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A laugh is worth a hundred groans in any market. - [Laughter] A miser is sometimes a grand personification of fear. He has a fine horror of poverty; and he is not content to keep want from the door, or at arm's length, but he places it, by heaping wealth upon wealth, at a sublime distance! - [Misers] A poor relation is the most irrelevant thing in nature. - [Poverty] A side intelligencer. - [Ears] Antiquity! thou wondrous charm, what art thou? that, being nothing, art everything! When thou wert, thou wert not antiquity,--then thou wert nothing, but hadst a remoter antiquity, as thou calledst it to look back to with blind veneration; thou thyself being to thyself flat, jejune, modern! What mystery lurks in this retroversion? or what half Januses are we, that cannot look forward with the same idolatry with which we forever revert! The mighty future is as nothing, being everything! The past is everything, being nothing! - [Antiquity] Be not frightened at the hard words "imposition," "imposture;" give and ask no questions. Cast thy bread upon the waters. Some have, unawares, entertained angels. - [Charity] Books think for me. I can read anything which I call a book. - [Books] Cards are war, in disguise of a sport. - [Cards] Clap an extinguisher upon your irony if you are unhappily blessed with a vein of it. - [Irony] Credulity is the man's weakness, but the child's strength. - [Credulity] He found shelter among books, which insult not, and studies that ask no questions of a youth's finances. - [Reading] He is never out of the fashion, or limpeth awkwardly behind it. He is not required to put on court mourning. He weareth all colors, fearing none. His costume hath undergone less change than the Quaker's. He is the only man in the universe who is not obliged to study appearances. - [Beggars] He is no lawyer who cannot take two sides. - [Lawyers] How often you are irresistibly drawn to a plain, unassuming woman, whose soft silvery tones render her positively attractive! In the social circle, how pleasant it is to hear a woman talk in that low key which always characterizes the true lady. In the sanctuary of home, how such a voice soothes the fretful child and cheers the weary husband! - [Voice] I allow no hot-beds in the gardens of Parnassus. - [Flowers : Poetry : Simplicity] I cannot sit and think; books think for me. - [Reading] I conceive disgust at these impertinent and misbecoming familiarities inscribed upon your ordinary tombstone. - [Epitaphs] I know that a sweet child is the sweetest thing in nature, not even excepting the delicate creatures which bear them; but the prettier the kind of a thing is, the more desirable it is that it should be pretty of its kind. One daisy differs not much from another in glory; but a violet should look and smell the daintiest. - [Children] If there be a regal solitude, it is a sick-bed. How the patient lords it there! - [Sickness] In the indications of female poverty there can be no disguise. No woman dresses below herself from caprice. - [Dress] In the negro countenance you will often meet with strong traits of benignity. I have felt yearnings of tenderness towards some of these faces, or rather masks, that have looked out kindly upon one in casual encounters in the streets and highways. - [Negro] Is the world all grown up? Is childhood dead? Or is there not in the bosom of the wisest and the best some of the child's heart left, to respond to its earliest enchantments? - [Children] It is good to have friends at court. - [Friends] It is with some violence to the imagination that we conceive of an actor belonging to the relations of private life, so closely do we identify these persons in our mind with the characters which they assume upon the stage. - [Acting] Judge not man by his outward manifestation of faith; for some there are who tremblingly reach out shaking hands to the guidance of faith; others who stoutly venture in the dark their human confidence, their leader, which they mistake for faith; some whose hope totters upon crutches; others who stalk into futurity upon stilts. The difference is chiefly constitutional with them. - [Faith] Displaying page 1 of 4 for this author: Next >> [1] 2 3 4
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