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A lovely girl is above all rank. - [Beauty] A man or a woman may be highly irritable, and yet be sweet, tender, gentle, loving, sociable, kind, charitable, thoughtful for others, unselfish, generous. - [Quality] A nation does wisely, if not well, in starving her men of genius. Fatten them, and they are done for. - [Genius] A pretty, silly, self-conceited woman will very often be far more courted, and seemingly far more liked and admired, than a woman of infinitely higher charms. All the while the men do not like her a tenth part as well. - [Attractiveness] A successful career has been full of blunders. - [Success] All high truth is poetry. Take the results of science: they glow with beauty, cold and hard as are the methods of reaching them. - [Truth] Bad temper is its own scourge. Few things are bitterer than to feel bitter. A man's venom poisons himself more than his victim. - [Anger] Cervantes speaks of potted wisdom as "short sentences drawn from a long experience." - [Brevity] Christianity is intensely practical. She has no trait more striking than her on common sense. - [Christianity] Concentration alone conquers. - [Brevity] Emulation and imitation are of twin birth. - [Emulation] Experience shows that success is due less to ability than to zeal. The winner is he who gives himself to his work, body and soul. - [Zeal] Heavy sorrow is silent, and the deepest mourning is the most solitary. - [Mourners] How strangely easy difficult things are! - [Difficulties] I once met a man who had forgiven an injury. O hope some day to meet the man who has forgiven an insult. - [Insult] If fortune has fairly sat on a man, he takes it for granted that life consists in being sat upon; but to be coddled on Fortune's knee, and then have his ears boxed;--that is aggravating. - [Fortune] In extent sorrow is boundless,--it pours from ten million sources, and floods the world; but its depth is small,--it drowns few. - [Sorrow] In life, as in chess, forethought wins. - [Forethought] Indulge in procrastination, and in time you will come to this, that because a thing ought to be done, therefore you can't do it. - [Procrastination] Intercourse is the soul of progress. - [Society] It is curious to see how a self-willed, haughty girl, who sets her father and mother and all at defiance, and can't be managed by anybody, at once finds her master in a baby. Her sister's child will strike the rock and set all her affections flowing. - [Babies] Many men's thoughts are not acorns, but merely pebbles. - [Thought] No man is too busy to read Shakespeare. - [Shakespeare] Outward things don't give; they draw out. You find in them what you bring to them. A cathedral makes only the devotional feel devotional; scenery refines only the fine-minded. - [Sympathy] Proverbs are potted wisdom. - [Apothegms] Displaying page 1 of 2 for this author: Next >> [1] 2
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