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Childish, imbecile carelessness is enough to render any man poor, without the aid of a single positive vice. - [Carelessness] It is by thought that has aroused my intellect from its slumbers, which has "given lustre to virtue, and dignity to truth," or by those examples which have inflamed my soul with the love of goodness, and not by means of sculptured marble, that I hold communion with Shakespeare and Milton, with Johnson and Burke, with Howard and Wilberforce. - [Thought] Wealth is not acquired, as many persons suppose, by fortunate speculations and splendid enterprises, but by the daily practice of industry, frugality, and economy. He who relies upon these means will rarely be found destitute, and he who relies upon any other will generally become bankrupt. - [Wealth] It was Homer who gave laws to the artist. - The Iliad and the Bible [Art] It was Homer who inspired the poet. - The Iliad and the Bible [Homer : Poets]
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