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"Get Money, money still! And then let virtue follow, if she will." This, this the saving doctrine preach'd to all, From low St. James' up to high St. Paul. - First Book of Horace (ep. I, l. 79) [Money] True, conscious Honour is to feel no sin, He's arm'd without that's innocent within; Be this thy screen, and this thy wall of Brass. - First Book of Horace (ep. I, l. 93) [Conscience] And what is Fame? the Meanest have their Day, The Greatest can but blaze, and pass away. - First Book of Horace (ep. VI, l. 46) [Fame] "Pray take them, Sir,--Enough's a Feast; Eat some, and pocket up the rest." - First Book of Horace (ep. VII, l. 24) [Eating] Praise undeserved is scandal in disguise. - First Epistle of Second Book of Horace [Praise] No more was seen the human form divine. - Homer's Odyssey (bk. X, l. 278) [Man] Of fight or fly, This choice is left ye, to resist or die. - Homer's Odyssey (bk. XXII, l. 79) [Choice] We conquered France, but felt our captive's charms, Her arts victorious triumph'd o'er our arms. - Horace [Victory] The varying verse, the full resounding line, The long majestic march, and energy divine. - Horace (bk. II, ep. I, l. 267) [Poetry] The heart resolves this matter in a trice, "Men only feel the smart, but not the vice." - Horace (bk. II, ep. II, l. 216) [Vice] There still remains to mortify a wit The many-headed monster of the pit. - Horace (ep. I, bk. II, l. 30) [Acting] Pour the full tide of eloquence along, Serenely pure, and yet divinely strong. - Imitation of Horace (bk. II, ep. II, l. 171) [Eloquence] Years following years steal something ev'ry day. At last they steal us from ourselves away. - Imitations of Horace (bk. II, ep. 2) [Time] Learn to live well, or fairly make your will; You've played, and loved, and ate, and drank your fill. Walk sober off, before a sprightlier age Comes titt'ring on, and shoves you from the stage. - Imitations of Horace (bk. II, ep. 2, l. 322) [Age : Life] Give me again my hollow tree A crust of bread, and liberty! - Imitations of Horace (bk. II, satire VI, l. 220) [Liberty] I have more zeal than wit. - Imitations of Horace (bk. II, satire VI, l. 56) [Zeal] Shakspeare (whom you and every playhouse bill Style the divine! the matchless! what you will), For gain, not glory, wing'd his roving flight, And grew immortal in his own despite. - Imitations of Horace (ep. I, bk. II, l. 69) [Shakespeare] The man that loves and laughs must sure do well. - Imitations of Horace (ep. VI, bk. I, l. 129) [Laughter] Grave authors say, and witty poets sing, That honest wedlock is a glorious thing. - January and May (l. 21) [Matrimony] But what so pure, which envious tongues will spare? Some wicked wits have libell'd all the fair. With matchless impudence they style a wife The dear-bought curse, and lawful plague of life; A bosom-serpent, a domestic evil, A night-invasion and a mid-day-devil. Let not the wife these sland'rous words regard, But curse the bones of ev'ry living bard. - January and May (l. 43) [Wives] A pear-tree planted nigh: 'Twas charg'd with fruit that made a goodly show, And hung with dangling pears was every bough. - January and May (l. 602) [Pears] The dances ended, all the fairy train For pinks and daisies search'd the flow'ry plain. - January and May (l. 624) [Fairies] Our grandsire, Adam, ere of Eve possesst, Alone, and e'en in Paradise unblest, With mournful looks the blissful scenes survey'd, And wander'd in the solitary shade. The Maker say, took pity, and bestow'd Woman, the last, the best reserv'd of God. - January and May (l. 63) [Women] All other goods by fortune's hand are given, A wife is the peculiar gift of heaven. - January and May--From Chaucer (l. 51) [Wives] Party-spirit, which at best is but the madness of many, for the gain of a few. - Letter to Blount [Politics] Displaying page 23 of 34 for this author: << Prev Next >> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 [23] 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
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