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Eternity is a mere moment, just long enough for a joke. - [Eternity] He does not educate children but rejoices in their happiness. - [Education] Knowledge can be communicated, but not wisdom. - [Knowledge] When dealing with the insane, the best method is to pretend to be sane. - [Insanity] Within us there is someone who knows everything, wills everything, does everything better than we ourselves. - [Self] I shall begin my story with an experience I had when I was ten and attended our small town's Latin school. - Demian [Books (First Lines)] If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us. - Demian (ch. 6) [Hatred] The bourgeois prefers comfort to pleasure, convenience to liberty, and a pleasant temperature to the deathly inner consuming fire. - Der Steppenwolf, (translated by Basil Creighton), "Tractat vom Steppenwolf" [Comfort] Words do not express thoughts very well. They always become a little different immediately after they are expressed, a little distorted, a little foolish. - Siddhartha [Words] The day had gone by just as days go by. I had killed it in accordance with my primitive and retiring way of life. - Steppenwolf [Books (First Lines)]
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