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Mark what unvary'd laws preserve each state, Laws wise as Nature, and as fixed as Fate. - Essay on Man (ep. III, l. 189) [Law] Like bubbles on the sea of matter borne, They rise, they break, and to that sea return. - Essay on Man (ep. III, l. 19) [Life] The enormous faith of many made for one. - Essay on Man (ep. III, l. 242) [Faith] For forms of government let fools contest; Whate'er is best administer'd is best. - Essay on Man (ep. III, l. 303) [Government] For modes of faith let graceless zealots fight; His can't be wrong whose life is in the right. - Essay on Man (ep. III, l. 305) [Faith] In Faith and Hope the world will disagree, But all mankind's concern is charity. - Essay on Man (ep. III, l. 307) [Charity] Is it for thee the linnet pours his throat? Loves of his own, and raptures swell the note. - Essay on Man (ep. III, l. 33) [Linnets] The hog that ploughs not, not obeys thy call, Lives on the labours of this lord of all. - Essay on Man (ep. III, l. 41) [Swine] Say, will the falcon, stooping from above, Smit with her varying plumage, spare the dove? Admires the jay the insect's gilded wings? Or hears the hawk when Philomela sings? - Essay on Man (ep. III, l. 53) [Falcons] Whether with Reason, or with Instinct blest, Know, all enjoy that pow'r which suits them best. - Essay on Man (ep. III, l. 79) [Enjoyment] But honest instinct comes a volunteer; Sure never to o'er-shoot, but just to hit, While still too wide or short in human wit. - Essay on Man (ep. III, l. 85) [Instinct] Reason, however able, cool at best, Cares not for service, or but serves when prest, Stays till we call, and then not often near. - Essay on Man (ep. III, l. 85) [Reason] See plastic Nature working to this end, The single atoms each to other tend, Attract, attracted to, the next in place Form'd and impell'd its neighbor to embrace. - Essay on Man (ep. III, l. 9) [Nature] Oh happiness! our being's end and aim! Good, Pleasure, Ease, Content! whate'er thy name; That something still which prompts th' eternal sigh, For which we bear to live, or dare to die. - Essay on Man (ep. IV, l. 1) [Happiness] Where grows?--where grows it not? If vain our toil, We ought to blame the culture, not the soil. - Essay on Man (ep. IV, l. 13) [Agriculture] But sometimes virtue starves while vice is fed. What then? Is the reward of virtue bread? - Essay on Man (ep. IV, l. 149) [Virtue] Fix'd to no spot is Happiness sincere; 'Tis nowhere to be found, or ev'rywhere; 'Tis never to be bought, but always free. - Essay on Man (ep. IV, l. 15) [Happiness] The soul's calm sunshine and the heartfelt joy, Is virtue's prize. - Essay on Man (ep. IV, l. 168) [Virtue] Judges and senates have been bought for gold; Esteem and love were never to be sold. - Essay on Man (ep. IV, l. 187) [Bribery] Ask of the Learn'd the way? The Learn'd are blind; This bids to serve, and that to shun mankind; Some place the bliss in action, some in ease, Those call it Pleasure, and Contentment these. - Essay on Man (ep. IV, l. 19) [Learning] Honour and shame from no condition rise; Act well your part, there all the honour lies. - Essay on Man (ep. IV, l. 193) [Honor] Fortune in men has some small diff'rence made, One flaunts in rags, one flutters in brocade, The cobbler apron'd, and the parson gown'd, The friar hooded, and the monarch crown'd. - Essay on Man (ep. IV, l. 195) [Fortune] Some place the bliss in action, some in ease, Those call it pleasure, and contentment these. - Essay on Man (ep. IV, l. 21) [Bliss] What can ennoble sots, or slaves, or cowards? Alas! not all the blood, of all the Howards. - Essay on Man (ep. IV, l. 215) [Ancestry] What's fame? a fancy'd life in others' breath. A thing beyond us, e'en before our death. - Essay on Man (ep. IV, l. 237) [Fame] Displaying page 21 of 34 for this author: << Prev Next >> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 [21] 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
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