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A beloved face cannot grow ugly, because, not flesh and complexion, but expression, created love. - [Face] A female heart is often like marble: the cunning stone cutter strikes a thousand blows without the Parian block showing the line of a crack; but all at once it breaks asunder into the very form which the cunning stone cutter has so long been hammering after. - [Women] A loving heart encloses within itself an unfading and eternal Eden. Hope is like a bad clock, forever striking the hour of happiness, whether it has come or not. - [Hope] A man should always allow his fears to rise to their highest possible pitch, and then some consolation or other will suddenly fall, like a warm rain-drop, upon his heart. - [Fear] A man takes contradiction and advice much more easily than people think, only he will not bear it when violently given, even though it be well founded. Hearts are flowers; they remain open to the softly falling dew, but shut up in the violent downpour of rain. - [Advice : Blame : Counsel] A small sorrow distracts, a great one makes us collected; as a bell loses its clear tone when slightly cracked, and recovers it if the fissure is enlarged. - [Sorrow] A timid person is frightened before a danger, a coward during the time, and a courageous person afterwards. - [Danger] According to Democritus, truth lies at the bottom of a well, the depth of which, alas! gives but little hope of release. To be sure, one advantage is derived from this, that the water serves for a mirror, in which truth may be reflected. I have heard, however, that some philosophers, in seeking for truth, to pay homage to her, have seen their own image and adored it instead. - [Truth] Age and sufferings had already marked out the first incisions for death, so that he required but little effort to cut her down; for it is with men as with trees, they are notched long before felling, that their life-sap may flow out. - [Age] Ah! the youngest heart has the same waves within it as the oldest; but without the plummet which can measure their depths. - [Experience] Ah! what seeds for a paradise I bore in my heart, of which birds of prey have robbed me. - [Defeat] All cares appear twice as large as they really are, owing to their emptiness and darkness; and so is it with the grave. - [Care] All loving emotions, like plants, shoot up most rapidly in the tempestuous atmosphere of life. - [Emotion] All weighty things are done in solitude, that is, without society. The means of improvement consist not in projects, or in any violent designs, for these cool, and cool very soon, but in patient practicing for whole long days, by which I make the thing clear to my highest reason. - [Solitude] Among all the instruments which sound in Haydn's child's concerts, that best serves the purposes of educational music which is born with the performer,--the voice. In the childhood of nations speaking was singing. - [Singers] And now he shook away the snow of time from the winter-green of memory, and beheld the fair years of his childhood uncovered, fresh, green, and balmy, standing afar off before him. - [Youth] Art is indeed not the bread but the wine of life. [Ger., Die Kunst ist zwar nicht das Brod, aber der Wein des Lebens.] - [Art] As a tract of country narrowed in the distance expands itself when we approach, thus the way to our near grave appears to us as long as it did formerly when we were far off. - [Graves] As Rubens by one stroke converted a laughing into a crying child, so nature frequently makes this stroke in the original; a child's eye, like the sun, never draws water so readily as in the hot temperature of pleasure. - [Tears] As Thou has created me out of mingled air and glitter, I thank Thee for it. - [Creation] Beauty attracts us men, but if, like an armed magnet it is pointed with gold or silver beside, it attracts with tenfold power. - [Beauty] Because a total eclipse of the sun is above my own head, I will not therefore insist that there must be an eclipse in America also; and because snowflakes fall before my own nose, I need not believe that the Gold Coast is snowed up also. - [Prejudice] Begin the education of the heart, not with the cultivation of noble propensities, but with the cutting away of those that are evil. When once the noxious herbs are withered and rooted out, then the more noble plants, strong in themselves, will shoot upwards. The virtuous heart, like the body, becomes strong and healthy more by labor than nourishment. - [Education] Blessedness is a whole eternity older than damnation. - [Blessedness] Brevity is the body and soul of wit. It is wit itself, for it alone isolates sufficiently for contrasts; because redundancy or diffuseness produces no distinctions. - [Brevity] Displaying page 1 of 11 for this author: Next >> [1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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