World (1619)
VIEW QUOTES Graham Kerr, English culinary authority (1934 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Graham Kerr Cookbook (1969) the Galloping Gourmet
American humorist, author and playwright (1923 - 2003)
VIEW QUOTES Please Don't Eat the Daisies (1957)
VIEW QUOTES John Maynard Keynes,
English economist (1883 - 1946)
VIEW QUOTES The Economic Consequences of the Peace (1919)
VIEW QUOTES The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money (1936)
VIEW QUOTES Omar Khayyam ("The Tent-Maker"),
Persian poet, mathematician and astronomer (c.1048 - 1131)
VIEW QUOTES The Rubaiyat (c. 1120)
VIEW QUOTES John Francis Kieran, American journalist (1892 - 1981)
VIEW QUOTES Information Please Almanac, 1947 (1947)
VIEW QUOTES Soren A. Kierkegaard,
Danish philosopher and writer (1813 - 1855)
VIEW QUOTES Philosophical Fragments (1844)
VIEW QUOTES Margaret Kilvert (Margaret Cameron), American writer (1867 - 1947)
VIEW QUOTES The Seven Purposes (1918)
VIEW QUOTES Alexander King,
American (Austrian-born) author, illustrator, editor and raconteur (1900 - 1965)
VIEW QUOTES May This House Be Safe from Tigers (1960)
VIEW QUOTES Mine Enemy Grows Older (1958)
VIEW QUOTES Martin Luther King, Jr.,
American minister and civil rights leader (1929 - 1968)
VIEW QUOTES Why We Can't Wait (1964)
VIEW QUOTES Stephen King (used pseudonym Richard Bachman),
American novelist and short story writer (1947 - )
VIEW QUOTES On Writing (2000)
VIEW QUOTES Alexander William Kinglake,
English lawyer and historian (1809 - 1891)
VIEW QUOTES Eothen (1844)
VIEW QUOTES Alfred C. Kinsey, American sexologist, zoologist, educator and writer (1894 - 1956)
VIEW QUOTES Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1953)
VIEW QUOTES Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948)
VIEW QUOTES Rudyard Kipling,
English writer of prose and verse (1865 - 1936)
VIEW QUOTES Selected Verse
VIEW QUOTES The Years Between (1919)
VIEW QUOTES W.M. Kiplinger, American journalist (1891 - 1967)
VIEW QUOTES Washington Is Like That (1942)
VIEW QUOTES Henry Kissinger,
American political scientist and diplomat (1923 - )
VIEW QUOTES White House Years (1979)
VIEW QUOTES Koran (c. 632)
VIEW QUOTES Robert E. Kowalski, American medical journalist (late 20th century)
VIEW QUOTES The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure (1987)
VIEW QUOTES Jon Krakauer, American journalist (1954 - )
VIEW QUOTES Into Thin Air (1997)
VIEW QUOTES Victor Kravchenko, Russian engineer, Communist party official and defector (1905 - 1966)
VIEW QUOTES I Chose Freedom (1946)
VIEW QUOTES Joseph Wood Krutch,
American naturalist, conservationist, writer and critic (1893 - 1970)
VIEW QUOTES The Twelve Seasons (1949)
VIEW QUOTES Thomas S. Kuhn, American historian (1922 - 1996)
VIEW QUOTES The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962)
VIEW QUOTES Pat the Bunny (1940)
VIEW QUOTES Charles Kuralt,
American newscaster, correspondent, journalist and author (1934 - 1997)
VIEW QUOTES Charles Kuralt's America (1995)
VIEW QUOTES A Life on the Road (1990)
VIEW QUOTES Harold S. Kushner, American religious leader (1935 - )
VIEW QUOTES When Bad Things Happen to Good People (1981)
VIEW QUOTES Jack Lait and Lee Mortimer
VIEW QUOTES U.S.A. Confidential (1952)
VIEW QUOTES Washington Confidential (1951)
VIEW QUOTES Anne Lamott, American writer (1954 - )
VIEW QUOTES Operating Instructions (1993)
VIEW QUOTES Margaret Landon,
American writer (1903 - 1993)
VIEW QUOTES Anna and the King of Siam (1944)
VIEW QUOTES Mark Lane, American lawyer (1927 - )
VIEW QUOTES Rush to Judgment (1966)
VIEW QUOTES Robert Lansing,
American jurist, statesman and U.S. Secretary of State (1864 - 1928)
VIEW QUOTES The Peace Negotiations (1921)
VIEW QUOTES Lao-Tzu (Lao-Tsze or Laosi)("The Venerable Philosopher"),
Chinese philosopher (c. 604 BC - c. 531 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Tao Te Ching (c. 550 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Joseph P. Lash, American writer (1909 - 1987)
VIEW QUOTES Eleanor and Franklin (1971)
VIEW QUOTES Victor Lasky, American journalist (1918 - 1990)
VIEW QUOTES J.F.K.: The Man and the Myth (1963)
VIEW QUOTES Harold D. Lasswell, American political psychologist (1902 - 1978)
VIEW QUOTES Politics: Who Gets What, When and How (1936)
VIEW QUOTES Sir Harry Lauder (MacLennan), Scottish song writer, performer and comedian (1870 - 1950)
VIEW QUOTES A Minstrel in France (1918)
VIEW QUOTES Antoine Laurent Lavoisier, French public servant, scientist and founder of modern chemistry (1743 - 1794)
VIEW QUOTES Elements of Chemistry (1789)
VIEW QUOTES Thomas Edward Lawrence ("Lawrence of Arabia"),
English soldier and author (1888 - 1935)
VIEW QUOTES Revolt in the Desert (1927)
VIEW QUOTES Seven Pillars of Wisdom (1926)
VIEW QUOTES William Julius Lederer, American writer (1912 - )
VIEW QUOTES A Nation of Sheep (1961)
VIEW QUOTES Gerald Stanley Lee,
American professor, lecturer and writer (1862 - 1944)
VIEW QUOTES Crowds (1913)
VIEW QUOTES Margaret Leech, American writer (1893 - 1974)
VIEW QUOTES Reveille in Washington (1941)
VIEW QUOTES Baron Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibnitz,
German philosopher and mathematician (1646 - 1716)
VIEW QUOTES Discourse on Metaphysics (1686)
VIEW QUOTES The Monadology (1714)
VIEW QUOTES New Essays Concerning Human Understanding (c. 1705)
VIEW QUOTES Nikolai Vladimir Ilyich Lenin,
Russian communist leader and author (1870 - 1924)
VIEW QUOTES The State and Revolution (1917)
VIEW QUOTES John Lennon,
English singer, song writer and musician (1940 - 1980)
VIEW QUOTES In His Own Write (1964)
VIEW QUOTES Aldo Leopold,
American forester and conservationist (1887 - 1948)
VIEW QUOTES A Sand County Almanac (1949)
VIEW QUOTES Oscar Levant,
American composer, musician and actor (1906 - 1972)
VIEW QUOTES A Smattering of Ignorance (1940)
VIEW QUOTES Sam Levenson, American humorist and author (1911 - 1980)
VIEW QUOTES Everything but Money (1966)
VIEW QUOTES Primo Levi, Italian writer and chemist (1919 - 1987)
VIEW QUOTES The Periodic Table (1975)
VIEW QUOTES Stephen D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner, American writer / economist (1963 - / 1967 -)
VIEW QUOTES Freakonomics (2005)
VIEW QUOTES C.S. (Clive Staples) Lewis,
English literary scholar (1898 - 1963)
VIEW QUOTES Mere Christianity (1952)
VIEW QUOTES A.J. Liebling,
American writer (1904 - 1963)
VIEW QUOTES The Sweet Science (1956)
VIEW QUOTES Joshua Loth Liebman,
American rabbi (1907 - 1948)
VIEW QUOTES Peace of Mind (1946)
VIEW QUOTES Rush H. Limbaugh, III,
American talk show host, commentator and author (1951 - )
VIEW QUOTES See, I Told You So (1993)
VIEW QUOTES The Way Things Ought To Be (1992)
VIEW QUOTES Abraham Lincoln,
American 16th president of U.S. (1809 - 1865)
VIEW QUOTES Speeches and Writings 1832-1858 (1832 - 1858)
VIEW QUOTES Speeches and Writings 1859-1865 (1859 - 1865)
VIEW QUOTES Anne Morrow Lindbergh,
American writer and wife of Charles A. Lindbergh (1906 - 2001)
VIEW QUOTES Gift from the Sea (1955)
VIEW QUOTES Listen! The Wind (1938)
VIEW QUOTES North to the Orient (1935)
VIEW QUOTES Charles A. Lindbergh, American aviator (1902 - 1974)
VIEW QUOTES Henry Charles Link, American industrial psychologist (1889 - 1952)
VIEW QUOTES The Return to Religion (1936)
VIEW QUOTES Art Linkletter,
American broadcaster and humorist (1912 - 2010)
VIEW QUOTES Kids Say the Darndest Things! (1957)
VIEW QUOTES Walter Lippmann,
American journalist (1889 - 1974)
VIEW QUOTES Essays in the Public Philosophy (1955)
VIEW QUOTES The Essential Lippmann (1963)
VIEW QUOTES A Preface to Morals (1929)
VIEW QUOTES U.S. Foreign Policy (1943)
VIEW QUOTES Seymour M. Lipset, American sociologist (1922 - 2006)
VIEW QUOTES Political Man (1960)
Roman historian (59 BC - 17 AD)
VIEW QUOTES History of Rome (c. 30 BC - c. 17 AD)
VIEW QUOTES John Locke (1),
English philosopher and philanthropist (1632 - 1704)
VIEW QUOTES An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690)
VIEW QUOTES A Letter Concerning Toleration (1689)
VIEW QUOTES Some Thoughts Concerning Education (1693)
VIEW QUOTES Two Treatises Of Civil Government (1690)
