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All confidence which is not absolute and entire is dangerous; there are few occasions but where a man ought either to say all or conceal all; for how little soever you have revealed of your secret to a friend, you have already said too much if you think it not safe to make him privy to all particulars. - [Confidence] Envy, like the worm, never runs but to the fairest fruit; like a cunning bloodhound, it singles out the fattest deer in the flock. Abraham's riches were the Philistines' envy; and Jacob's blessing bred Esau's hatred. - [Envy] Extreme old age is childhood; extreme wisdom is ignorance, for so it may be called, since the man whom the oracle pronounced the wisest of men professed that he knew nothing; yea, push a coward to the extreme and he will show courage; oppress a man to the last, and he will rise above oppression. - [Extremes] Gifts are the greatest usury, because a two-fold retribution is an urged effect that a noble mind prompts us to; and it is said we pay the most for what is given us. - [Gifts] It is dangerous to jest with God, death, or the devil; for the first neither can nor will be mocked; the second mocks all men at one time or another; and the third puts an eternal sarcasm on those that are too familiar with him. - [Jesting] It is the saying of an old divine, "Two things in my apparel I will chiefly aim at--commodiousness and decency; more than these is not commendable, yet I hate an effeminate spruceness as much as a fantastic disoqrder. A neglected comeliness is the best ornament." It is said of the celebrated Mr. Whitfield that he always was very clean and neat, and often said pleasantly, "that a minister of the gospel ought to be without a spot. - [Dress] It is with fortune as with fantastical mistresses,--she makes sport with those that are ready to die for her, and throws herself at the feet of others that despise her. - [Fortune] So admirably hath God disposed of the ways of men, that even the sight of vice in others is like a warning arrow shot for us to take heed. We should correct our own faults by seeing how uncomely they appear in others; who will not abhor a choleric passion, and a saucy pride in himself, that sees how ridiculous and contemptible they render those who are infested with them? - [Example] Some men's censures are like the blasts of rams' horns before the walls of Jericho; all a man's fame they lay level at one stroke, when all they go upon is only conceit, without any certain basis. - [Censure] To revenge a wrong is easy, usual, and natural, and, as the world thinks, savors of nobleness of mind; but religion teaches the contrary, and tells us it is better to neglect than to requite it. - [Wrong] When Cicero consulted the oracle at Delphos, concerning what course of studies he should pursue, the answer was, "Follow Nature." If every one would do this, affectation would be almost unknown. - [Affectation] When the passengers gallop by as if fear made them speedy, the cur follows them with an open mouth; let them walk by in confidant neglect, and the dog will not stir at all; it is a weakness that every creature takes advantage of. - [Cowards]
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