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In the early summer of 1831 Samson Traylor and his wife, Sarah, and two children left their old home near the village of Vergennes, Vermont, and began their travels toward the setting sun with four chairs, a bread board and rolling-pin, a feather bed and blankets, a small looking-glass, a skillet, an axe, a pack basket with a pad of sole leather on the same, a water pail, a box of dishes, a tub of salt pork, a rifle, a tea-pot, a sack of meal, sundry small provisions and a violin, in a double wagon drawn by oxen. - A Man for the Ages [Books (First Lines)] A poet may be a good companion, but, so far as I know, he is ever the worst of fathers. - D'ri and I [Books (First Lines)] Of all the people that ever went west that expedition was the most remarkable. - Eben Holden [Books (First Lines)] Once upon a time I owned a watermelon. - The Light in the Clearing [Books (First Lines)]
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