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Histories are more full of examples of the fidelity of dogs than of friends. - Letters to and from H. Cromwell, Esq.--Letter X [Dogs] Stript to the naked soul. - Lines to Mrs. Grace Butler, found in "Sussex Garland", nos. 9 and 10 under Warminghurst [Soul] Ye gods, annihilate but space and time, And make two lovers happy. - Martinus Scriblerus on the Art of Sinking in Poetry (ch. XI) [Love] Thus unlamented pass the proud away, The gaze of fools and pageant of a day; So perish all, whose breast ne'er learn'd to glow For others' good, or melt at others' woe. - Memory of an Unfortunate Lady (l. 4) [Pride] He from thick films shall purge the visual ray, And on the sightless eyeball pour the day. - Messiah [God] In adamantine chains shall Death be bound, And Hell's grim tyrant feel th' eternal wound. - Messiah (l. 47) [Future] Yet still a sad, good Christian at the heart. - Moral Essay (ep. II, l. 68) [Christianity] What nature wants, commodious gold bestows; 'Tis thus we cut the bread another sows. - Moral Essay (ep. III, l. 21) [Gold] Who reasons wisely is not therefore wise; His pride in reasoning, not in acting lies. - Moral Essays (ep. 1, l. 117) [Reason] Choose a firm cloud before it fall, and in it Catch, ere she change, the Cynthia of this minute. - Moral Essays (ep. 2, l. 19) [Clouds] In the worst inn's worst room, with mat half hung. - Moral Essays (ep. 3, l. 299) [Inns] Blest paper-credit! last and best supply! That lends corruption lighter wings to fly. - Moral Essays (ep. 3, l. 39) [Credit] To observations which ourselves we make, We grow more partial for th' observer's sake. - Moral Essays (ep. I, l. 11) [Self-love] Court-virtues bear, like gems, the highest rate, Born where Heav'n influence scarce can penetrate. In life's low vale, the soil the virtues like, They please as beauties, here as wonders strike. - Moral Essays (ep. I, l. 141) [Virtue] 'Tis education forms the common mind; Just as the twig is bent the tree's inclined. - Moral Essays (ep. I, l. 149) [Education] Search then the ruling passion; there alone, The wild are constant, and the cunning known; The fool consistent, and the false sincere; Priests, princes, women, no dissemblers here. - Moral Essays (ep. I, l. 174) [Passion] Old politicians chew on wisdom past, And totter on in business to the last. - Moral Essays (ep. I, l. 228) [Politics] And you, brave Cobham! to the latest breath Shall feel your ruling passion strong in death. - Moral Essays (ep. I, l. 262) [Passion] Like following life through creatures you dissect, You lose it in the moment you detect. - Moral Essays (ep. I, l. 29) [Life] The difference is as great between The optics seeing as the objects seen. All manners take a tincture from our own; Or come discolor'd through out passions shown; Or fancy's beam enlarges, multiplies, Contracts, inverts, and gives ten thousand dyes. - Moral Essays (ep. I, l. 31) [Fancy] In vain sedate reflections we would make When half our knowledge we must snatch, not take. - Moral Essays (ep. I, l. 39) [Knowledge] Who would not praise Patrico's high desert, His hand unstain'd, his uncorrupted heart, His comprehensive head? all interests weigh'd, All Europe sav'd, yet Britain not betray'd. - Moral Essays (ep. I, l. 82) [Statesmanship] Alas! in truth, the man but chang'd his mind, Perhaps was sick, in love, or had not dined. - Moral Essays (ep. I, pt. II) [Change] Manners with Fortunes, Humours turn with Climes, Tenets with Books, and Principles with Times. - Moral Essays (ep. I, pt. II) [Change : Proverbs] 'Tis from high Life high Characters are drawn; A Saint in Crape is twice a Saint in Lawn: A Judge is just, a Chanc'llor juster still; A Gowman learn'd; a Bishop what you will; Wise if a minister; but if a King More wise, more learn'd, more just, more ev'rything. - Moral Essays (ep. I, pt. II) [Character] Displaying page 24 of 34 for this author: << Prev Next >> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 [24] 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
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