VIEW QUOTES Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart, British (Scottish-born) journalist and writer (1887 - 1970)
VIEW QUOTES British Agent (1933)
VIEW QUOTES David John Lodge, British writer and novelist (1935 - )
VIEW QUOTES How Far Can You Go? (1980)
VIEW QUOTES Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge, English physicist and author (1851 - 1940)
VIEW QUOTES Raymond (1916)
VIEW QUOTES Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,
American poet and scholar (1807 - 1882)
VIEW QUOTES The Courtship of Miles Standish (1858)
VIEW QUOTES Evangeline (1847)
VIEW QUOTES The Song of Hiawatha (1855)
VIEW QUOTES Harry Lorayne and Jerry Lucas
VIEW QUOTES The Memory Book (1974)
VIEW QUOTES Federico Garcia Lorca,
Spanish poet and dramatist (1898 - 1936)
VIEW QUOTES Selected Poems
VIEW QUOTES Konrad Zacharias Lorenz,
Austrian-German ethnologist (1903 - 1989)
VIEW QUOTES On Aggression (1963)
VIEW QUOTES Joan Lowell, American writer (1900 - 1967)
VIEW QUOTES The Cradle of the Deep (1929)
VIEW QUOTES Juliet Lowell, American writer and lecturer (1901 - 1998)
VIEW QUOTES Dear Sir (1944)
VIEW QUOTES Robert Lowell (1),
American poet and pacifist (1917 - 1977)
VIEW QUOTES For the Union Dead (1964)
VIEW QUOTES Janette Sebring Lowrey
VIEW QUOTES The Poky Little Puppy (1942)
Greek (Samosata) satirist (c. 120 - 180)
VIEW QUOTES Works (c. 165)
VIEW QUOTES Lucretius (Titus Lucretius Carus),
Roman philosophical poet (c. 96 BC - 55 BC)
VIEW QUOTES On the Nature of Things (c. 50 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Emil Ludwig,
German writer and biographer (1881 - 1948)
VIEW QUOTES Goethe (1920)
VIEW QUOTES Lincoln (1930)
VIEW QUOTES Napoleon (1925)
VIEW QUOTES The Nile (1935)
VIEW QUOTES Martin Luther,
German religious reformer (1483 - 1546)
VIEW QUOTES Christian Liberty (1520)
VIEW QUOTES Table Talk (1566)
VIEW QUOTES Three Treatises (1520)
VIEW QUOTES Sir Charles Lyell, British geologist (1797 - 1875)
VIEW QUOTES Principles of Geology (1830)
VIEW QUOTES M (20th century)
VIEW QUOTES The Sensuous Man (1971)
VIEW QUOTES General Douglas MacArthur,
American army officer (1880 - 1964)
VIEW QUOTES Reminiscences (1964)
VIEW QUOTES David Macaulay,
English illustrator and writer (1946 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Way Things Work (1988)
VIEW QUOTES Betty MacDonald, American author (1908 - 1958)
VIEW QUOTES The Egg and I (1945)
VIEW QUOTES The Plague and I (1948)
VIEW QUOTES Niccolo Machiavelli (Macchiavelli),
Italian philosopher, statesman, diplomatist and writer (1469 - 1527)
VIEW QUOTES Discourses on the First Ten Books of Livy (1531)
VIEW QUOTES The Prince (1531)
VIEW QUOTES Harvey MacKay,
American businessman (1933 - )
VIEW QUOTES Swim with the Sharks without Being Eaten Alive (1988)
VIEW QUOTES Shirley MacLaine,
American actress, dancer, writer and metaphysician (1934 - )
VIEW QUOTES Dancing in the Light (1985)
VIEW QUOTES It's All in the Playing (1987)
VIEW QUOTES Crawford Brough Macpherson, Canadian political scientist (1911 - 1987)
VIEW QUOTES The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism (1962)
VIEW QUOTES Madonna, American singer and actress (1958 - )
VIEW QUOTES Sex (1992)
VIEW QUOTES Mahabharata (c. 200 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Janet Malcolm, American (Czech-born) writer (1934 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Journalist and the Murderer (1990)
VIEW QUOTES Dumas Malone, American historian and editor (1892 - 1986)
VIEW QUOTES Jefferson and His Time (1948)
VIEW QUOTES William Manchester, American historian (1922 - 2004)
VIEW QUOTES Death of a President (1967)
VIEW QUOTES Olivia Manning, English writer (1915 - 1980)
VIEW QUOTES The Balkans Trilogy (1960) (series)
VIEW QUOTES Gabriel Marcel, French existentialist philosopher and playwright (1889 - 1973)
VIEW QUOTES Creative Fidelity (1964)
VIEW QUOTES Grand Duchess Marie (Marie Pavlovna), Russian grand duchess (1890 - 1958)
VIEW QUOTES Education of a Princess (1930)
VIEW QUOTES Jacques Maritain,
French philosopher (1882 - 1973)
VIEW QUOTES Art and Scholasticism (1920)
VIEW QUOTES The Degrees of Knowledge (1932)
VIEW QUOTES The Rights of Man and Natural Law (1942)
VIEW QUOTES True Humanism (1936)
VIEW QUOTES Beryl Markham, English aviator and horse trainer (1902 - 1986)
VIEW QUOTES West with the Night (1942)
VIEW QUOTES Catherine Marshall (Sarah Catherine Wood Marshall), American Christian writer and novelist (1914 - 1983)
VIEW QUOTES A Man Called Peter (1951)
VIEW QUOTES The Prayers of Peter Marshall (1954)
VIEW QUOTES To Live Again (1957)
VIEW QUOTES Katharine T. Marshall, American army wife (1882 - 1978)
VIEW QUOTES Together (1946)
VIEW QUOTES Peter Marshall,
American religious leader (1902 - 1949)
VIEW QUOTES Mr. Jones, Meet the Master (1949)
VIEW QUOTES Steve Martin,
American comedian and actor (1945 - )
VIEW QUOTES Cruel Shoes (1979)
VIEW QUOTES Andrew Marvell, the Younger,
English patriot and satirical writer (1621 - 1678)
German socialist leader and philosopher (1818 - 1883)
VIEW QUOTES Das Capital (1867 - 1895)
VIEW QUOTES Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, German socialists (1818 - 1883 / 1820 - 1895)
VIEW QUOTES Communist Manifesto (1848)
VIEW QUOTES William Howard Masters and Virginia E. Johnston
VIEW QUOTES Human Sexual Response (1966)
VIEW QUOTES Francis Otto Matthiessen, American literary scholar, teacher and critic (1902 - 1950)
VIEW QUOTES American Renaissance (1941)
VIEW QUOTES William Somerset Maugham,
English novelist, short story writer and playwright (1874 - 1965)
VIEW QUOTES The Summing Up (1938)
VIEW QUOTES Bill Mauldin, American cartoonist (1921 - 2003)
VIEW QUOTES Up Front (1945)
VIEW QUOTES Andre Maurois,
French biographer, novelist and essayist (1885 - 1967)
VIEW QUOTES Ariel (1923)
VIEW QUOTES Byron (1930)
VIEW QUOTES Disraeli (1928)
VIEW QUOTES Gavin Maxwell, Scottish journalist, painter and writer (1914 - 1969)
VIEW QUOTES Ring of Bright Water (1960)
VIEW QUOTES Katherine Mayo, American writer (1867 - 1940)
VIEW QUOTES Mother India (1927)
VIEW QUOTES Judy Mazel, American diet guru and writer (1944? -)
VIEW QUOTES The Beverly Hills Diet (1981)
VIEW QUOTES James McBride, American journalist (1957 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Color of Water (1996)
VIEW QUOTES Carswell McClellan, American Union army officer (1835 - 1892)
VIEW QUOTES The Personal Memoirs and Military History of U.S. Grant (1887)
VIEW QUOTES Mark H. McCormack, American lawyer (1930 - 2003)
VIEW QUOTES What They Don't Teach You at Harvard Business School (1984)
VIEW QUOTES Frank McCourt, American writer (1930 - 2009)
VIEW QUOTES Angela's Ashes (1996)
VIEW QUOTES Teacher Man (2005)
VIEW QUOTES 'Tis (1999)
VIEW QUOTES Lieut.-Col. John McCrae,
Canadian poet, surgeon and pathologist, killed in action (1872 - 1918)
VIEW QUOTES In Flanders Fields (1919)
VIEW QUOTES David McCullough, American writer (1933 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Great Bridge (1972)
VIEW QUOTES John Adams (2001)
VIEW QUOTES 1776 (2005)
VIEW QUOTES Truman (1992)
VIEW QUOTES Joe McGinniss, American writer (1942 - 2014)
VIEW QUOTES The Selling of the President 1968 (1969)
VIEW QUOTES Phillip C. McGraw, Ph.D., American psychologist and human behavior expert (1950 - )
VIEW QUOTES Family First (2004)
VIEW QUOTES Love Smart (2005)
VIEW QUOTES Relationship Rescue (2000)
VIEW QUOTES Self Matters (2001)
VIEW QUOTES The Ultimate Weight Solution (2003)
VIEW QUOTES Robin McGraw, American writer (1953 - )
VIEW QUOTES Inside My Heart (2006)
American poet, novelist and song writer (1933 - 2015)
VIEW QUOTES Caught in the Quiet (1970)
VIEW QUOTES Fields of Wonder (1971)
VIEW QUOTES In Someone's Shadow (1969)
VIEW QUOTES Listen to the Warm (1968)
VIEW QUOTES Lonesome Cities (1968)
VIEW QUOTES Stanyan Street & Other Sorrows (1966)
VIEW QUOTES Twelve Years of Christmas (1969)
VIEW QUOTES William H. McNeill, Canadian historian (1917 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Rise of the West (1963)
VIEW QUOTES James Munro McPherson, American author (1936 - )
VIEW QUOTES Battle Cry of Freedom (1988)
VIEW QUOTES Gaston B. Means and May Dixon Thacker
VIEW QUOTES The Strange Death of President Harding (1930)
VIEW QUOTES Peter B. Medawar,
