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A far greater warfare lies hidden under this assumed peace. - [Proverbs] Alas, by what trivial causes is greatness overthrown! - [Proverbs] Clemency alone makes us equal to the gods. - [Clemency] Consider not what may do, but what it will become you to do. - [Proverbs] He who seeks to terrify others is more in fear himself. - [Proverbs] He who strikes terror into others is himself in continual fear. - [Tyranny] Here is a fine field for talent. - [Proverbs] In sleep, when fancy is let loose to play, Our dreams repeat the wishes of the day. - [Dreams] Liberty begets license. - [Proverbs] Luxury, that alluring pest with fair forehead, which, yielding always to the will of the body, throws a deadening influence over the senses, and weakens the limbs more than the drugs of Circe's cup. - [Luxury] Men live best on moderate means: Nature has dispensed to all men wherewithal to be happy, if mankind did but understand how to use her gifts. - [Blessings : Temperance] Men live best upon a little; Nature has given to all the privilege of being happy, if they but knew how to use their gifts. - [Blessings : Economy : Temperance] Nature has granted to all to be happy, if we did but know how to use her benefits. - [Happiness] Nature has placed his own happiness in each man's hands, if he only knew how to use it. - [Proverbs] Nothing is more obnoxious than a low person raised to a high position. - [Proverbs] Power call achieve more by gentle means than by violence. - [Proverbs] The best manners are stained by haughtiness. - [Proverbs] They are raised on high that their fall may be the greater. - [Proverbs] Nor is heaven always at peace. [Lat., Nec sidera pacem Semper habent.] - De Bello Getico (LXII) [Peace] He is next to the gods whom reason, and not passion, impels; and who, after weighing the facts, can measure the punishment with discretion. [Lat., Diis proximus ille est Quem ratio non ira movet: qui factor rependens Consilio punire potest.] - De Consulatu Malii Theodori Panygyris (CCXXVII) [Punishment] Power can do by gentleness that which violence fails to accomplish; and calmness best enforces the imperial mandate. [Lat., Peragit tranquilla potestas Quod violenta nequit; mandataque fortius urget Imperiosa quies.] - De Consulatu Mallii Theodori Panegyris (CCXXXIX) [Gentleness] Virtue is indeed its own reward. [Lat., Ipsa quidem pretium virtus sibi.] - De Consulatu Mallii--Theodorii Panegyris (V, I) [Virtue] Expel avarice, the mother of all wickedness, who, always thirsty for more, opens wide her jaws for gold. [Lat., Ac primam scelerum matrem, quae semper habendo Plus sitiens patulis rimatur faucibus aurum, Trudis Avaritiam.] - De Laudibus Stilichonis (II, 111) [Avarice] That man is deceived who thinks it slavery to live under an excellent prince. Never does liberty appear in a more gracious form than under a pious king. [Lat., Fallitur egregio quisquis sub principe credet Servitutem. Nunquam libertas gratior extat Quam sub rege pio.] - De Laudibus Stilichonis (III, 113) [Royalty] The leaves live but to love, and in all the lofty grove the happy trees love each his neighbor. [Lat., Vivunt in venerum frondes omnisque vicissim Felix arbor amat; mutant ad mutua palmae Foedera.] - De Nuptiis Honorii et Marioe (LXV) [Love] Displaying page 1 of 2 for this author: Next >> [1] 2
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