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A cross borne in simplicity, without the interference of self-love to augment it, is only half a cross. Suffering in this simplicity of love, we are not only happy in spite of the cross, but because of it; for love is pleased in suffering for the Well Beloved, and the cross which forms us into His image is a consoling bond of love. - [Cross] A good discourse is that from which one can take nothing without taking the life. - [Preaching] Accustom yourself gradually to carry prayer into all your daily occupations. Speak, move, work, in peace, as if you were in prayer, as indeed you ought to be. Do everything without excitement, by the spirit of grace. - [Prayer] As the reflections of our pride upon our defects are bitter, disheartening, and vexatious, so the return of the soul towards God is peaceful and sustained by confidence. You will find by experience how much more your progress will be aided by this simple, peaceful turning towards God, than by all your chagrin and spite at the faults that exist in you. - [Spirituality] Be content with doing calmly the little which depends upon yourself, and let all else be to you as if it were not. - [Duty] Before putting yourself in peril, it is necessary to foresee and fear it; but when one is there, nothing remains but to despise it. - [Courage] Beware of fatiguing them by ill-judged exactness. If virtue offer itself to a child under a melancholy and constrained aspect, if liberty and license present themselves under an agreeable form, all is lost, your labor is in vain. - [Children] Can we be unsafe where God has placed us, and where He watches over us as a parent a child that he loves? - [God] Children are very nice observers, and they will often perceive your slightest defects. In general, those who govern children forgive nothing in them, but everything in themselves. - [Children] Commit yourself then to God! He will be your guide. He Himself will travel with you, as we are told He did with the Israelites, to bring them step by step across the desert to the promised land. Ah! what will be your blessedness, if you will but surrender yourself into the hands of God, permitting Him to do whatever He will, not according to your desires, but according to His own good pleasure? - [Trust] Crosses are of no use to us but inasmuch as we yield ourselves up to them and forget ourselves. - [Trouble] Despondency is not a state of humility; on the contrary, it is the vexation and despair of a cowardly pride--nothing is worse; whether we stumble or whether we fall, we must only think of rising again and going on in our course. - [Despondency] Faith is letting down our nets into the transparent deeps at the Divine command, not knowing what we shall draw. - [Faith in God] God has not chosen to save us without crosses; as He has not seen fit to create men at once in the full vigor of manhood, but has suffered them to grow up by degrees amid all the perils and weaknesses of youth. - [Trials] God never makes us sensible of our weakness except to give us of His strength. - [God] God works in a mysterious way in grace as well as in nature, concealing His operations under an imperceptible succession of events, and thus keeps us always in the darkness of faith. - [God] God's treasury where He keeps His children's gifts will be like many a mother's store of relics of her children, full of things of no value to others, but precious in His eyes for the love's sake that was in them. - [God] God, who is liberal in all his other gifts, shows us, by the wise economy of His providence, how circumspect we ought to be in the management of our time, for He never gives us two moments together. - [Time] Good taste rejects excessive nicety. - [Taste] Had we not faults of our own, we should take less pleasure in complaining of others. - [Faults] He touches nothing but he adds a charm. - [Proverbs] He who prays without confidence cannot hope that his prayers will be granted. - [Prayer] How desirable is this simplicity! who will give it to me? I will quit all else; it is the pearl of great price. - [Simplicity] How different the peace of God from that of the world! It calms the passions, preserves the purity of conscience, is inseparable from righteousness, unites us to God and strengthens us against temptations. The peace of the soul consists in an absolute resignation to the will of God. - [Peace] How does our will become sanctified? By conforming itself unreservedly to that of God. - [Will] Displaying page 1 of 4 for this author: Next >> [1] 2 3 4
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