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A boding silence reigns, Dread through the dun expanse; save the dull sound That from the mountain, previous to the storm, Rolls o'er the muttering earth, disturbs the flood, And shakes the forest-leaf without a breath. Prone, to the lowest vale, the aerial tribes Descend; the tempest-loving raven scarce Dares wing the dubious dusk. In rueful gaze, The cattle stand, and on the scowling heavens Cast a deploring eye; by man forsook Who to the crowded cottage hies him fast, Or seeks the shelter of the downward cave. - [Storms] Absence, with all its pains, Is by this charming moment wip'd away. - [Meeting] Ah! whither now are fled Those dreams of greatness? those unsolid hopes Of happiness? those longings after fame? Those restless cares? those busy bustling days? Those gay-spent, festive nights? those veering thoughts, Lost between good and ill, that shared thy life? All now are vanished! Virtue sole survives, Immortal never-failing friend of man, His guide to happiness on high. - [Virtue] All nature feels the renovating force Of winter, only to the thoughtless eye In ruin seen. The frost-contracted glebe Draws in abundant vegetable soul, And gathers vigor for the coming year. A stronger glow sits on the lively cheek Of ruddy fire; and luculent along The purer rivers flow: their sullen deeps, Transparent, open to the shepherd's gaze And murmur hoarser at the fixing frost. - [Winter] Along the woods, along the moorish fens, Sighs the sad genius of the coming storm; And up among the loose disjointed cliffs, And fractured mountains wild, the brawling brook And cave, presageful, send a hollow moan, Resounding long in listening fancy's ear. - [Tempests] Amid the roses fierce Repentance rears Her snaky crest. - [Proverbs] And let th' aspiring Youth beware of Love, Of the smooth glance beware; for 'tis too late; When on his heart the torrent softness pours, Then Wisdom prostrate lies, and fading Fame Dissolves in air away. - [Love] And poor misfortune feels the lash of vice. - [Vice] And see the country, far diffused around, One boundless blush, one white impurpled shower Of mingled blossom's! where the captured eye Hurries from joy to joy. - [Country] And sometimes too a burst of rain, Swept from the black horizon, broad, descends In one continuous flood. Still over head The mingling tempest weaves its gloom, and still The deluge deepens; till the fields around Lie sunk, and flatted, in the sordid wave. Sudden the ditches swell; the meadows swim. Red, from the hills, innumerable streams Tumultuous roar; and high above its banks The river lift; before whose rushing tide, Herds, flocks, and harvests, cottages, and swains, Roll mingled down; all that the winds had spar'd In one wild moment ruined; the big hopes And well-earned treasures of the painful year. - [Tempests] At last from Aries rolls the bounteous sun, And the bright Bull receives him. Then no more Th' expansive atmosphere is cramp'd with cold; But, full of life and vivifying soul, Lifts the light clouds sublime, and spreads them thin, Fleecy and white, o'er all surrounding heaven. - [Spring] Believe the muse, the wintry blast of death Kills not the buds of virtue; no, they spread. Beneath the heavenly beams of brighter suns, Thro' endless ages, into higher powers. - [Virtue] Child of sun, refulgent summer, comes. - [Summer] Come then, expressive Silence. - [Silence] Custom, 'tis true, a venerable tyrant O'er servile man extends her blind dominion. - [Custom] Defeating oft the labors of the year, The sultry South collects a potent blast. At first the groves are scarcely seen to stir Their trembling tops, and a still murmur runs Along the soft-inclining fields of corn; But as the aerial tempest fuller swells, And in one mighty stream, invisible, Immense, the whole excited atmosphere Impetuous rushes o'er the sounding world. - [Storms] Dependants, friends, relations, love himself, ravaged by woe, forget the tender tie. - [Woe] Ev'n not all these, in one rich lot combined, Can make the happy man, without the mind, Where judgment sits clear-sighted, and surveys The chain of reason with unerring gaze. - [Judgment] Father of Light and Life! Thou Good Supreme! O teach me what is good! teach me Thyself! Save me from folly, vanity and vice, From every low pursuit: and feed my soul With knowledge, conscious peace, and virtue pure; Sacred, substantial, never-fading bliss. - [Prayer] First of human blessings! and supreme. - [Peace] For of old time, since first the rushing flood, Urg'd by Almighty Pow'r, this favour'd isle Turn'd flashing from the continent aside, Indented shore to shore responsive still, Its guardian she. - [England] For, firm within, and while at heart untouch'd, Ne'er yet by force was freedom overcome. But soon as independence stoops the head, To vice-enslaved, and vice-created wants, Then to some foul corrupting-hand, whose waste Their craving lusts with fatal bounty feeds, They fall a willing, undefended prize; From man to man th' infectious softness runs, Till the whole state unnerved in slavery sinks. - [Corruption] From cloud to cloud the rending lightnings rage; Till, in the furious elemental war Dissolv'd, the whole precipitated mass Unbroken floods and solid torrents pour. - [Tempests] Gradual sinks the breeze Into a perfect calm; that not a breath I heard to quiver thro' the closing woods, Or rustling turn the many twinkling leaves, Of aspen tall. The uncurling floods diffus'd In glassy breadth, seen through delusive lapse Forgetful of their course. 'Tis silence all, And pleasing expectation. - [Calumny] Health is the vital principle of bliss, And exercise of health. - [Bliss] Displaying page 1 of 9 for this author: Next >> [1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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