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A critic was of old a glorious name, Whose sanction handed merit up to fame; Beauties as well as faults he brought to view His judgment great, and great his candor too. No servile rules drew sickly taste aside; Secure he walked, for nature was his guide. But now, O strange reverse! our critics bawl In praise of candor with a heart of gall, Conscious of guilt, and fearful of the light; They lurk enshrouded in the veil of night; Safe from destruction, seize th' unwary prey, And stab like bravoes, all who come that way. - [Critics] A heart to pity, and a hand to bless. - [Heart] A jest is a very serious thing. - [Jesting] A six-foot suckling, mincing in its gait, Affected, peevish, prim and delicate; Fearful it seemed tho' of athletic make, Lest brutal breezes should so roughly shake Its tender form, and savage motion spread O'er its pale cheeks, the horrid manly red. - [Fops] But though bare merit might in Rome appear The strongest plea for favour, 'tis not here; We form our judgment in another way; And they will best succeed, who best can pay; Those, who would gain the votes of British tribes, Must add to force of merit, force of bribes. - [Corruption] Censure is often useful, praise often deceitful. - [Censure] Childhood, who like an April morn appears, Sunshine and rain, hopes clouded o'er with fears. - [Children] Drawn by conceit from reason's plan How vain is that poor creature man; How pleas'd in ev'ry paltry elf To grate about that thing himself. - [Conceit] England, a fortune-telling host, As num'rous as the stars could boast; Matrons, who toss the cup, and see The grounds of fate in grounds of tea. - [Superstition] England, a happy land we know, Where follies naturally grow, Where without culture they arise, And tow'r above the common size. - [England] Enough of satire; in less harden'd times Great was her force, and mighty were her rhymes. I've read of men, beyond man's daring brave, Who yet have trembled at the strokes she gave; Whose souls have felt more terrible alarms From her one line, than from a world in arms. - [Satire] Enough of self, that darling luscious theme, O'er which philosophers in raptures dream; Of which with seeming disregard they write Then prizing most when most they seem to slight. - [Selfishness] Even in a hero's heart Discretion is the better part. - [Discretion] Explore the dark recesses of the mind, In the soul's honest volume read mankind, And own, in wise and simple, great and small, The same grand leading principle in all; * * * * * For parent and for child, for wife and friend, Our first great mover, and our last great end Is one; and by whatever name we call The ruling tyrant, Self, is all in all. - [Self : Selfishness] Genius is independent of situation. - [Genius] Gipsies, who every ill can cure, Except the ill of being poor Who charms 'gainst love and agues sell, Who can in hen-roost set a spell, Prepar'd by arts, to them best known To catch all feet except their own, Who, as to fortune, can unlock it, As easily as pick a pocket. - [Gypsies] He hurts me most who lavishly commends. - [Praise] How pleased is every paltry elf To prate about that thing, himself! - [Selfishness] I'll make them live as brothers should with brother, And keep them in good-humor with each other. - [Temper] If honor calls, where'er she points the way The sons of honor follow, and obey. - [Honor] If you mean to profit, learn to praise. - [Flattery] In the first seat, in robe of various dyes, A noble wildness flashing from his eyes, Sat Shakespeare: in one hand a wand he bore, For mighty wonders fam'd in days of yore: The other held a globe, which to his will Obedient turn'd, and own'd the master's skill: Things of the noblest kind his genius drew, And look'd through nature at a single view: A loose he gave to his unbounded soul, And taught new lands to rise, new seas to roll; Call'd into being scenes unknown before, And passing nature's bounds, was something more. - [Shakespeare] Knaves starve not in the land of fools. - [Knavery] Mutually giving and receiving aid, They set each other off, like light and shade. - [Proverbs] Nature listening stood, whilst Shakespeare play'd And wonder'd at the work herself had made. - [Shakespeare] Displaying page 1 of 5 for this author: Next >> [1] 2 3 4 5
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