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Can there be any greater dotage in the world than for one to guide and direct his courses by the sound of a bell, and not by his own judgment. - [Custom] I am going to seek a great perhaps; draw the curtain, the farce is played. [Fr., Je m'em vais chercher un grand peut-etre; tirez le rideau, la farce est jouee.] - attributed to, by tradition from Motteux's "Life of Rabelais" [Death] I am just going to leap into the dark. - [Proverbs] If you wish to avoid seeing a fool you must first break your looking-glass. - [Fools] In every work of genius we see our own rejected thought. - [Genius] No clock is more regular than the belly. - [Hunger] Others set carts before the horses. - [Proverbs] The devil was sick, the devil a saint would be; The devil was well, the devil a saint was he. - [Devil] Let us do what honor demands. [Fr., Faisons ce que l'honneur exige.] - Berenice (IV, 4) [Honor] Do not limp before the lame. [Old Fr., Ne clochez pas devant les boyteus.] - Gargantua [Prudence] Turned the pigs into the grass. [Fr., Tournoit les truies au foin.] - Gargantua, a phrase meaning to change the subject [Change] You are like the eels of Melun; you cry out before you are skinned. [Fr., Vous semblez les anguilles de Melun; vous criez devant qu'on vous esorche.] - Gargantua [Cowards] He who has not an adventure has not horse or mule, so says Solomon.--Who is too adventurous, said Echephron,--loses horse and mule. [Fr., Qui ne s'adventure n'a cheval ny mule, ce dist Salomon.-- Qui trop, dist Echephron, s'adventure--perd cheval et mule, respondit Malcon.] - Gargantua (bk. I, ch. 33) [Adventure] Between two stools one sits on the ground. [Fr., S'asseoir entre deux selles le cul a terre.] - Gargantua (bk. I, ch. II) [Choice] I never sleep comfortably except when I am at sermon or when I pray to God. [Fr., Je ne dors jamais bien a mon aise sinon quand je suis au sermon, ou quand je prie Dieu.] - Gargantua (bk. I, ch. XLI) [Sleep] I do not drink more than a sponge. [Fr., Je ne boy en plus qu'une esponge.] - Gargantua (bk. I, ch. XLII) [Wine and Spirits] There are more old drunkards than old physicians. [Fr., Il y a plus de vieux ivrongnes qu'il y a de vieux medecins.] - Gargantua (bk. I, ch. XLII) [Drinking] Always open all gates and roads to your enemies, and rather make for them a bridge of silver, to get rid of them. [Fr., Ouvrez toujours a vos ennemis toutes les portes et chemin, et plutot leur faites un pont d'argent, afin de les renvoyer.] - Gargantua (bk. I, ch. XLIII) [War] He beat the bushes without taking the birds. [Fr., [Il] battoit les buissons sans predre les ozillons.] - Gargantua (ch. II) [Failure] Nature abhors a vacuum. [Fr., Natura abhorret vacuum.] - Gargantua (ch. V) [Nature : Proverbs] It is folly to put the plough in front of the oxen. [Fr., Folie est mettre la charrue devant les boeufs.] - Gargantua (ch. XI) [Order] Row on [whatever happens]. [Lat., Vogue la galere.] - Gargantua (I, 3) [Progress] God moderates all at His pleasure. [Lat., Dieu modere tout a son plaisir.] - Pantagruel [Providence] Of a young hermit, an old devil. [Fr., De jeune hermite, vieil diable.] - Pantagruel [Youth] Panurge had a flea in his ear. [Fr., Panurge auoyt la pulee en l' oreille.] - Pantagruel [Fleas] Displaying page 1 of 3 for this author: Next >> [1] 2 3
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