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Fickle Fortune reigns, and, undiscerning, scatters crowns and chains. - [Fortune] Fine sense and exalted sense are not half as useful as common sense. There are forty men of wit for one man of sense. And he that will carry nothing about him but gold will be every day at a loss for readier change. - [Common Sense] Fools admire, but men of sense approve. - [Fools] For forms of faith let graceless zealots fight; his can't be wrong whose life is in the right. - [Sects] For never, never wicked man was wise. - [Wickedness] For not the anger of the wise to raise; Those best can bear reproof who merit praise. - [Reproof] For spirits, freed from mortal laws, with ease Assume what sexes and what shapes they please. - [Ghosts] For what has Virro painted, built, and planted? Only to show how many tastes he wanted, What brought Sir Visto's ill-got wealth to waste? Some demon whispered, "Visto! have a taste." - [Taste] Force first made conquest, and that conquest law, Till Superstition taught the tyrant awe, Then shar'd the tyranny, then lent it aid, And gods of conqu'rors, slaves of subjects made: She, 'midst the lightning's blaze and thunder's sound, When rock'd the mountains, and when groan'd the ground, She taught the weak to bend, the proud to pray To Power unseen, and mightier far than they: She, from the rending earth and bursting skies, Saw gods descend, and fiends infernal rise; Here fixed the dreadful, there the blest abodes; Fear made her devils, and weak hope her gods. - [Superstition] Friend, for your epitaph I'm grieved, Where still so much is said; One half will never be believed, The other never read. - [Proverbs] From the moment one sets up for an author, one must be treated as ceremoniously, that is as unfaithfully, "as a king's favorite or a king." - [Authorship] Genius involves both envy and calumny. - [Genius] Gentle dullness ever loves a joke. - [Jokes] Get money, money still! And then let virtue follow, if she will. - [Proverbs] Get wealth and power, if possible by grace, If not, by any means, get wealth and place. - [Proverbs] Get your enemies to read your works in order to mend them, for your friend is so much your second self that he will judge too like you. - [Critics] Glory and gain the industrious tribe provoke; And gentle dullness ever loves a joke. - [Dullness] Go, wiser thou! and in thy scale of sense weigh thy opinion against Providence. - [Wisdom] Grant me honest fame or grant me none. - [Fame] Hail, wayward Queen! Who rule the sex to fifty from fifteen; Parent of vapors, and of female wit, Who give the hysteric, or poetic fit, On various tempers act by various ways, Make some take physic, others scribble plays: Who cause the proud their visits to delay, And send the godly in a pet to pray. - [Spleen] Half our knowledge we must snatch, not take. - [Knowledge] Happy the man, whose wish and care A few paternal acres bound, Content to breathe his native air In his own ground. - [Retirement] He best shall paint them who shall feel them most. - [Feeling] He who tells a lie is not sensible how great a task he undertakes; for he must be forced to invent twenty more to maintain that one. - [Falsehood] Heaven first taught letters for some wretch's aid, Some banish'd lover, or some captive maid; They live, they speak, they breathe what love inspires, Warm from the soul, and faithful to its fires; The virgin's wish, without her fears, impart; Excuse the blush, and pour out all the heart; Speed the soft intercourse from soul to soul, And waft a sigh from Indus to the pole. - [Letters] Displaying page 4 of 34 for this author: << Prev Next >> 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
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