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All pleasures are commendable that do not culminate in regret. - [Pleasure] Behold the fine appointment he makes with me; that man never did love any one but himself. [Fr., Voyez le beau rendez-vous qu'il me donne; cet homme la n'a jamais aime que lui-meme.] - when Louis XIV, in dying said, "Nous nous renverrons bientot" [Self-love] Contempt is the only way to triumph over calumny. - [Contempt] Delicacy is to affectation what grace is to beauty. - [Delicacy] Evil report, like the Italian stiletto, is an assassin's weapon, worthy only of the bravo. - [Evil] Hope says to us constantly, "Go on, go on," and leads us thus to the grave. - [Hope] In manners, tranquillity is the supreme power. - [Manners] In society mediocrity is not alone dangerous, it is fatal. - [Society] It is not the absence, but the mastery, of our passions which affords happiness. - [Passion] It is with many enterprises as with striking fire; we do not meet with success except by reiterated efforts, and often at the instant when we despaired of success. - [Enemies] Nothing is more easy than irreproachable conduct. - [Virtue] One triumphs over calumny only by disdaining it. - [Calumny] Parley and surrender signify the same thing where virtue is concerned. - [Virtue] Philosophy may raise us above grandeur, but nothing can elevate us above the ennui which accompanies it. - [Greatness] Save those who fill the highest stations, I know of none more unfortunate than those who envy them. - [Envy] Sin is not so sinful as hypocrisy. - [Hypocrisy] The height of power in women, so far as manners are concerned, rests in tranquillity. - [Power] The scars of the body--what are they, compared to the hidden ones of the heart? - [Scars] The true way to soften one's troubles is to solace those of others. - [Trouble] There is this important difference between love and friendship: while the former delights in extremes and opposites, the latter demands equalities. - [Friendship] You know that in everything women write there are always a thousand faults of grammar, but, with your permission, a harmony which is rare in the writings of men. - [Style]
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