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A good character when established should not be rested in as an end, but only employed as a means of doing still further good. - [Character] A good man not only forbears those gratifications which are forbidden by reason and religion, but even restrains himself in unforbidden instances. - [Sacrifice] A just and wise magistrate is a blessing as extensive as the community to which he belongs; a blessing which includes all other blessings whatsoever that relate to this life. - [Magistrates] A sturdy, hardened sinner shall advance to the utmost pitch of impiety, with less reluctance than he took the first step while his conscience was yet vigilant and tender. - [Sin] A very prosperous people, flushed with great victories and successes, are seldom so pious, so humble, so just, or so provident as to perpetuate their happiness. - [States] Affliction is a school of virtue; it corrects levity, and interrupts the confidence of sinning. - [Affliction] Even the wisdom of God hath not suggested more pressing motives, more powerful incentives to charity, than these, that we shall be judged by it at the last dreadful day. - [Charity] Few consider how much we are indebted to government, because few can represent how wretched mankind would be without it. - [Government] From mere success nothing can be concluded in favor of any nation upon whom it is bestowed. - [Success] He had such a gentle method of reproving their faults that they were not so much afraid as ashamed to repeat them. - [Reproof] He who performs his duty in a station of great power must needs incur the utter enmity of many, and the high displeasure of more. - [Office] Hospitality sometimes degenerates into profuseness, and ends in madness and folly. - [Hospitality] If God be infinitely holy, just, and good, He must take delight in those creatures that resemble Him most in these perfections. - [God] It is impossible to have a lively hope in another life, and yet be deeply immersed in the enjoyments of this. - [Heaven] It is little the sign of a wise or good man, to suffer temperance to be transgressed in order to purchase the repute of a generous entertainer. - [Intemperance] It is the duty of every one to strive to gain and deserve a good reputation. - [Reputation] Luther deters me from solitariness; but he does not mean from a sober solitude that rallies our scattered strengths and prepares us against any new encounter from without. - [Solitude] Nothing can be reckoned good or bad to us in this life, any further than it indisposes us for the enjoyment of another. - [Future] Shall we repine at a little misplaced charity--we who could no way foresee the effect--when an all-knowing, all-wise Being showers down every day His benefits on the unthankful and undeserving? - [Alms : Charity] The greater absurdities are, the more strongly they evince the falsity of that supposition from whence they flow. - [Absurdity] The priesthood hath in all nations, and all religions, been held highly venerable. - [Ministers] The smallest act of charity shall stand us in great stead. - [Charity] The temptations of prosperity insinuate themselves after a gentle, but very powerful manner; so that we are but little aware of them and less able to withstand them. - [Prosperity] The things of another world being distant, operate but faintly upon us: to remedy this inconvenience, we must frequently revolve their certainty and importance. - [Future] There is a variety in tempers of good men. - [Variety] Displaying page 1 of 2 for this author: Next >> [1] 2
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