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Among all my patients in the second half of life . . . every one of them fell ill because he had lost what the living religions of every age have given their followers, and none of them has been really healed who did not regain his religious outlook. - [Religion] As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being. - [Mankind] Error is just as important a condition of life as truth. - [Error] Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol or morphine or idealism. - [Addiction] From the middle of life onward, only he remains vitally alive who is ready to die with life. - [Death] It is indeed time for the clergyman and the psychotherapist to join forces. - [Clergy] Neurosis is always a substitute for legitimate suffering. - [Insanity] Nothing has a stronger influence psychologically on their environment, and especially on their children, than the unlived lives of the parents. - [Parents] One cannot live without inconsistency. - [Inconsistency] One is forced to speak not of what is held in common between the cultures, but what is held in common between the myths, and that in its simplest archetypal forms. - [Similarity] Sentimentality is a superstructure covering brutality. - [Sentimentality] Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you. - [Sanity] The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances; if there is any reaction, both are transformed. - [Personality] The more one sees of human fate and the more one examines its secret springs of action, the more one is impressed by the strength of unconscious motives and by the limitations of free choice. - [Fate] The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely. - [Acceptance] The true leader is always led. - [Leaders] The unconscious mind of man sees correctly even when conscious reason is blind and impotent. - [Unconsciousness] The wine of youth does not always clear with advancing years; sometimes it grows turbid. - [Youth] The world begins to exist when the individual discovers it. - [Existence] We can keep from a child all knowledge of earlier myths, but we cannot take from him the need for mythology. - [Mythology] What is essential in a work of art is that it should rise far above the realm of personal life and speak to the spirit and heart of the poet as man to the spirit and heart of mankind. - [Art]
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