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Alas, could experience be bought for gold! - [Experience] Amiable people, while they are more liable to imposition in casual contact with the world, yet radiate so much of mental sunshine that they are reflected in all appreciative hearts. - [Amiability] Audacity as against modesty will win the battle over most men. - [Intrigue] Conceited people are never without a certain degree of harmless satisfaction wherewith to flavor the waters of life. - [Conceit] Delicacy is the parent of decency. - [Decency] Dignity and pride are of too near relationship for intermarriage. - [Pride] Discreet women have sometimes neither eyes nor ears. - [Discretion] Employment and ennui are simply incompatible. - [Employment] Familiarity and satiety are twins. - [Familiarity] Great culture is often betokened by great simplicity. - [Culture] Heartlessness and fascination, in about equal quantities, constitute the receipt for forming the character of a coquette. - [Coquette] If ever I am an instructress, it will be to learn more than to teach. - [Teaching] Intrigue is a court distemper. - [Intrigue] It is a shrewd device to pretend we have some one unimportant fault, it overshadows so many serious defects. - [Faults] It is easier to forgive an enemy than a friend. - [Forgiveness] It rewires a great deal of poetry to gild the pill of poverty, and then it will pass current only in theory; the reality is a dead failure. - [Poverty] Nothing so truly becomes feminine beauty as simplicity. - [Simplicity] One crime is everything; two nothing. - [Crime] Perseverance and audacity generally win. - [Perseverance] Sentiment is the ripened fruit of fancy. - [Sentiment] Some people regret that they have poor memories. Alas! it is much more difficult to forget. - [Remembrance] Steel assassinates; the passions kill. - [Passion] The anticipation of evil courts evil. - [Anticipation] The hen of our neighbor appears to us a goose, says the Oriental proverb. - [Envy] The wrinkles of the heart are more indelible than those of the brow. - [Heart] Displaying page 1 of 2 for this author: Next >> [1] 2
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