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The divine right of kings may have been a plea for feeble tyrants, but the divine right of government is the keystone of human progress, and without it governments sink into police, and a nation is degraded into a mob. - Lothair--General Preface [Government] I will sit down now, but the time will come when you will hear me. - Maiden Speech in the House of Commons [Speech] Free trade is not a principle, it is an expedient. - On Import Duties [Politics] I suppose, to use our national motto, something will turn up. [Motto of Vraibleusia.] - Popanilla (ch. VII) [Expectation] Assassination has never changed the history of the world. - Speech [History] He thinks posterity is a pack-horse, always ready to be loaded. - Speech [Posterity] I see before me that statue of a celebrated minister, who said that confidence was a plant of slow growth. But I believe, however gradual may be the growth of confidence, that of credit requires still more time to arrive at maturity. - Speech [Confidence] Posterity is a most limited assembly. Those gentlemen who reach posterity are not much more numerous than the planets. - Speech [Posterity] A sophistical rhetorician, inebriated with the exuberance of his own verbosity. - Speech at the Riding School, said of Gladstone, London, July 27, 1878 [Speech] A precedent embalms a principle. - Speech on the Expenditures of the Country [Principles] But what minutes! Count them by sensation, and not by calendars, and each moment is a day and the race a life. - Sybil (bk. I, ch. II) [Time] The Duke of Wellington brought to the post of first minister immortal fame; a quality of success which would almost seem to include all others. - Sybil (bk. I, ch. III) [Fame] To be conscious that you are ignorant is a great step to knowledge. - Sybil (bk. I, ch. V) [Knowledge] Principle is ever my motto, no expediency. - Sybil (bk. II, ch. II) [Politics : Principles] Mr. Kremlin himself was distinguished for ignorance, for he had only one idea, and that was wrong. - Sybil (bk. IV, ch. V) [Ignorance] Men of light and leading. - Sybil (bk. V, ch. I) [Character] We are all born for love. . . . It is the principle of existence and its only end. - Sybil (bk. V, ch. IV) [Love] He was fash and full of faith that "something would turn up." - Tancred (bk. III, ch. VI) [Expectation] Silence is the mother of Truth. - Tancred (bk. IV, ch. IV) [Silence] Everything comes if a man will only wait. - Tancred (bk. IV, ch. VIII) [Expectation] We are indeed a nation of shopkeepers. - The Young Duke (bk. I, ch. XI) [England] All the ten-to-oners were in the rear, and a dark horse, which had never been thought of, and which the careless St. James had never even observed in the list, rushed past the grand stand in sweeping triumph. - The Young Duke (bk. II, ch. V) [Politics] Information upon points of practical politics. - Vivian Gray (ch. XIV), given by Walsh as first appearance of the phrase "practical politics" [Politics] All power is a trust; that we are accountable for its exercise; that from the people and for the people all springs, and all must exist. - Vivian Grey (bk. VI, ch. VII) [Public Trust] The Disappointment of Manhood succeeds to the delusion of Youth; let us hope that the heritage of Old age is not Despair. - Vivian Grey (bk. VIII, ch. IV) [Age] Displaying page 11 of 12 for this author: << Prev Next >> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [11] 12
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