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A guest never forgets the host who had treated him kindly. - [Guests] After the event, even a fool is wise. - [Fools] Be patient, my soul: thou hath suffered worse than this. - [Patience : Suffering] Beyond his strength no man can fight, although he be eager. - [Limits] Do not mourn the dead with the belly. - [Mourning] Even his griefs are a joy, long after, to one that remembers all that he wrought and endured. - [Grief] Even the fool is wise after the event. - [Fools] Far and near friends knew this house; for he whose home it was had much acquaintance in the world. - [Home] Far from me be the gift of Bacchus--pernicious, inflaming wine, that weakens both body and mind. - [Wine and Spirits] For rarely are sons similar to their fathers: most are worse, and a few are better than their fathers. - [Fathers] Forgetful youth! but know, the Power above With ease can save each object of His love; Wide as His will, extends His boundless grace. - [God] He ceas'd; but left so pleasing on their ear His voice, that list'ning still they seem'd to hear. - [Listening] How vain, without the merit, is the name. - [Vanity] Hunger is insolent, and will be fed. - [Hunger] I detest that man, who hides one thing in the depths of his heart, and speaks forth another. - [Hypocrisy] If not yet lost to all the sense of shame. - [Shame] Ill fares the State where many masters rule; let one be lord, one king supreme. - [States] It behooves a father to be blameless if he expects his son to be. - [Fathers] It is equally offensive to speed a guest who would like to stay and to detain one who is anxious to leave. - [Guests] Labor conquers all things. - [Labor] Look now how mortals are blaming the gods, for they say that evils come from us, but in fact they themselves have woes beyond their share because of their own follies. - [Evil] Men grow tired of sleep, love, singing, and dancing sooner than war. - [Boredom] Noblest minds are easiest bent. - [Nobility] Not all Apollo's Pythian treasures hold can bribe the poor possession of a day. - [Day] One rogue leads another. - [Rogues] Displaying page 1 of 10 for this author: Next >> [1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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