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Stir up the hornets. [Fr., Irriter les freslons.] - Pantagruel [Contention] The thing is written. It is true. [Fr., Cela est escrit. Il est vray.] - Pantagruel [Journalism] Against fortune the carter cracks his whip in vain. [Fr., Centre fortune, la diverse un chartier rompit nazardes son fouet.] - Pantagruel (bk. II, ch. XI) [Fortune] Invented by the calumniating enemy. [Fr., Invente par le caloumnateur ennemy.] - Pantagruel (bk. III, 11) [Enemies] Believe me that it is a godlike thing to lend; to owe is a heroic virtue. - Pantagruel (bk. III, ch. IV) [Borrowing] Debts and lies are generally mixed together. [Fr., Debtes et mensonges sont ordinairement ensemble rallies.] - Pantagruel (bk. III, ch. V) [Debt] Hungry bellies have no ears. [Fr., La ventre affame n'point d'oreilles.] - Pantagruel (bk. III, ch. XV) [Hunger] I have known many who could not when they would, for they had not done it when they could. - Pantagruel (bk. III, ch. XXVII) [Will] May he live, fife, pipe, drink. [Fr., Vivat, fifat, pipat, bibat.] - Pantagruel (bk. IV, ch. 53) [Life] Wish then for mediocrity. [Fr., Souhaitez donc mediocrite.] - Pantagruel (bk. IV, prologue) [Moderation] It is the custom on Africa to always produce new and monstrous things. [Fr., Afrique est coustumiere toujours choses produire nouvelles et monstrueuses.] - Pantagruel (bk. V, ch. III) [Novelty] A good intention does not mean honor. [Fr., A bon entendeur ne faut qu'un parole.] - Pantagruel (bk. V, ch. VII) [Honor] He replies nothing but monosyllables. I believe he would make three bites of a cherry. [Fr., Il ne rend que monosyllables. Je croy qu'il feroit d'une cerise trois morceaux.] - Pantagruel (bk. V, ch. XXVIII) [Speech] Petite ville, grand renom. Small town, great renown. - Pantagruel (bk. V, ch. XXXV), of Chinon, Rabelais's native town [Cities] But where are the snows of last year? That was the greatest concern of Villon, the Parisian poet. [Fr., Mais ou sont les neiges d'antan? C'estoit le plus grand soucy qu'eust Villon, le poete parisien.] - Pantagruel (ch. XIV) [Snow] Let us seek the solution of these doubts at the bottom of the inexhaustible well, where Heraclitus says that truth is hidden. - Pantagruel (ch. XVIII) [Truth] So that we may not be like the Athenians, who never consulted except after the event done. [Fr., Afin que ne semblons es Athenians, qui ne consultoient jamais sinon apres le cas faict.] - Pantagruel (ch. XXIV) [Wisdom] Machination is worth more than force. [Fr., Engin mieulx vault que force.] - Pantagruel (ch. XXVII) [Deceit] And there I began to think that it is very true, which is said, that half the world does not know how the other half lives. [Fr., Et la commencay a penser qu'il est bien vray ce que l'on dit, que la moitie du monde ne scait comment l'aultre vit.] - Pantagruel (ch. XXXII) [Life] What harm in learning and getting knowledge even from a sot, a pot, a fool, a mitten, or a slipper. [Fr., Que nuist savoir tousjours et tousjours apprendre, fust ce D'un sot, d'une pot, d'une que--doufle D'un mouffe, d'un pantoufle.] - Pantagruel (III, 16) [Knowledge] When the danger's past the saint is cheated. [Fr., Passato il pericolo (or punto) gabbato il santo.] - Pantagruel (IV, 24), quoted as a proverb [Danger] The dress does not make the monk. [Fr., L'habit ne fait le moine.] - Prologue (I) [Appearance] Whose cockloft is unfurnished. - The Author's Prologue to the Fifth Book [Mind] One inch of joy surmounts of grief a span, Because to laugh is proper to the man. - To the Readers [Laughter] "Appetite comes with eating," says Angeston, "but thirst departs with drinking." [Fr., "L'appetit vient en mangeant," disoit Angeston, "mais la soif e'en va en beuvant."] - Works (bk. I, ch. V) [Appetite] Displaying page 2 of 3 for this author: << Prev Next >> 1 [2] 3
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