English immunologist and author (1915 - 1987)
VIEW QUOTES The Art of the Soluble (1967)
VIEW QUOTES Henry Louis Mencken,
American journalist and literary critic (1880 - 1956)
VIEW QUOTES The American Language (1919)
VIEW QUOTES Thomas Merton,
French monk and poet (1915 - 1968)
VIEW QUOTES The Seven Storey Mountain (1948)
VIEW QUOTES John Stuart Mill,
English philosopher and political economist (1806 - 1873)
VIEW QUOTES Autobiography (1873)
VIEW QUOTES Considerations of Representative Government (1861)
VIEW QUOTES On Liberty (1859)
VIEW QUOTES The Subjection of Women (1869)
VIEW QUOTES A System of Logic (1843)
VIEW QUOTES Utilitarianism (1863)
VIEW QUOTES Cesar Millan and Melissa Jo Peltier, American animal trainer / television producer (1969 - / ? -)
VIEW QUOTES Cesar's Way (2006)
VIEW QUOTES Edna St. Vincent Millay (Mrs. Eugen Boissevain),
American author and poet (1892 - 1950)
VIEW QUOTES Fatal Interview (1931)
VIEW QUOTES Alice Duer Miller (Mrs. Henry Wise Miller), American poet and author (1874 - 1942)
VIEW QUOTES The White Cliffs (1940)
VIEW QUOTES Douglas Miller, American businessman (1892 - )
VIEW QUOTES You Can't Do Business with Hitler (1941)
VIEW QUOTES Merle Miller, American writer (1919 - 1986)
VIEW QUOTES Plain Speaking (1974)
VIEW QUOTES C. Wright Mills, American sociologist (1916 - 1962)
VIEW QUOTES The Power Elite (1956)
VIEW QUOTES A.A. (Alan Alexander) Milne,
English humorist and children's author (1882 - 1956)
VIEW QUOTES When We Were Very Young (1924)
VIEW QUOTES John Milton,
English poet, scholar, writer and patriot (1608 - 1674)
VIEW QUOTES Paradise Lost (1667)
VIEW QUOTES Paradise Regained (1671)
VIEW QUOTES Moliere (pseudonym of Jean Baptiste Poquelin),
French dramatist and actor (1622 - 1673)
VIEW QUOTES Charles Edward Montague,
English writer (1867 - 1928)
VIEW QUOTES Disenchantment (1922)
VIEW QUOTES Michel Eyquem de Montaigne,
French philosopher and essayist (1533 - 1592)
VIEW QUOTES Charles de Montesquieu (Charles-Louis de Secondat),
French author (1689 - 1755)
VIEW QUOTES Persian Letters (1721)
VIEW QUOTES Spirit of Laws (1748)
VIEW QUOTES Maria Montessori,
Italian educator and reformer (1870 - 1952)
VIEW QUOTES The Montessori Method (1912)
VIEW QUOTES Ruth Montgomery, American journalist (1912 - 2001)
VIEW QUOTES A Gift of Prophecy (1965)
VIEW QUOTES A World Beyond (1972)
VIEW QUOTES Marianne Craig Moore,
American poet and editor (1887 - 1972)
VIEW QUOTES Collected Poems
VIEW QUOTES Michael Moore, American activist and documentary film maker (1954 - )
VIEW QUOTES Dude, Where's My Country? (2003)
VIEW QUOTES Stupid White Men (2001)
VIEW QUOTES George Edward Moore, English philosopher (1873 - 1958)
VIEW QUOTES Principia Ethica (1903)
VIEW QUOTES Sir Thomas More,
English wit, philosopher, humanist, statesman and saint (1478 - 1535)
VIEW QUOTES Utopia (1516)
VIEW QUOTES Laurence E. Morehouse and Leonard Gross
VIEW QUOTES Total Fitness in 30 Minutes a Week (1975)
VIEW QUOTES Edward P. Morgan, American journalist and television news commentator (1910 - 1993)
VIEW QUOTES This I Believe (1952)
VIEW QUOTES The Total Woman (1973)
VIEW QUOTES Samuel E. Morison, American naval officer and historian (1887 - 1976)
VIEW QUOTES Oxford History of the American People (1965)
VIEW QUOTES The Parkman Reader (1955)
VIEW QUOTES John Morley, 1st Viscount of Blackburn,
English journalist, politician and historian (1838 - 1923)
VIEW QUOTES Recollections (1917)
VIEW QUOTES Edmund Morris, American historian (1940 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt (1979)
VIEW QUOTES William Morris (3)
VIEW QUOTES American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (1969)
VIEW QUOTES Andrew Morton, English writer (1953 - )
VIEW QUOTES Diana (1992)
VIEW QUOTES Frederic Morton, American writer (1924 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Rothschilds (1962)
VIEW QUOTES Lewis Mumford,
American sociologist and miscellaneous writer (1895 - 1990)
VIEW QUOTES The City in History (1961)
VIEW QUOTES Hugo Munsterberg, American (German-born) psychologist (1863 - 1916)
VIEW QUOTES Psychology and Industrial Efficiency (1913)
VIEW QUOTES Axel Munthe, French (Swedish-born) physician and writer (1857 - 1949)
VIEW QUOTES The Story of San Michele (1929)
VIEW QUOTES Gunnar Myrdal, Swedish economist (1898 - 1987)
VIEW QUOTES An American Dilemma (1944) (2 volumes)
VIEW QUOTES N.E. Thing Enterprises
VIEW QUOTES Magic Eye I (1994)
VIEW QUOTES Magic Eye II (1994)
VIEW QUOTES Magic Eye III (1994)
VIEW QUOTES Vladimir Nabokov,
Russian-American novelist, poet, critic and translator (1899 - 1977)
VIEW QUOTES Speak, Memory (1951)
VIEW QUOTES John Naisbitt, American business writer and social researcher (1929 - )
VIEW QUOTES Megatrends (1982)
VIEW QUOTES John Naisbitt and Patricia Aburdene
VIEW QUOTES Megatrends 2000 (1990)
VIEW QUOTES I'm a Stranger Here Myself (1938)
VIEW QUOTES Joseph Needham (Noel Joseph Terence Montgomery Needham), English historian (1900 - 1995)
VIEW QUOTES Science and Civilisation in China (1954)
VIEW QUOTES John (Johann) von Neumann,
American (Hungarian-born) computer scientist, mathematician and game theorist (1903 - 1957)
VIEW QUOTES The Computer and the Brain (1958)
VIEW QUOTES Cardinal John Henry Newman,
English Catholic religious leader, prelate and writer (1801 - 1890)
VIEW QUOTES The Idea of a University (1854)
VIEW QUOTES Mildred Newman, Bernard Berkowitz and Jean Owen, American psychologists and authors (20th century)
VIEW QUOTES How To Be Your Own Best Friend (1971)
VIEW QUOTES Sir Isaac Newton,
English mathematician and philosopher (1642 - 1727)
VIEW QUOTES Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (1687)
VIEW QUOTES Optics (1704)
VIEW QUOTES Nicomachus of Gerasa, Greek mathematician (c. 60 - c. 120)
VIEW QUOTES Introduction to Arithmetic (c. 100)
VIEW QUOTES Jean Nidetch, American public speaker and businesswoman, founder of Weight Watchers (1923 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Weight Watcher's Cook Book (1966)
VIEW QUOTES The Weight Watchers Food Plan Diet Cookbook (1982)
VIEW QUOTES Weight Watchers Program Cookbook (1973)
VIEW QUOTES Weight Watchers Quick Start Program Cookbook (1984)
VIEW QUOTES Weight Watchers Quick Success Program Cookook (1988)
VIEW QUOTES Reinhold Niebuhr,
American theologian (1892 - 1971)
VIEW QUOTES Moral Man and Immoral Society (1932)
VIEW QUOTES The Nature and Destiny of Man (1941)
VIEW QUOTES Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche,
German philosopher (1844 - 1900)
VIEW QUOTES Beyond Good and Evil (1886)
VIEW QUOTES Complete Works (1909)
VIEW QUOTES The Geneology of Morals (1887)
VIEW QUOTES Thus Spoke Zarathustra (1885)
VIEW QUOTES The Will to Power (1901)
VIEW QUOTES Romola Nijinsky, Hungarian wife of ballet dancer, Vaslav Nijinsky (1892 - 1978)
VIEW QUOTES Nijinsky (1933)
VIEW QUOTES David Niven, English actor (1909 - 1983)
VIEW QUOTES Bring on the Empty Horses (1975)
VIEW QUOTES Richard Milhous Nixon,
American 37th president of U.S. (1913 - 1994)
VIEW QUOTES RN: The Memoirs of Richard Nixon (1978)
VIEW QUOTES My Life in Court (1961)
VIEW QUOTES Frank Norris,
American novelist (1870 - 1902)
VIEW QUOTES Oliver North, American soldier and military advisor (1943 - )
VIEW QUOTES Under Fire (1991)
VIEW QUOTES Pierre Lecomte du Nouy, French biophysicist, philosopher, attorney and author (1883 - 1947)
VIEW QUOTES Human Destiny (1947)
VIEW QUOTES Barack Obama, American politician (1961 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Audacity of Hope (2006)
VIEW QUOTES Frederick O'Brien, American writer (1869 - 1932)
VIEW QUOTES White Shadows in the South Seas (1919)
VIEW QUOTES Pat O'Brien, American World War I soldier ( - 1920)
VIEW QUOTES Outwitting the Hun (1918)
VIEW QUOTES Eugene Gladstone O'Neill, American dramatist (1888 - 1953)
VIEW QUOTES Complete Plays 1913-1920 (1913 - 1920)
VIEW QUOTES Complete Plays 1920-1931 (1920 - 1931)
VIEW QUOTES Complete Plays 1932-1943 (1932 - 1943)
VIEW QUOTES Strange Interlude (1928)
VIEW QUOTES Thomas P. ("Tip") O'Neill, Jr., American politician (1912 - 1994)
VIEW QUOTES Man of the House (1987)
VIEW QUOTES John O'Neill and Jerome R. Corsi, American lawyer and writer/activist and writer (1946 - / 1946 -)
