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A dogmatical spirit inclines a man to be censorious of his neighbors. Every one of his opinions appears to him written, as it were, with sunbeams, and he grows angry that his neighbors do not see it in the same light. He is tempted to disdain his correspondents as men of low and dark understandings because they do not believe what he does. - [Dogmatism] A hermit who has been shut up in his cell in a college has contracted a sort of mould and rust upon his soul. - [Solitude] Academical disputation gives vigor and briskness to the mind thus exercised, and relieves the languor of private study and meditation. - [Argument] Acquire a government over your ideas, that they may come down when they are called, and depart when they are bidden. - [Thought] Affect not little shifts and subterfuges to avoid the force of an argument. - [Argument] Among all the accomplishments of youth there is none preferable to a decent and agreeable behavior among men, a modest freedom of speech, a soft and elegant manner of address, a graceful and lovely deportment, a cheerful gravity and good-humor, with a mind appearing ever serene under the ruffling accidents of human life. - [Youth] As a man may be eating all day, and for want of digestion is never nourished, so these endless readers may cram themselves in vain with intellectual food. - [Reading] Disputation carries away the mind from that calm and sedate temper which is so necessary to contemplate truth. - [Controversy] Do not be deceived; happiness and enjoyment do not lie in wicked ways. - [Wickedness] Do not hover always on the surface of things, nor take up suddenly, with mere appearances; but penetrate into the depth of matters, as far as your time and circumstances allow, especially in those things which relate to your profession. - [Inquisitiveness] Earth, thou great footstool of our God Who reigns on high; thou fruitful source Of all our raiment, life and food, Our house, our parent, and our nurse. - [Earth] Even bees, the little alms-men of spring flowers, Know there is richest juice in poison-flowers. - [Bees] Every one of his opinions appears to himself to be written with sunbeams. - [Positiveness] Fancy and humour, early and constantly indulged in, may expect an old age overrun with follies. - [Fancy] For one drop calls another down, till we are drowned in seas of grief. - [Weeping] He that has treasures of his own May leave the cottage or the throne, May quit the globe, and dwell alone Within his spacious mind. - [Mind] How divinely full of glory and pleasure shall that hour be when all the millions of mankind that have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb of God shall meet together and stand around Him, with every tongue and every heart full of joy and praise! How astonishing will be the glory and the joy of that day when all the saints shall join together in one common song of gratitude and love, and of everlasting thankfulness to this Redeemer! With that unknown delight, and inexpressible satisfaction, shall all that are saved from the ruins of sin and hell address the Lamb that was slain, and rejoice in His presence! - [Resurrection] I believe the promises of God enough to venture an eternity on them. - [God] I love the soul that dares tread the temptations of his years beneath his youthful feet. - [Youth] If a book has no index or good table of contents, it is very useful to make one as you are reading it. - [Indexes] In common discourse we denominate persons and things according to the major part of their character; he is to be called a wise man who has but few follies. - [Character] In Job and the Psalms we shall find more sublime ideas, more elevated language, than in any of the heathen versifiers of Greece or Rome. - [Bible] In matters of equity between man and man, our Saviour has taught us to put my neighbor in place of myself, and myself in place of my neighbor. - [Justice] Instructors should not only be skilful in those sciences which they teach, but have skill in the method of teaching, and patience in the practice. - [Teaching] It was a saying of the ancients, "Truth lies in a well;" and to carry on this metaphor, we may justly say that logic does supply us with steps, whereby we may go down to reach the water. - [Logic] Displaying page 1 of 4 for this author: Next >> [1] 2 3 4
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