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The real beggar is indeed the true and only king. [Ger., Der wahre Bettler ist Doch einzig und allein der wahre Konig.] - Nathan der Weise (II, 9) [Beggary] What could a woman's head contrive Which it would not know how to excuse? [Ger., Was hatt ein Weiberkopf erdacht, das er Nicht zu beschonen wusste?] - Nathan der Weise (III) [Women] It is not children only that one feeds with fairy tales. [Ger., Nicht die Kinder bloss speist man mit Marchen ab.] - Nathan der Weise (III, 6) [Fairies] He who knows much has many cares. [Ger., Wer viel weiss Hat viel zu sorgen.] - Nathan der Weise (IV, 2) [Knowledge] Suspicion follows close on mistrust. [Ger., Argwohnen folgt auf Misstrauen.] - Nathan der Weise (V, 8) [Suspicion] For God rewards good deeds done here below--rewards them here. [Ger., Denn Gott lohnt Gutes, heir gethan, auch hier noch.] - Nathan der Wiese (I, 2) [God] For the will and not the gift makes the giver. [Ger., Denn der Wille Und nicht die Gabe macht den Geber.] - Nathan der Wiese (I, 5) [Gifts] Struggle against it as thou wilt, yet Heaven's ways are Heaven's ways. [Ger., Sperre dich, so viel du willst! Des Himmels Wege sind des Himmels Wege.] - Nathan der Wiese (III, 1) [Heaven] While Fell was reposing himself in the hay, A reptile concealed bit his leg as he lay; But, all venom himself, of the wound he made light, And got well, while the scorpion died of the bite. - Paraphrase of Demodocus [Poison] Displaying page 2 of 2 for this author: << Prev 1 [2]
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