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Whan that Aprill with his shoures soote The droghte of March hath perced to the roote. - The Canterbury Tales, The General Prologue [Books (First Lines)] Many a smale maketh a grate. - The Canterbury Tales, The Parson's Tale [Proverbs] The thrustelcok made eek hir lay, The wode dove upon the spray She sang ful loude and cleere. - The Canterbury Tales, The Tale of Sir Thopas [Doves] One eare it heard, at the other out it went. - The Canterbury Tales (bk. IV, l. 435) [Hearing] Felds hath eyen, and wode have eres. - The Canterbury Tales (l. 1,522), The Knight's Tale [Proverbs] In jalousie I rede eek thou hym bynde And thou shalt make him couche as doeth a quaille. - The Canterbury Tales (l. 13,541), The Clerk's Tale [Quail] "Now, Sire," quod she, "for aught that may bityde, I moste haue of the peres that I see, Or I moote dye, so soore longeth me To eten of the smalle peres grene." - The Canterbury Tales (l. 14,669), The Merchant's Tale [Pears] Mordre wol out, that see we day by day. - The Canterbury Tales (l. 15,058), The Nun's Priest's Tale [Murder] The first vertue, sone, if thou wilt lerne, Is to restreyne and kepen wel thy tonge. - The Canterbury Tales (l. 18,213), The Manciple's Tale [Tongue] Thanne is it wysdom, as thynketh me, To maken vertu of necessite, And take it weel, that we may not eschu, And namely that that to us alle is due. - The Canterbury Tales (l. 2,182), The Knight's Tale [Necessity] Ther seyde oones a clerk in two vers, "What is bettre than Gold? Jaspre. What is bettre than Jaspre? Wisdom. And what is bettre than Wisdom? Womman. And what is bettre than a good Womman? No thyng." - The Canterbury Tales (l. 2,300), The Tale of Meliboeus [Women] And broughte of mighty ale a large quart. - The Canterbury Tales (l. 3,497), The Miller's Tale [Drinking] So was hir jolly whistel wel y-wette. - The Canterbury Tales (l. 4,155), The Reeve's Tale [Proverbs] I holde a mouses herte nat worth a leek. That hath but one hole for to sterte to. - The Canterbury Tales (l. 572), a paraphrase of the prologue, The Wife of Bath's Tale [Mice] Ther n' is no werkman whatever he be, That may both werken wel and hastily. This wol be done at leisure parfitly. - The Canterbury Tales (l. 585), The Merchant's Tale [Work] He is gentil that doth gentil dedis. - The Canterbury Tales (l. 6,695), The Wife of Bath's Tale [Gentleness] Therefore it behooveth hire a full long spoon That shal ete with a feend. - The Canterbury Tales (l. 602), The Squire's Tale [Devil] But every thyng which schyneth as the gold, Nis nat gold, as that I have herd it told. - The Canterbury Tales (preamble, l. 17,362), The Canon's Yeoman's Tale [Appearance] And for to se, and eek for to be seye. - The Canterbury Tales (preamble, l. 6,134), The Wife of Bath's Tale [Sight] Yet in oure asshen olde is fyr yreke. - The Canterbury Tales (prologue, l. 3,881), The Reeve's Tale [Fire] And gladly wolde he lerne and gladly teche. - The Canterbury Tales (prologue, l. 308) [Learning] Nowher so besy a man as he ther was, And yet he semed bisier than he was. - The Canterbury Tales (prologue, l. 321) [Work] His studie was but litel on the Bible. - The Canterbury Tales (prologue, l. 4) [Scripture] For gold in phisik is a cordial; Therefore he lovede gold in special. - The Canterbury Tales (prologue, l. 443) [Gold] This noble ensample to his sheepe he gaf,-- That firste he wroughte and after he taughte. - The Canterbury Tales (prologue, l. 496) [Example] Displaying page 2 of 3 for this author: << Prev Next >> 1 [2] 3
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