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Among all the accomplishments of life none are so important as refinement; it is not, like beauty, a gift of Nature, and can only be acquired by cultivation and practice. - [Refinement] An inherent sense of man makes him long for an eternal paradise. - [Paradise] Better an ugly face than an ugly mind. - [Ugliness] Literature is the garden of wisdom. - [Literature] Maxims are often quoted by those who stand in more need of their application. - [Maxims] Newspapers are the world's mirrors. - [Newspapers] Our leisure is the time the Devil seizes upon to make us work for him; and the only way we can avoid conscription into his ranks is to keep all our leisure moments profitably employed. - [Leisure] Regrets over the past should chasten the future. - [Regret] Some few have a natural talent for office-bolding; very many for office-seeking. - [Office] Style in painting is the same as in writing,--a power over materials, whether words or colors. - [Painting] The lazy man aims at nothing, and generally hits it. - [Laziness] The mind paints before the brush. - [Painting] The press should be the voice of the people, not of party. - [Printing] There is no heart without remorse, no life without some misfortune, no one but what is something stained with sin. - [Remorse] Twilight is like death; the dark portal of night comes upon us, to open again in the glorious morning of immortality. - [Twilight] We can all be heroes in our virtues, in our homes, in our lives. - [Heroes]
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