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A man that is desirous to excel should endeavor it in those things that are in themselves most excellent. - [Excellence] A soul which is conversant with virtue is like an ever flowing source, for it is pure and tranquil and potable and sweet and communicative (social) and rich and harmless and free from mischief. - [Soul] A vulgar man, in any ill that happens to him, blames others; a novice in philosophy blames himself; and a philosopher blames neither, the one nor the other. - [Calamities] Act well your given part; the choice rests not with you. - [Resignation] Against specious appearances we must set clear convictions, bright and ready for use. When death appears as an evil, we ought immediately to remember that evils are things to be avoided, but death is inevitable. - [Death] All philosophy lies in two words, sustain and abstain. - [Appetite : Philosophy] As in walking it is your great care not to run your foot upon a nail, or to tread awry, and strain your leg; so let it be in all the affairs of human life, not to hurt your mind or offend your judgment. And this rule, if observed carefully in all your deportment, will be a mighty security to you in your undertakings. - [Conduct] Be free from grief not through insensibility like the irrational animals, nor through want of thought like the foolish, but like a man of virtue by having reason as the consolation of grief. - [Grief] Be not diverted from your duty by any idle reflections the silly world may make upon you, for their censures are not in your power, and consequently should not be any part of your concern. - [Duty] Bid a singer in a chorus, Know Thyself; and will he not turn for the knowledge to the others, his fellows in the chorus, and to his harmony with them? - attributed to [Harmony : Motive : Praise] Common and vulgar people ascribe all ill that they feel to others; people of little wisdom ascribe to themselves; people of much wisdom, to no one. - [Ills] Confident because of our caution. - [Caution : Confidence] Contentment, as it is a short road and pleasant, has great delight and little trouble. - [Contentment] Cowardice, the dread of what will happen. - [Cowardice] Crows pick out the eyes of the dead when they are no longer of any use. But flatterers destroy the souls of the living by blinding their eyes. - attributable to him according to Maximus [Eyes] Demand not that events should happen as you wish; but wish them to happen as they do happen, and you will go on well. - [Resignation] Difficulties are things that show what men are. - [Difficulties] Do not seek to have events happen as you want them to, but instead want them to happen as they do happen, and your life will go well. - [Destiny] Does a man reproach thee for being proud or ill-natured, envious or conceited, ignorant or detracting? Consider with thyself whether his reproaches are true. If they are not, consider that thou art not the person whom he reproaches, but that he reviles an imaginary being, and perhaps loves what thou really art, though he hates what thou appearest to be. - [Reproach] Envy is the antagonist of the fortunate. - [Envy] Every place is safe to him who lives with justice. - [Justice] Everything has two handles; the one soft and manageable, the other such as will not endure to be touched. If then your brother do you an injury, do not take it by the hot hard handle, by representing to yourself all the aggravating circumstances of the fact; but look rather on the soft side, and extenuate it as much as is possible, by considering the nearness of the relation, and the long friendship and familiarity between you--obligations to kindness which a single provocation ought not to dissolve. And thus you will take the accident by its manageable handle. - [Forbearance] First learn the meaning of what you say, and then speak. - [Speech] First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do. - [Self] Fortify yourself with contentment, for this is an impregnable fortress. - [Contentment] Displaying page 1 of 4 for this author: Next >> [1] 2 3 4
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