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Every winter, When the great sun has turned his face away, The earth goes down into a vale of grief, And fasts, and weeps, and shrouds herself in sables, Leaving her wedding-garlands to decay-- Then leaps in spring to his returning kisses. - Saint's Tragedy (act III, sc. 1) [Winter] Oh! 'tis easy To beget great deeds; but in the rearing of them-- The threading in cold blood each mean detail, And furze brake of half-pertinent circumstance-- There lies the self-denial. - Saint's Tragedy (act IV, sc. 3) [Deeds] Possession means to sit astride the world Instead of having it astride of you. - Saint's Tragedy (I, 4) [Possession] All but God is changing day by day. - Saint's Tragedy--Prometheus [God] I have fought my fight, I have lived my life, I have drunk my share of wine; From Trier to Colin there was never a knight Let a merrier life than mine. - The Knight's Leap [Life] Night's son was driving His golden-haired horses up; Over the eastern firths High flashed their manes. - The Longbeards' Saga [Aurora] "O Mary, go and call the cattle home, And call the cattle home, And call the cattle home, Across the sands o' Dee;" The western wind was wild and dank wi' foam And all alone went she. - The Sands o' Dee [Cattle : Dee River : Rivers] The western tide crept up along the sand, And o'er and o'er the sand, And round and round the sand, As far as eye could see The rolling mist came down and hid the land: And never home came she. - The Sands o' Dee (st. 2) [Tides] Three fishers went sailing away to the west, Away to the west as the sun went down; Each thought on the woman who loved him the best, And the children stood watching them out of the town. - The Three Fishers [Fishermen] Still the race of hero spirits pass the lamp from hand to hand. - The World's Age [Heroes] For men must work and women must weep, And the sooner it's over the sooner to sleep, And good-bye to the bar and its moaning. - Three Fishers [Work] Now, to tell my story--if not as it ought to be told, at least as I can tell it,--I must go back sixteen years, to the days when Whitbury boasted of forty coaches per diem, instead of one railway, and set forth how in its southern suburb, there stood two pleasant house side by side, with their gardens sloping down to the Whit, and parted from each other only by the high brick fruit-wall, through which there used to be a door of communication; for the two occupiers were fast friends. - Two Years Ago [Books (First Lines)] When all the world is young, lad, And all the trees are green; And every goose a swan, lad, And every lass a queen; Then hey, for boot and horse, lad, And round the world away; Young blood must have its course, lad, And every dog his day. - Water Babies [Youth] All who have travelled through the delicious scenery of North Devon must needs know the little white town of Bideford, which slopes upwards from its broad tide-river paved with yellow sands, and many-arched old bridge, where salmon wait for Autumn floods, toward the pleasant upland on the west. - Westward Ho! [Books (First Lines)] Displaying page 4 of 4 for this author: << Prev 1 2 3 [4]
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