VIEW QUOTES Unfit for Command (2004)
VIEW QUOTES Nena O'Neill and George O'Neill
VIEW QUOTES Open Marriage (1972)
VIEW QUOTES Bill O'Reilly,
American television broadcaster (1949 - )
VIEW QUOTES Culture Warrior (2006)
VIEW QUOTES The No Spin Zone (2001)
VIEW QUOTES The O'Reilly Factor (2000)
VIEW QUOTES Who's Looking Out for You? (2003)
VIEW QUOTES Suze Orman, American financial adviser (1951 - )
VIEW QUOTES The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom (1997)
VIEW QUOTES The Road to Wealth (2001)
VIEW QUOTES George Orwell (pseudonym of Eric Blair),
English novelist (1903 - 1950)
VIEW QUOTES Homage to Catalonia (1938)
VIEW QUOTES Edith O'Shaughnessy, American travel writer, wife of diplomat Nelson O'Shaughnessy (1870 - 1939)
VIEW QUOTES Diplomatic Days (1917)
VIEW QUOTES Joel Osteen, American televangelist (1963 - )
VIEW QUOTES Your Best Life Now (2004)
VIEW QUOTES Charles Fulton Oursler, American journalist, playwright and fiction writer (1893 - 1952)
VIEW QUOTES The Greatest Story Ever Told (1949)
VIEW QUOTES Charles Fulton Oursler and G.A.O. Armstrong
VIEW QUOTES The Greatest Faith Ever Known (1953)
VIEW QUOTES Harry Allen Overstreet, American social psychologist and educator (1875 - 1970)
VIEW QUOTES The Mature Mind (1949)
VIEW QUOTES Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso),
Roman poet (43 BC - c. 17 AD)
VIEW QUOTES Art of Love (3 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Works (c. 10 BC - c. 16 AD)
American entertainer and talk show host (1918 - 2004)
VIEW QUOTES I Kid You Not (1960)
VIEW QUOTES Vance Packard,
American nonfiction writer (1914 - 1996)
VIEW QUOTES The Status Seekers (1959)
VIEW QUOTES Elaine Pagels, American historian (1943 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Gnostic Gospels (1979)
VIEW QUOTES Albert Bigelow Paine, American novelist, biographer and editor (1861 - 1937)
VIEW QUOTES Mark Twain (1912)
VIEW QUOTES Mark Twain's Letters (1917)
VIEW QUOTES Thomas Paine,
American (English-born) political writer and free thinker (1737 - 1809)
VIEW QUOTES Common Sense (1792)
VIEW QUOTES The Rights of Man (1792)
VIEW QUOTES Frederick Palmer, American war correspondent and writer (1873 - 1958)
VIEW QUOTES My Second Year of the War (1917)
VIEW QUOTES Erwin Panofsky, American (German-born) art historian and educator (1892 - 1968)
VIEW QUOTES Studies in Iconology (1939)
VIEW QUOTES George Papashvily and Helen Papashvily
VIEW QUOTES Anything Can Happen (1945)
VIEW QUOTES Giovanni Papini, Italian philosopher and writer (1881 - 1956)
VIEW QUOTES The Life of Christ (1923)
VIEW QUOTES Cornelia Stratton Parker, American writer (1885 - 1972)
VIEW QUOTES An American Idyll (1920)
VIEW QUOTES Francis Parkman, American historian (1823 - 1893)
VIEW QUOTES The Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian War After the Conquest of Canada (1851)
VIEW QUOTES Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV (1877)
VIEW QUOTES The Discovery of the Great West (1869)
VIEW QUOTES A Half-Century of Conflict (1892)
VIEW QUOTES Montcalm and Wolfe (1884)
VIEW QUOTES The Old Regime in Canada (1874)
VIEW QUOTES The Oregon Trail (1849)
VIEW QUOTES Pioneers of France in the New World (1865)
VIEW QUOTES Bellamy Partridge, American biographer and writer (1878 - 1960)
VIEW QUOTES Country Lawyer (1939)
VIEW QUOTES Blaise Pascal,
French philosopher, physicist, geometer and writer (1623 - 1662)
VIEW QUOTES Pensees (1669 - 1670)
VIEW QUOTES The Provincial Letters (1656 - 1657)
VIEW QUOTES Scientific Treatises
VIEW QUOTES Elliot Harold Paul,
American writer (1891 - 1958)
VIEW QUOTES The Last Time I Saw Paris (1942)
VIEW QUOTES Norman Vincent Peale,
American religious broadcaster and writer (1898 - 1993)
VIEW QUOTES A Guide to Confident Living (1948)
VIEW QUOTES The Power of Positive Thinking (1952)
VIEW QUOTES Stay Alive All Your Life (1957)
VIEW QUOTES Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw
VIEW QUOTES Life Extension (1982)
VIEW QUOTES Harold R. Peat (harold Reginald Peat), American soldier (1893 - 1960)
VIEW QUOTES Private Peat (1917)
VIEW QUOTES Harvey Penick, American golfer and teacher (1905 - 1995)
VIEW QUOTES And If You Play Golf, You're My Friend (1993)
VIEW QUOTES Frances Perkins, American educator and government official (1880 - 1965)
VIEW QUOTES The Roosevelt I Knew (1946)
VIEW QUOTES Laurence J. Peter, American (Canadian-born) educator and writer (1919 - 1990)
VIEW QUOTES The Peter Prescription (1972)
VIEW QUOTES The Peter Principle (1969)
VIEW QUOTES Lulu Hunt Peters, American physician (1873 - 1930)
VIEW QUOTES Diet and Health (1921)
VIEW QUOTES Thomas J. Peters and Nancy K. Austin
VIEW QUOTES A Passion for Excellence (1985)
VIEW QUOTES Thomas J. Peters and Robert H. Waterman, Jr.
VIEW QUOTES In Search of Excellence (1982)
VIEW QUOTES William Lyon Phelps,
American educator, journalist and man of letters (1865 - 1943)
VIEW QUOTES Autobiography with Letters (1939)
VIEW QUOTES Bill Phillips (late 20th century)
VIEW QUOTES Body for Life (1999)
VIEW QUOTES J.B. Phillips (John Bertram Phillips), English clergyman (1906 - 1982)
VIEW QUOTES The New Testament in Modern English (1958)
VIEW QUOTES M.C. Phillips (Mary Catherine Phillips) (1903 - )
VIEW QUOTES Skin Deep (1934)
VIEW QUOTES Miss Piggy and Henry Beard, American cartoon character / humorous writer, founder of National Lampoon (? - / 1948? -)
VIEW QUOTES Miss Piggy's Guide to Life (1981)
VIEW QUOTES Callan Pinckney, American fitness expert (late 20th century)
VIEW QUOTES Callanetics (1984)
VIEW QUOTES Robert M. Pirsig,
American novelist (1928 - )
VIEW QUOTES Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (1974)
VIEW QUOTES Walter Boughton Pitkin, American psychologist, publicist and writer (1878 - 1953)
VIEW QUOTES Life Begins at Forty (1932)
VIEW QUOTES Origin and Development of the Quantum Theory (1922)
VIEW QUOTES Scientific Autobiography (1949)
VIEW QUOTES Where Is Science Going? (1932)
VIEW QUOTES Sylvia Plath,
American novelist and poet (1932 - 1963)
VIEW QUOTES Plato (originally Aristocles},
Greek philosopher (c. 427 BC - 347 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Dialogues (c. 360 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Phaedrus (c. 360 BC)
VIEW QUOTES The Republic (c. 360 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Symposium (c. 360 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Plotinus, Roman (Egyptian-born) Neo-Platonic philosopher (205? - 270)
VIEW QUOTES The Enneads (250)
Greek philosopher and biographer (c. 46 - 120)
VIEW QUOTES Moralia (c. 75 - c. 100)
VIEW QUOTES Parallel Lives (c. 75 - c. 100)
VIEW QUOTES Edgar Allan Poe,
American poet and prose writer (1809 - 1849)
VIEW QUOTES Essays and Reviews
VIEW QUOTES Jules Henri Poincare,
French mathematician (1854 - 1912)
VIEW QUOTES Science and Hypothesis (1905)
VIEW QUOTES Science and Method (1908)
VIEW QUOTES Alexander Pope,
English poet and critic (1688 - 1744)
VIEW QUOTES An Essay on Criticism (1711)
VIEW QUOTES An Essay on Man (1733 - 1734)
VIEW QUOTES Rape of the Lock (1712)
VIEW QUOTES Liston Pope, American religious educator and social ethicist (1909 - 1974)
VIEW QUOTES Millhands & Preachers (1942)
VIEW QUOTES Karl Popper,
Austrian philosopher (1902 - 1994)
VIEW QUOTES The Open Society and its Enemies (1945)
VIEW QUOTES Sylvia Porter, American journalist and finance expert (1913 - 1991)
VIEW QUOTES Sylvia Porter's Money Book (1975)
American etiquette authority (1872 - 1960)
VIEW QUOTES Etiquette (1922)
VIEW QUOTES Beatrix Potter,
English author (1866 - 1943)
VIEW QUOTES The Tale of Peter Rabbit (1902)
VIEW QUOTES Colin Powell,
American military leader and statesman (1937 - )
VIEW QUOTES My American Journey (1995)
VIEW QUOTES Susan Powter, Australian diet guru and businesswoman (1957 - )
VIEW QUOTES Stop the Insanity (1993)
VIEW QUOTES James Van Praagh, American spiritualist medium and author (1960 - )
VIEW QUOTES Talking to Heaven (1997)
VIEW QUOTES Priscilla Beaulieu Presley, American actress (1945 - )
VIEW QUOTES Elvis and Me (1985)
VIEW QUOTES Victoria Principal, American actress (1950 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Body Principal (1983)
VIEW QUOTES Nathan Pritikin and Patrick McGrad, Jr.
