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A fair reputation is a plant, delicate in its nature, and by no means rapid in its growth. It will not shoot up in a night like the gourd of the prophet; but, like that gourd, it may perish in a night. - [Reputation] A good wife is heaven's last best gift to man; his angel and minister of graces innumerable; his gem of many virtues; his casket of jewels; her voice his sweet music; her smiles his brightest day; her kiss the guardian of his innocence; her arms the pale of his safety, the balm of his health, the balsam of his life; her industry, his surest wealth; her economy, his safest steward; her lips, his faithful counselors; her bosom, the softest pillow of his cares; and her prayers, the ablest advocates of heaven's blessings on his head. - [Marriage : Wives] A married man falling into misfortune is more apt to retrieve his situation in the world than a single one, chiefly because his spirits are soothed and retrieved by domestic endearments, and his self-respect kept alive by finding that although all abroad be darkness and humiliation, yet there is a little world of love at home over which he is a monarch. - [Marriage] A pure and simple revenge does in no way restore man towards the felicity which the injury did interrupt; for revenge is but doing a simple evil, and does not, in its formality, imply reparation. - [Revenge] A pure mind in a chaste body is the mother of wisdom and deliberation, sober counsels and ingenuous actions, open deportment and sweet carriage, sincere principles and unprejudicate understanding, love of God and self-denial, peace and confidence, holy prayers and spiritual comfort, and a pleasure of spirit infinitely greater than the sottish pleasure of unchastity. - [Chastity] A slight answer to an intricate and useless question, is a fit cover to such a dish,--a cabbage-leaf is good enough to cover a dish of mushrooms. - [Trifles] A true and noble friendship shrinks not at the greatest of trials. - [Friendship] A wise man shall overrule his stars, and have a greater influence upon his own content than all the constellations and planets of the firmament. - [Astrology] Abstain from dissolute laughter, uncomely jests, loud talking, and jeering. - [Jeering] All is well as long as the sun shines and the fair breath of heaven gently wafts us to our own purpose; but if you will try the excellency and feel the work of faith, place the man in a persecution. - [Adversity] All the ends of human felicity are secured without revenge, for without it we are permitted to restore ourselves; and therefore it is against natural reason to do an evil that no way co-operates the proper and perfective end of human nature. And he is a miserable person, whose good is the evil of his neighbor; and he that revenges in many cases does worse than he that did the injury; in all cases as bad. - [Revenge] All the world, all that we are, and all that we have, our bodies and our souls, our actions and our sufferings, our conditions at home, our accidents abroad, our many sins, and our seldom virtues, are as so many arguments to make our souls dwell low in the valley of humility. - [Humility] Amongst true friends there is no fear of losing anything. - [Friends] An heiress, remaining unmarried, is a prey to all manner of extortion and imposition, and with the best intentions, becomes--through a bounty--a corruption to her neighborhood and a curse to the poor; or, if experience shall put her on her guard, she will lead a life of suspicion and resistance, to the injury of her own mind and nature. - [Heirs] Anger is like the waves of a troubled sea; when it is corrected with a soft reply, as with a little strand, it retires, and leaves nothing behind but froth and shells,--no permanent mischief. - [Anger] Be not confident and affirmative. - [Confidence] Children, honor your parents in your hearts; bear them not only awe and respect, but kindness and affection: love their persons, fear to do anything that may justly provoke them; highly esteem them as the instruments under God of your being: for "Ye shall fear every man his mother and his father." - [Parents] Conscience is a clock which, in one man, strikes aloud and gives warning; in another, the hand points silently to the figure, but strikes not. Meantime, hours pass away, and death hastens, and after death comes judgment. - [Conscience] Covetousness swells the principal to no purpose, and lessens the use to all purposes. - [Covetousness] Covetousness teaches men to be cruel and crafty, industrious and evil, full of care and malice; and after all this, it is for no good to itself, for it dares not spend those heaps of treasure which it has snatched. - [Covetousness] Curiosity is the direct incontinency of the spirit. Knock therefore at the door before you enter upon your neighbor's privacy; and remember that there is no difference between entering into his house and looking into it. - [Curiosity] Death bath no advantage but where it comes a stranger. - [Death] Death reigns in all the portions of our time. The autumn with its fruits provides disorders for us, and the winter's cold turns them into sharp diseases, and the spring brings flowers to strew our hearse, and the summer gives green turf and brambles to bind upon our graves. Calentures and surfeit, cold and agues, are the four quarters of the year, and all minister to death; and you can go no whither but you tread upon a dead man's bones. - [Death] Enjoy the blessings of this day if God sends them; and the evils bear patiently and sweetly. For this day only is ours; we are dead to yesterday, and we are not born to to-morrow. - [Day] Every degree of recession from the state of grace Christ first put us in is a recession from our hopes. - [Grace] Displaying page 1 of 8 for this author: Next >> [1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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