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Betwixt the devil and the deep sea. - Adagia (ch. III, cent. VI, 94), quoted from the Greek [Choice : Proverbial Phrases] Among the blind, the squinter rules. [Lat., Inter caecos regnat strabus.] - Adagia (III, IV, 96) [Eyes] In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. [Lat., In regione caecorum rex est luscus.] - Adagia (III, IV, 96) [Eyes : Proverbs] It is well known that a one-eyed man can rule among the blind. [Lat., Scitum est inter caecos luscum requare posse.] - Adagia, Dignitas et Excellentia et Inequalitas, sub-division, Excel. et Ineq., (about 1500) [Eyes] The camel set out to get him horns and was shorn of his ears. [Lat., Camelus desiderans cornua etiam aures perdidit.] - Adagia--Chil (III, cent. V, 8, heading) [Failure] Procrastination brings loss, delay danger. [Lat., Dilatio damnum habet, mora periculum.] - Adolescens [Time] That same man that renneth awaie Maie fight again on other daie. - Apothegms [War] No one is to be despaired of as long as he breathes. (Where there is life there is hope.) [Lat., Nulli desperandum, quam diu spirat.] - Colloquy--Epicureus [Life] We call a fig a fig, and a skiff a skiff. [Lat., Ficum vocamus ficum, et scapham scapham.] - Colloquy--Philetymus et Pseudocheus [Names] It is the worst of madness to learn what has to be unlearnt. [Lat., Extremae est dementiae discere dediscenda.] - De Ratione Studii [Learning] It is a good part of sagacity to have known the foolish desires of the crowd and their unreasonable notions. [Lat., Bona prudentiae pars est nosse stultas vulgi cupiditates, et absurdas opiniones.] - De Utilitate Colloquiorum--Preface [Public] A nail is driven out by another nail, habit is overcome by habit. [Lat., Clavus clavo pellitur, consuetudo consuetudine vincitur.] - Diluculum [Habit] I am conquered by truth. [Lat., Vincer veris.] - Diluculum [Truth] An angelic boyhood becomes a Satanic old age. [Lat., Angelicus juvenis senibus satanizat in annis.] - Fam. Coll., quoted as a proverb invented by Satan [Proverbs : Youth] Not fewer than three nor more than nine. [Lat., Neque pauciores tribus, neque plures novem.] - quoted by Fam. Coll., the number for a dinner according to a proverb [Festivities] Between the victim and the stone knife. [Lat., Inter sacrum et sazim.] - Letter to Pirkheimer [Choice] Oh, dense intelligence. I suspect that it was Batavian (i.e. from the Netherlands-Batavia.) [Lat., O crassum ingenium. Suspicor fuisse Batavum.] - Naufragium [Countries] So likewise all this life of martall men, What is it but a certaine kynde of stage plaie? Where men come forthe disguised one in one arraie, An other in an other eche plaiying his part. - Praise of Folie (p. 43), (Challoner's translation) [Life] From hence, no question, has sprung an observation . . . confirmed now into a settled opinion, that some long experienced souls in the world, before their dislodging, arrive to the height of prophetic spirit. - Praise of Folly, (old translation) [Prophecy (Prophesy)] The wedlock of minds will be greater than that of bodies. [Lat., Magis erit animorum quam corporum conjugium.] - Procus et Puella [Matrimony] I don't like your way of conditioning and contracting with the saints. Do this and I'll do that! Here's one for t'other. Save me and I'll give you a taper or go on a pilgrimage. - The Shipwreck [Worship] Displaying page 2 of 2 for this author: << Prev 1 [2]
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