VIEW QUOTES The Pritikin Program for Diet & Exercise (1979)
VIEW QUOTES Ptolemy, Alexandrian astronomer, mathematician and geographer (2nd century)
VIEW QUOTES Almagest (c. 141)
VIEW QUOTES Alexander Sergivich Pushkin,
Russian poet and novelist (1799 - 1837)
VIEW QUOTES Eugene Onegin (1831)
American journalist and author (1900 - 1945)
VIEW QUOTES Brave Men (1944)
VIEW QUOTES Here Is Your War (1943)
VIEW QUOTES Last Chapter (1946)
VIEW QUOTES Anna Quindlen,
American journalist and novelist (1953 - )
VIEW QUOTES A Short Guide to a Happy Life (2000)
VIEW QUOTES Francois Rabelais,
French monk, humorist and satirist (1494? - 1553)
VIEW QUOTES Gargantua and Pantagruel (1532 - 1562) (5 books)
VIEW QUOTES Jean Baptiste Racine,
French tragic poet and dramatist (1639 - 1699)
VIEW QUOTES Gilda Radner,
American actress and comedienne (1946 - 1989)
VIEW QUOTES It's Always Something (1989)
VIEW QUOTES The Virtue of Selfishness (1964)
VIEW QUOTES Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings,
American writer (1896 - 1953)
VIEW QUOTES Cross Creek (1942)
VIEW QUOTES John Rawls, American political philosopher (1921 - 2002)
VIEW QUOTES A Theory of Justice (1971)
VIEW QUOTES Nancy Reagan,
American first lady (1921 - )
VIEW QUOTES My Turn (1989)
VIEW QUOTES Ronald Reagan,
American 40th president of U.S. (1911 - 2004)
VIEW QUOTES Ronald Reagan (1990)
VIEW QUOTES Ottilie H. Reilly, author of book on canasta card game (1898 - )
VIEW QUOTES Canasta, the Argentine Rummy Game (1949)
VIEW QUOTES Paul Reiser, American comedian and actor (1957 - )
VIEW QUOTES Couplehood (1994)
VIEW QUOTES Marc Reisner, American environmental consultant and writer (1948 - 2000)
VIEW QUOTES Cadillac Desert (1986)
VIEW QUOTES David Reuben, M.D., American psychiatrist (1933 - )
VIEW QUOTES Any Woman Can! (1971)
VIEW QUOTES Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex but Were Afraid To Ask (1969)
VIEW QUOTES The Save-Your-Life Diet (1975)
VIEW QUOTES Emery Reves, Hungarian author and publisher (1904 - 1981)
VIEW QUOTES The Anatomy of Peace (1945)
VIEW QUOTES Quentin Reynolds,
American war correspondent and author (1902 - 1965)
VIEW QUOTES The Curtain Rises (1944)
VIEW QUOTES Richard Rhodes, American journalist and editor (1937 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Making of the Atomic Bomb (1986)
VIEW QUOTES Grantland Rice,
American sports columnist and author (1880 - 1954)
VIEW QUOTES The Tumult and the Shouting (1954)
VIEW QUOTES David Riesman,
American sociologist, lawyer and author (1909 - 2002)
VIEW QUOTES The Lonely Crowd (1950)
VIEW QUOTES Rainer Marie Rilke,
Austrian-German-Swiss (Czech-born) lyric poet (1875 - 1926)
VIEW QUOTES Robert J. Ringer, American nonfiction author and public speaker (1938 - )
VIEW QUOTES Looking Out for #1 (1977)
VIEW QUOTES Restoring the American Dream (1979)
VIEW QUOTES Winning Through Intimidation (1974)
VIEW QUOTES Robert L. Ripley, American newspaper feature artist and creator of "Believe It or Not" (1893 - 1949)
VIEW QUOTES Believe It or Not (1929)
VIEW QUOTES Priscilla Robertson, French writer (1910 - 1989)
VIEW QUOTES Revolutions of 1848 (1952)
VIEW QUOTES James Harvey Robinson,
American historian (1863 - 1936)
VIEW QUOTES The Mind in the Making (1921)
VIEW QUOTES Edwin Arlington Robinson,
American poet (1869 - 1935)
VIEW QUOTES Collected Poems
VIEW QUOTES A Tilbury Town (1953)
VIEW QUOTES John A.T. Robinson, English clergyman (1919 - 1983)
VIEW QUOTES Honest to God (1963)
VIEW QUOTES Dennis Rodman,
American professional basketball player (1961 - )
VIEW QUOTES Bad As I Wanna Be (1996)
VIEW QUOTES Dale Evans Rogers, American singer and actress (1912 - 2001)
VIEW QUOTES Angel Unaware (1953)
VIEW QUOTES Fred McFeely Rogers,
American television host (1928 - 2003)
VIEW QUOTES The World According to Mister Rogers (2003)
VIEW QUOTES Michael F. Roizen and Mehmet C. Oz, American physicians (1946 - / 1960 -)
VIEW QUOTES You: On a Diet (2006)
VIEW QUOTES You: The Owner's Manual (2005)
VIEW QUOTES Irma S. Rombauer and Marion Rombauer Becker
VIEW QUOTES The Joy of Cooking: New Edition (1962)
VIEW QUOTES Irma S. Rombauer, Marion Rombauer Becker, and Ethan Becker
VIEW QUOTES Joy of Cooking (1997)
VIEW QUOTES Andrew A. Rooney, American commentator, producer and author (1919 - )
VIEW QUOTES And More by Andy Rooney (1982)
VIEW QUOTES A Few Minutes with Andy Rooney (1981)
VIEW QUOTES Pieces of My Mind (1984)
VIEW QUOTES Word for Word (1986)
VIEW QUOTES Elliott Roosevelt, American military leader (1910 - 1990)
VIEW QUOTES As He Saw It (1946)
VIEW QUOTES Franklin Delano Roosevelt,
American 32nd president of U.S. (1882 - 1945)
VIEW QUOTES Looking Forward (1933)
American nightclub owner, producer and songwriter (1899 - 1966)
VIEW QUOTES Wine, Women and Words (1948)
VIEW QUOTES Martin Ross (pseudonym of Violet Florence Martin) and Edith Somerville, Irish novelists and second cousins (1862 - 1915 / 1858 - 1949)
VIEW QUOTES Some Experiences of an Irish R.M. (1899)
VIEW QUOTES Christina Georgina Rossetti,
English poet (1830 - 1894)
VIEW QUOTES Edmond Rostand,
French poet and dramatist (1868 - 1918)
VIEW QUOTES Cyrano de Bergerac (1897)
VIEW QUOTES Lillian Roth, Gerold Frank, and Mike Connolly
VIEW QUOTES I'll Cry Tomorrow (1954)
VIEW QUOTES Jean-Jacques Rousseau,
Swiss philosopher and writer (1712 - 1778)
VIEW QUOTES Discourse on the Origin of Inequality (1755)
VIEW QUOTES Discourse on the Political Economy (1758)
VIEW QUOTES The Social Contract (1762)
VIEW QUOTES Howard J. Ruff, American actor, singer, speed reader, investment counselor and stockbroker
VIEW QUOTES How to Prosper During the Coming Bad Years (1979)
VIEW QUOTES Bertrand Arthur William Russell,
English philosopher, mathematician, logician and social critic (1872 - 1970)
VIEW QUOTES The Analysis of Mind (1921)
VIEW QUOTES Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits (1948)
VIEW QUOTES An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth (1940)
VIEW QUOTES The Problems of Philosophy (1912)
VIEW QUOTES Cornelius Ryan, American writer (1920 - 1974)
VIEW QUOTES The Last Battle (1966)
American astronomer and science writer (1934 - 1996)
VIEW QUOTES Cosmos (1980)
VIEW QUOTES The Dragons of Eden (1977)
VIEW QUOTES Antoine de Saint-Exupery,
French novelist and aviator (1900 - 1944)
VIEW QUOTES Flight to Arras (1942)
VIEW QUOTES Le Petit Prince (1943)
VIEW QUOTES Wind, Sand and Stars (1939)
VIEW QUOTES Chic Sale (Charles Partlow Sale),
American humorist, vaudevillian and actor (1885 - 1936)
VIEW QUOTES The Specialist (1929)
VIEW QUOTES Mark D. Sanders and Tia Sillers
VIEW QUOTES I Hope You Dance (2000)
VIEW QUOTES My Shadow Ran Fast (1964)
VIEW QUOTES George Santayana,
American (Spanish-born) philosopher, poet, humanist and critic (1863 - 1952)
VIEW QUOTES The Life of Reason (1905)
VIEW QUOTES Persons and Places (1944)
VIEW QUOTES Scepticism and Animal Faith (1923)
VIEW QUOTES Jean-Paul Sartre,
French philosopher, novelist and dramatist (1905 - 1980)
VIEW QUOTES Being and Nothingness (1943)
VIEW QUOTES No Exit (1944)
VIEW QUOTES Leon Joseph Saul, American physician and writer (1901 - )
VIEW QUOTES Emotional Maturity (1947)
VIEW QUOTES Lyle Saxon (1891 - 1946)
VIEW QUOTES Lafitte the Pirate (1930)
VIEW QUOTES Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller,
German poet, dramatist and historian (1759 - 1805)
VIEW QUOTES The Maid of Orleans (1801)
VIEW QUOTES William Tell (1804)
VIEW QUOTES John A. Schindler (1903 - )
VIEW QUOTES How to Live 365 Days a Year (1954)
VIEW QUOTES Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., American historian, educator, public official and author (1917 - 2007)
VIEW QUOTES The Age of Jackson (1945)
VIEW QUOTES A Thousand Days (1964)
VIEW QUOTES Laura Schlessinger, American therapist and radio broadcaster (1947 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands (2004)
VIEW QUOTES Arthur Schopenhauer,
German philosopher (1788 - 1860)
VIEW QUOTES Studies in Pessimism (1891)
VIEW QUOTES Flora R. Schreiber, American writer (1918 - 1988)
VIEW QUOTES Sybil (1973)
VIEW QUOTES Olive Emilie Albertina Schreiner,
South African novelist (1855 - 1920)
VIEW QUOTES Woman and Labor (1911)
VIEW QUOTES Robert H. Schuller, American evangelist (1926 - )
VIEW QUOTES Be Happy--You Are Loved! (1986)
VIEW QUOTES The Be-Happy Attitudes (1985)
VIEW QUOTES Charles M. Schulz,
American cartoonist (creator of "Peanuts") (1922 - 2000)
VIEW QUOTES Christmas Is Together-Time (1964)
VIEW QUOTES Happiness Is a Warm Puppy (1962)
VIEW QUOTES I Need All the Friends I Can Get (1964)
VIEW QUOTES Security Is a Thumb and a Blanket (1963)
VIEW QUOTES Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf,
American military leader (1934 - )
VIEW QUOTES It Doesn't Take a Hero (1992)
VIEW QUOTES Lt. Col. Gordon Seagrave, American (Burmese-born) medical missionary (1897 - 1965)
VIEW QUOTES Burma Surgeon (1943)
VIEW QUOTES Barry Sears, American biochemist and biophysicist (1947 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Zone (1995)
VIEW QUOTES Alan Seeger,
American poet and soldier killed in action (1888 - 1916)
VIEW QUOTES Poems of Alan Seeger (1917)
VIEW QUOTES Jerry Seinfeld,
American comedian (1955 - )
VIEW QUOTES Seinlanguage (1993)
VIEW QUOTES Robert William Service,
Canadian traveler, poet and man of letters (1874 - 1958)
VIEW QUOTES Rhymes of a Red Cross Man (1916)
VIEW QUOTES Dr. Seuss (pseudonym of Theodore Seuss Geisel),
American children's storywriter (1904 - 1991)
VIEW QUOTES The Butter Battle Book (1984)
VIEW QUOTES The Cat in the Hat (1957)
VIEW QUOTES Green Eggs and Ham (1960)
VIEW QUOTES One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish (1960)
VIEW QUOTES You're Only Old Once (1986)
VIEW QUOTES Major Alexander P. de Seversky, American (Russian-born) aviator and aeronautical engineer (1894 - 1974)
VIEW QUOTES Victory Through Air Power (1942)
VIEW QUOTES William Shakespeare,
English dramatist and poet (1564 - 1616)
VIEW QUOTES All's Well That Ends Well (1602)
VIEW QUOTES Antony and Cleopatra (1606)
VIEW QUOTES As You Like It (1599)
VIEW QUOTES The Comedy of Errors (1592)
VIEW QUOTES Coriolanus (1607)
VIEW QUOTES Cymbeline (1609)
VIEW QUOTES Hamlet Prince of Denmark (1600)
VIEW QUOTES The History of Troilus and Cressida (1601)
VIEW QUOTES Julius Caesar (1599)
VIEW QUOTES King Henry the Fourth, Part I (1597)
VIEW QUOTES King Henry the Fourth, Part II (1597)
VIEW QUOTES King Henry the Sixth, Part I (1591)
VIEW QUOTES King Henry the Sixth, Part II (1590)
VIEW QUOTES King Henry the Sixth, Part III (1590)
VIEW QUOTES King Lear (1605)
VIEW QUOTES The Life and Death of King John (1596)
VIEW QUOTES The Life of King Henry the Eighth (1612)
VIEW QUOTES The Life of King Henry the Fifth (1598)
VIEW QUOTES The Life of Timon of Athens (1607)
VIEW QUOTES A Lover's Complaint (1609)
VIEW QUOTES Love's Labor's Lost (1594)
VIEW QUOTES Macbeth (1605)
VIEW QUOTES Measure for Measure (1604)
VIEW QUOTES The Merchant of Venice (1596)
VIEW QUOTES The Merry Wives of Windsor (1600)
VIEW QUOTES A Midsummer Night's Dream (1595)
VIEW QUOTES Much Ado About Nothing (1598)
VIEW QUOTES Othello the Moor of Venice (1604)
VIEW QUOTES The Passionate Pilgrim (1599)
VIEW QUOTES Pericles Prince of Tyre (1608)
VIEW QUOTES The Phoenix and Turtle (1601)
VIEW QUOTES The Rape of Lucrece (1594)
VIEW QUOTES Romeo and Juliet (1594)
VIEW QUOTES Sonnets (1593 - 1609)
VIEW QUOTES The Taming of the Shrew (1593)
VIEW QUOTES The Tempest (1611)
VIEW QUOTES Titus Andronicus (1593)
VIEW QUOTES The Tragedy of King Richard the Second (1595)
VIEW QUOTES The Tragedy of King Richard the Third (1592)
VIEW QUOTES Twelfth Night, or, What You Will (1599)
VIEW QUOTES The Two Gentlemen of Verona (1594)
VIEW QUOTES Venus and Adonis (1593)
VIEW QUOTES The Winter's Tale (1610)
VIEW QUOTES David A. Shannon, American writer (1920 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Great Depression (1960)
VIEW QUOTES George Bernard Shaw,
Irish dramatist, novelist and critic (1856 - 1950)
VIEW QUOTES The Intelligent Woman's Guide to Socialism and Capitalism (1928)
VIEW QUOTES Saint Joan (1923)
VIEW QUOTES Mark Shaw, American lawyer, journalist and author (1945 - )
VIEW QUOTES The John F. Kennedys (1964)
VIEW QUOTES Vincent Sheean, American foreign correspondent and writer (1899 - 1975)
VIEW QUOTES Not Peace but a Sword (1939)
VIEW QUOTES Personal History (1935)
VIEW QUOTES Neil Sheehan, American journalist (1936 - )
VIEW QUOTES A Bright Shining Lie (1988)
VIEW QUOTES Gail Sheehy,
American writer, journalist and editor (1937 - )
VIEW QUOTES Passages (1976)
VIEW QUOTES The Silent Passage (1992)
VIEW QUOTES Fulton John Sheen,
American religious leader (1895 - 1979)
VIEW QUOTES Life Is Worth Living (1953)
VIEW QUOTES Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (nee Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin),
English author (1797 - 1851)
VIEW QUOTES A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1798)
VIEW QUOTES Percy Bysshe Shelley,
English poet (1792 - 1822)
VIEW QUOTES General William Tecumseh Sherman,
American general (1820 - 1891)
VIEW QUOTES Memoirs (1875)
VIEW QUOTES Margaret Pollock Sherwood, American (1864 - 1955)
VIEW QUOTES The Worn Doorstep (1916)
VIEW QUOTES Robert E. Sherwood,
American playwright (1896 - 1955)
VIEW QUOTES Roosevelt and Hopkins (1948)
VIEW QUOTES William Lawrence Shirer, American journalist and radio commentator (1904 - 1993)
VIEW QUOTES Berlin Diary (1941)
VIEW QUOTES The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (1960)
VIEW QUOTES Maria Shriver, American television journalist (1955 - )
VIEW QUOTES Ten Things I Wish I'd Known--Before I Went Out into the Real World (2000)
VIEW QUOTES Sheldon Allan Silverstein (used pseudonym Uncle Shelby), American cartoonist, composer, lyricist, folksinger and writer (1932 - 1999)
VIEW QUOTES A Light in the Attic (1981)
VIEW QUOTES Richard Simmons, American diet and exercise authority (1948 - )
VIEW QUOTES Richard Simmons' Never-Say-Diet Cookbook (1980)
VIEW QUOTES George Gaylord Simpson,
American zoologist, paleontologist and evolutionist (1902 - 1984)
VIEW QUOTES Life of the Past (1953)
VIEW QUOTES Cornelia Otis Skinner and Emily Kimbrough
VIEW QUOTES Our Hearts Were Young and Gay (1942)
VIEW QUOTES Jeff L. Smith ("The Frugal Gourmet"), American culinary authority and television personality (1939 - 2004)
VIEW QUOTES The Frugal Gourmet (1984)
VIEW QUOTES The Frugal Gourmet Cooks American (1987)
VIEW QUOTES The Frugal Gourmet Cooks Three Ancient Cuisines (1989)
VIEW QUOTES The Frugal Gourmet Cooks with Wine (1986)
VIEW QUOTES The Frugal Gourmet on Our Immigrant Heritage (1990)
VIEW QUOTES Adam Smith (1),
Scottish political economist (1723 - 1790)
VIEW QUOTES The Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759)
VIEW QUOTES Wealth of Nations (1776)
VIEW QUOTES Adam Smith (2) (pseudonym of George J.W. Goodman), American financier, editor and television business commentator (1930 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Money Game (1968)
VIEW QUOTES Robert Payne Smith, English clergyman (1818 - 1895)
VIEW QUOTES Where Did You Go? Out. What Did You Do? Nothing (1957)
VIEW QUOTES Rick Smolan and David Cohen, American / American photographer / editor (late 20th cent / 1955 -)
VIEW QUOTES A Day in the Life of America (1986)
VIEW QUOTES Charles Percy Snow,
English novelist, physicist and government official (1905 - 1980)
VIEW QUOTES The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution (1959)
VIEW QUOTES Sophocles,
Greek tragic poet (c. 496 BC - 406 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Antigone (c. 442 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Oedipus (c. 430 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Tragedies (c. 442 BC - c. 406 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Theodore C. Sorensen, American lawyer and government official (1928 - 2010)
VIEW QUOTES Kennedy (1965)
VIEW QUOTES Julian Spafford and Lucien Esty
VIEW QUOTES Ask Me Another (1927)
VIEW QUOTES John Spargo, American (English-born) museum director (1876 - 1966)
VIEW QUOTES Bolshevism (1919)
VIEW QUOTES Albert Speer, German architect (1905 - 1981)
VIEW QUOTES Inside the Third Reich (1970)
VIEW QUOTES Jonathan D. Spence, English writer (1936 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Gate of Heavenly Peace (1981)
VIEW QUOTES Edmund Spenser,
English poet (1552? - 1599)
VIEW QUOTES The Faerie Queene (1589)
VIEW QUOTES Prothalamion (1596)
VIEW QUOTES Benedict (Baruch) Spinoza,
Dutch philosopher (1632 - 1677)
VIEW QUOTES Ethics (1677)
VIEW QUOTES Walter Terence Stace, British civil servant, educator and philosopher (1886 - 1967)
VIEW QUOTES Religion and the Modern Mind (1952)
VIEW QUOTES Henry Morton Stanley,
Welsh explorer (1841 - 1904)
VIEW QUOTES How I Found Livingstone (1872)
VIEW QUOTES Thomas J. Stanley (2), American author, lecturer and researcher of the affluent (late 20th century)
VIEW QUOTES The Millionaire Mind (2000)
VIEW QUOTES Jess Stearn, American biographer and writer on the occult (1915? - 20002)
VIEW QUOTES Edgar Cayce (1967)
VIEW QUOTES Edward Steichen, American photographer (1879 - 1973)
VIEW QUOTES The Family of Man (1955)
VIEW QUOTES Gertrude Stein,
American author (1874 - 1946)
VIEW QUOTES The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas (1933)
VIEW QUOTES John Ernst Steinbeck,
American novelist (1902 - 1968)
VIEW QUOTES Travels with Charley (1962)
VIEW QUOTES de Stendhal (pseudonym of Marie Henri Beyle),
French novelist and critic (1783 - 1842)
VIEW QUOTES On Love (1822)
VIEW QUOTES The Red and the Black (1831)
VIEW QUOTES Howard Stern, American radio personality (1954 - )
VIEW QUOTES Miss America (1995)
VIEW QUOTES Private Parts (1993)
VIEW QUOTES Philip van Doren Stern, American author, historian and editor (1900 - 1984)
VIEW QUOTES Life and Writings of Abraham Lincoln (1940)
VIEW QUOTES Laurence Sterne,
Irish humorous and novelist (1713 - 1768)
VIEW QUOTES A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy (1768)
VIEW QUOTES Wallace Stevens,
American poet and author (1879 - 1955)
VIEW QUOTES Robert Louis Stevenson,
Scottish essayist, poet and novelist (1850 - 1894)
VIEW QUOTES H.L. Steward, M.C. Bethea, S.S. Andrews, R.O. Brennan, L.A. Balant
VIEW QUOTES Sugar Busters! (1998)
VIEW QUOTES James B. Stewart, American lawyer, journalist and editor (1957 - )
VIEW QUOTES Den of Thieves (1991)
VIEW QUOTES Jon Stewart, Ben Karlin and David Javerbaum
VIEW QUOTES America (The Book) (2004)
VIEW QUOTES Erwin M. Stillman and Samm Sinclair Baker
VIEW QUOTES The Doctor's Quick Weight Loss Diet (1967)
VIEW QUOTES Lytton Strachey,
English biographer and critic (1880 - 1932)
VIEW QUOTES Elizabeth and Essex (1928)
VIEW QUOTES Eminent Victorians (1918)
VIEW QUOTES Queen Victoria (1921)
VIEW QUOTES William Strunk, Jr. and E.B. White
VIEW QUOTES The Elements of Style (1959)
VIEW QUOTES William Styron,
American novelist (1925 - 2006)
VIEW QUOTES Darkness Visible (1990)
VIEW QUOTES Thomas Sugrue and Col. Edmund Starling
VIEW QUOTES Starling of the White House (1946)
VIEW QUOTES Mark Sullivan, American journalist (1874 - 1952)
VIEW QUOTES Our Times (1926)
VIEW QUOTES Halliday Sutherland (1882 - 1960)
VIEW QUOTES The Arches of the Years (1933)
VIEW QUOTES Jonathan Swift,
Irish satirist and man of letters (1667 - 1745)
VIEW QUOTES Journal to Stella (written 1710-13; publ. 1766)
VIEW QUOTES A Modest Proposal (1729)
VIEW QUOTES Raymond Gram Swing, American journalist and radio news commentator (1887 - 1968)
VIEW QUOTES This I Believe: 2 (1954)
VIEW QUOTES Tacitus (Caius Cornelius Tacitus),
Roman historian (c. 55 - 117)
VIEW QUOTES Agricola (97 - 98)
VIEW QUOTES Annals (c. 110)
VIEW QUOTES Germania (98 - 99)
VIEW QUOTES Histories (100 - 110)
VIEW QUOTES Gay Talese, American novelist and journalist (1932 - )
VIEW QUOTES Honor Thy Father (1971)
VIEW QUOTES Thy Neighbor's Wife (1980)
VIEW QUOTES Dr. Herman Taller
VIEW QUOTES Calories Don't Count (1961)
VIEW QUOTES Herman Tarnower, M.D., and Samm Sinclair Baker
VIEW QUOTES The Complete Scarsdale Medical Diet (1978)
VIEW QUOTES R.H. Tawney (Richard Henry Tawney), British (Indian-born) economist (1880 - 1962)
VIEW QUOTES Religion and the Rise of Capitalism (1926)
VIEW QUOTES Elizabeth Taylor,
English actress (1932 - )
VIEW QUOTES Elizabeth Takes Off (1987)
VIEW QUOTES Kenneth Nathaniel Taylor, American religious writer and publisher (1917 - 2005)
VIEW QUOTES The Living Bible (1972)
VIEW QUOTES Charles Tazewell, American actor, scriptwriter and author of children's stories (1900 - 1972)
VIEW QUOTES The Littlest Angel (1946)
VIEW QUOTES Studs Terkel, American writer (1912 - 2008)
VIEW QUOTES Working (1974)
VIEW QUOTES William Roscoe Thayer, American biographer and historian (1859 - 1923)
VIEW QUOTES Theodore Roosevelt (1919)
VIEW QUOTES Benjamin Platt Thomas, American biographer and historian (1902 - 1956)
VIEW QUOTES Abraham Lincoln (1952)
VIEW QUOTES Elizabeth M. Thomas, American writer (1931 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Hidden Life of Dogs (1993)
VIEW QUOTES Lewis Thomas,
English biologist and essayist (1913 - 1993)
VIEW QUOTES The Lives of a Cell (1974)
VIEW QUOTES Lowell Thomas, American radio broadcaster and journalist (1892 - 1981)
VIEW QUOTES Count Luckner, the Sea Devil (1927)
VIEW QUOTES Edward Palmer Thompson (1924 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Making of the English Working Class (1963)
VIEW QUOTES D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson (2), English scientist (1860 - 1948)
VIEW QUOTES On Growth and Form (1917)
VIEW QUOTES John Arthur Thomson, Scottish biologist (1861 - 1933)
VIEW QUOTES The Outline of Science (1921)
VIEW QUOTES Henry David Thoreau,
American author and naturalist (1817 - 1862)
VIEW QUOTES Cape Cod (1865)
VIEW QUOTES Civil Disobedience (1849)
VIEW QUOTES The Maine Woods (1864)
VIEW QUOTES A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers (1849)
VIEW QUOTES Thucydides,
Greek historian (c. 471 BC - c. 400 BC)
VIEW QUOTES History of the Peloponnesian War (c. 431 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Paul Johannes Tillich,
German-American theologian (1886 - 1965)
VIEW QUOTES The Courage to Be (1952)
VIEW QUOTES Alexis de Tocqueville,
French scientist, historian and politician (1805 - 1879)
VIEW QUOTES Democracy in America (1835)
VIEW QUOTES The Third Wave (1980)
VIEW QUOTES Leo Tolstoy (Count Lev Tolstoi),
Russian novelist, philosopher and mystic (1828 - 1910)
VIEW QUOTES What is Art? (1898)
VIEW QUOTES Henry Major Tomlinson, English journalist, novelist and miscellaneous writer (1873 - 1958)
VIEW QUOTES Sea and the Jungle (1912)
VIEW QUOTES Robert Townsend,
American business executive (1920 - 1998)
VIEW QUOTES Up the Organization (1970)
VIEW QUOTES Arnold Joseph Toynbee (2),
English historian and author (1889 - 1975)
VIEW QUOTES Civilization on Trial (1948)
VIEW QUOTES A Study of History (1934)
VIEW QUOTES Richard Tregaskis, American author and journalist (1916 - 1973)
VIEW QUOTES Guadalcanal Diary (1943)
VIEW QUOTES Lionel Trilling,
American literary critic and teacher (1905 - 1975)
VIEW QUOTES The Liberal Imagination (1950)
VIEW QUOTES Keven Trudeau, American author, salesman and promoter (1963 - )
VIEW QUOTES Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You to Know About (2004)
VIEW QUOTES Harry S. Truman,
American 33rd president of U.S. (1884 - 1972)
VIEW QUOTES Year of Decisions (1955)
VIEW QUOTES Margaret Truman,
American mystery novelist and daughter of Harry S. Truman (1924 - 2008)
VIEW QUOTES Harry S. Truman (1972)
VIEW QUOTES Donald J. Trump,
American business executive (1946 - )
VIEW QUOTES Trump (1988)
VIEW QUOTES Lynne Truss, American writer and editor (1955? -)
VIEW QUOTES Eats, Shoots & Leaves (2003)
VIEW QUOTES Barbara W. Tuchman,
American historian (1912 - 1989)
VIEW QUOTES A Distant Mirror (1978)
VIEW QUOTES The Guns of August (1962)
VIEW QUOTES Frederick Jackson Turner, American historian (1861 - 1932)
VIEW QUOTES The Frontier in American History (1920)
VIEW QUOTES Mark Twain (pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens),
American humorist and writer (1835 - 1910)
VIEW QUOTES The Autobiography of Mark Twain (1924)
VIEW QUOTES Miguel de Unamuno (miguel de Unamuno y Jugo),
Spanish educator, philosopher, activist and author (1864 - 1936)
VIEW QUOTES The Tragic Sense of Life in Men and in Peoples (1913)
VIEW QUOTES The American Heritage Book of Great Historic Places (1957)
VIEW QUOTES Articles of Confederation (1777)
VIEW QUOTES The Baby: A Photographic Inquiry into Certain Private Opinions (1950)
VIEW QUOTES Constitution of the United States (1787)
VIEW QUOTES Declaration of Independence (1776)
VIEW QUOTES The Epic of Gilgamesh (c. 2700 BC - 2500 BC)
VIEW QUOTES The Guinness Book of Records 1999 (1998)
VIEW QUOTES Heloise's Housekeeping Hints (1962)
VIEW QUOTES Magna Carta (1215)
VIEW QUOTES The Mary Kay Guide to Beauty (1983)
VIEW QUOTES The Muppet Show Book (1978)
VIEW QUOTES The New Yorker Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Album (1951)
VIEW QUOTES The Nibelungenlied (c. 1200)
VIEW QUOTES The Pillsbury Family Cookbook (1963)
VIEW QUOTES The Random House Dictionary of the English Language (1966)
VIEW QUOTES The Saga of Burnt Njal (c. 13th century)
VIEW QUOTES Sir Gawayne and the Grene Knight (c. 1375 - 1400)
VIEW QUOTES The Song of Roland (1185 - 1187)
VIEW QUOTES Volsunga Saga (12th century)
VIEW QUOTES Weight Watchers 365-Day Menu Cookbook (1981)
VIEW QUOTES Weight Watchers Fast and Fabulous Cookbook (1984)
VIEW QUOTES U.S. War Department General Staff
VIEW QUOTES General Marshall's Report (1945)
VIEW QUOTES Laurence Urdang, American writer (1927 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Random House Dictionary of the English Language (1968) College Edition
VIEW QUOTES Jan Valtin (pseudonym of Richard Julius Herman Krebs), American professional revolutionary, spy and assassin (1904 - 1951)
VIEW QUOTES Out of the Night (1941)
VIEW QUOTES Abigail Van Buren, American advice columnist (1918 - )
VIEW QUOTES Dear Abby (1958)
VIEW QUOTES Dirk van der Heide
VIEW QUOTES My Sister and I (1940)
VIEW QUOTES Carl Van Doren, American editor and critic (1885 - 1950)
VIEW QUOTES Benjamin Franklin (1938)
VIEW QUOTES Hendrik Willem van Loon,
American (Dutch-born) journalist, lecturer and writer (1882 - 1944)
VIEW QUOTES The Arts (1937)
VIEW QUOTES The Story of Mankind (1921)
VIEW QUOTES Van Loon's Geography (1932)
VIEW QUOTES Pierre van Paassen, American (Dutch-born) journalist and author (1895 - 1968)
VIEW QUOTES Days of Our Years (1939)
VIEW QUOTES Iyanla Vanzant, American counselor (1952 - )
VIEW QUOTES In the Meantime (1998)
VIEW QUOTES Thorstein Veblen,
American economist and social scientist (1857 - 1929)
VIEW QUOTES The Theory of Business Enterprise (1904)
VIEW QUOTES The Theory of the Leisure Class (1899)
VIEW QUOTES Josephine Artayeta de Viel and Ralph Michael
VIEW QUOTES Canasta (1949)
VIEW QUOTES Virgil or Vergil (Publius Virgilius Maro Vergil),
Roman epic, didactic and idyllic poet (70 BC - 19 BC)
VIEW QUOTES The Aeneid (19 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Works (c. 37 BC - c. 19 BC)
VIEW QUOTES Voltaire (Francois Marie Arouet Voltaire),
French historian, dramatist, writer and poet (1694 - 1778)
VIEW QUOTES Letters on the English (c. 1778)
VIEW QUOTES Philosophical Dictionary (1764)
VIEW QUOTES David Wallechinsky, Irving Wallace and Amy Wallace
VIEW QUOTES The Book of Lists (1977)
VIEW QUOTES Nora Waln, American writer (1895 - 1964)
VIEW QUOTES The House of Exile (1933)
VIEW QUOTES Reaching for the Stars (1939)
VIEW QUOTES Neale Donald Walsch, American journalist (late 20th century)
VIEW QUOTES Conversations with God (1996) Book I
American business executive (1918 - 1992)
VIEW QUOTES Sam Walton (1992)
VIEW QUOTES Geoffrey C. Ward, American editor and writer (1940 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Civil War (1990)
VIEW QUOTES Rick Warren, American clergyman and author (1954 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Purpose-Driven Life (2003)
VIEW QUOTES Booker Taliaferro Washington,
American educator and social reformer (1856 - 1915)
VIEW QUOTES Up from Slavery (1901)
VIEW QUOTES James D. Watson, American biochemist (1928 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Double Helix (1968)
VIEW QUOTES Max Weber, German political philosopher and sociologist (1864 - 1920)
VIEW QUOTES The Protestant Ethic and Spirit of Capitalism (1905)
VIEW QUOTES Dr. Andrew Weil, American physician (1942 - )
VIEW QUOTES Eating Well for Optimum Health (2000)
VIEW QUOTES Eight Weeks to Optimum Health (1997)
VIEW QUOTES Jack Welch, American business executive (1935 - )
VIEW QUOTES Jack (2001)
VIEW QUOTES Lawrence Welk, American musician and bank leader (1903 - 1992)
VIEW QUOTES Wunnerful, Wunnerful! (1971)
VIEW QUOTES Sumner Welles, American diplomat (1892 - 1961)
VIEW QUOTES The Time for Decision (1944)
VIEW QUOTES H.G. Wells (Herbert George Wells),
English novelist, historian and sociologist (1866 - 1946)
VIEW QUOTES God the Invisible King (1917)
VIEW QUOTES Italy, France and Britain at War (1917)
VIEW QUOTES The Outline of History (1921)
VIEW QUOTES Rebecca West (pseudonym of Mrs. Cicely Fairfield Andrews),
Irish journalist, novelist, biographer and critic (1892 - 1983)
VIEW QUOTES Black Lamb and Grey Falcon (1942)
VIEW QUOTES Theodore Harold White, American journalist (1915 - 1986)
VIEW QUOTES Breach of Faith (1975)
VIEW QUOTES In Search of History (1978)
VIEW QUOTES The Making of the President 1960 (1961)
VIEW QUOTES The Making of the President 1964 (1965)
VIEW QUOTES William Lindsay White, American editor and author (1900 - 1973)
VIEW QUOTES They Were Expendable (1942)
VIEW QUOTES Alfred North Whitehead,
English mathematician and philosopher (1861 - 1947)
VIEW QUOTES Adventures of Ideas (1933)
VIEW QUOTES The Aims of Education and Other Essays (1929)
VIEW QUOTES An Introduction to Mathematics (1911)
VIEW QUOTES Science and the Modern World (1925)
VIEW QUOTES Donald F. Whitehead, American journalist (1908 - 1981)
VIEW QUOTES The FBI Story (1956)
VIEW QUOTES Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell, English mathematicians (1861 - 1947 / 1872 - 1970)
VIEW QUOTES Principia Mathematica (1910)
VIEW QUOTES Brand Whitlock, American journalist, politician and diplomat (1869 - 1934)
VIEW QUOTES Belgium (1919)
VIEW QUOTES Albert Edward Wiggam, American biologist (1871 - 1957)
VIEW QUOTES The New Decalogue of Science (1923)
VIEW QUOTES Dr. Bruce Wilkinson, American religious writer (1947 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Prayer of Jabez (2000)
VIEW QUOTES Prayer of Jabez Devotional (2001)
VIEW QUOTES Secrets of the Vine (2001)
VIEW QUOTES Darlene Wilkinson, American religious writer, wife of Dr. Bruce Wilkinson (late 20th century)
VIEW QUOTES Prayer of Jabez for Women (2002)
VIEW QUOTES Bruce Wilkinson with David Kopp, American religious writers (1947 - / ? -)
VIEW QUOTES A Life God Rewards (2002)
VIEW QUOTES William Appleman Williams, American writer (1921 - 1990)
VIEW QUOTES The Contours of American History (1961)
VIEW QUOTES William Carlos Williams,
American poet (1883 - 1963)
VIEW QUOTES In the American Grain (1925)
VIEW QUOTES Henry Williamson, English novelist (1895 - 1977)
VIEW QUOTES The Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight (1951) (series)
VIEW QUOTES Marianne Williamson,
American lecturer and author (1952 - )
VIEW QUOTES A Return to Love (1992)
VIEW QUOTES Wendell L. Willkie, American lawyer, businessman and politician (1892 - 1944)
VIEW QUOTES One World (1943)
VIEW QUOTES Edmund Wilson,
American critic and essayist (1895 - 1972)
VIEW QUOTES Patriotic Gore (1962)
VIEW QUOTES Thomas Woodrow Wilson,
American 28th president of U.S., writer and statesman (1856 - 1924)
VIEW QUOTES The New Freedom (1913)
VIEW QUOTES Frank Jenners Wilstach, American biographer (1865 - 1933)
VIEW QUOTES Wild Bill Hickok (1926)
VIEW QUOTES Oprah Winfrey and Bob Greene, American television personality and actress / journalist and author (1954 - / 1947 -)
VIEW QUOTES Make the Connection (1996)
VIEW QUOTES Shelley Winters, American actress (1920 - 2006)
VIEW QUOTES Shelley: Also Known as Shirley (1980)
VIEW QUOTES Tom Wolfe (Thomas Kennerly Wolfe, Jr.),
American journalist and novelist (1931 - )
VIEW QUOTES The Right Stuff (1979)
VIEW QUOTES Tobias Wolff, American short story writer and novelist (1945 - )
VIEW QUOTES This Boy's Life (1989)
VIEW QUOTES Mrs. Cecil Woodham-Smith, English historian (1896 - 1977)
VIEW QUOTES Florence Nightingale (1950)
VIEW QUOTES Barbara Woodhouse, Irish author and dog trainer (1910 - 1988)
VIEW QUOTES No Bad Dogs (1982)
VIEW QUOTES Tiger Woods, American golfer (1975 - )
VIEW QUOTES How I Play Golf (2001)
VIEW QUOTES Bob Woodward, American journalist (1943 - )
VIEW QUOTES Bush at War (2002)
VIEW QUOTES Plan of Attack (2004)
VIEW QUOTES State of Denial (2006)
VIEW QUOTES Veil (1981 - 1987)
VIEW QUOTES C. Vann Woodward, American historian (1908 - 1999)
VIEW QUOTES The Strange Career of Jim Crow (1955)
VIEW QUOTES Bob Woodward and Scott Armstrong, American journalist / writer (1943 - / 1945 -)
VIEW QUOTES The Brethren (1979)
VIEW QUOTES Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, American journalists (1943 - / 1944 -)
VIEW QUOTES All the President's Men (1974)
VIEW QUOTES The Final Days (1976)
VIEW QUOTES Virginia Woolf (nee Stephen) (Adeline Virginia Woolf),
English author and critic (1882 - 1941)
VIEW QUOTES A Room of One's Own (1929)
VIEW QUOTES Alexander Woollcott,
American novelist, critic and actor (1887 - 1943)
VIEW QUOTES While Rome Burns (1934)
VIEW QUOTES John Woolman,
American Quaker, merchandiser and writer of legal documents (late 17th - early 18th century)
VIEW QUOTES The Journal of John Woolman (1774) (from 1720 -1772)
VIEW QUOTES William Wordsworth,
English poet (1770 - 1850)
VIEW QUOTES Milton C. Work, American card game authority (1864 - 1934)
VIEW QUOTES Auction Bridge Complete (1926)
VIEW QUOTES Auction of To-Day (Auction Bridge To-Day) (1913)
VIEW QUOTES Peter Wright, British spy (20th century)
VIEW QUOTES Spycatcher (1987)
VIEW QUOTES Richard Wright,
American novelist and short story writer (1908 - 1960)
VIEW QUOTES Black Boy (1945)
VIEW QUOTES Laurence Wylie, American anthropologist and ethno-sociologist (1909 - 1996)
VIEW QUOTES Village in the Vaucluse (1957)
VIEW QUOTES Malcolm X and Alex Haley, American political activist / novelist and journalist (1925 - 1965 / 1921 - 1992)
VIEW QUOTES The Autobiography of Malcolm X (1965)
VIEW QUOTES Frances A. Yates, English historian (1899 - 1981)
VIEW QUOTES The Art of Memory (1966)
VIEW QUOTES Thomas Russell Ybarra, American writer (1880 - 1971)
VIEW QUOTES Young Man of Caracas (1941)
VIEW QUOTES Gen. Chuck Yeager and Leo Janos, American aviator and general / writer (1923 - / 1933 -)
VIEW QUOTES Yeager (1985)
VIEW QUOTES William Butler Yeats,
Irish poet and revivalist of Irish literature (1865 - 1939)
VIEW QUOTES Autobiographies (1926)
VIEW QUOTES Vash (Vashni) Young, American salesman and radio announcer (1888 - )
VIEW QUOTES A Fortune to Share (1931)
VIEW QUOTES Sir Francis E. Younghusband, British (Indian-born) explorer (1863 - 1942)
VIEW QUOTES The Epic of Mount Everest (1926)
American (Chinese-born) author (1895 - 1976)
VIEW QUOTES The Importance of Living (1937)
VIEW QUOTES Hans Zinsser,
American bacteriologist (1878 - 1940)
VIEW QUOTES As I Remember Him (1940)
VIEW QUOTES Rats, Lice and History (1935)
VIEW QUOTES Stefan Zweig, Austrian writer (1881 - 1942)
VIEW QUOTES Marie Antoinette (1932)
VIEW QUOTES Mary Queen of Scotland and the Isles (1935)
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