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To the fool-king belongs the world. - [Fools] To-morrow comes, and we are where? Then let us live to-day. - [Today : Tomorrow] Toil of science swells the wealth of art. - [Science] Truth is more than a dream and a song. - [Truth] Vast, colossal destiny, which raises man to fame, though it may also grind him to powder! - [Destiny] Virtue, though clothed in a beggar's garb, commands respect. - [Virtue] Votes should be weighed, not counted! - [Majority : Minority] We are too prone to find fault; let us look for some of the perfections. - [Complaining] Weep, for the light is dead. - [Darkness] Whatever lives, lives to die in sorrow. We engage our hearts, and grasp after the things of this world, only to undergo the pang of losing them. - [Sorrow] When the measured dance of the hours brings back the happy smile of spring, the buried dead is born again in the life-glance of the sun. The germs which perished to the eye within the cold breast of the earth spring up with joy in the bright realm of day. - [Spring] Whoever fails to turn aside the ills of life by prudent forethought, must submit to fulfill the course of destiny. - [Forethought] Wine invents nothing; it only tattles. - [Wine and Spirits] With soft, persuasive prayers woman wields the sceptre of the life which she charmeth; she lulls the discord which roars and glows,--teaches the fierce powers which hate each other like fiends to embrace in the bonds of love, and draws together what are forever flying asunder. - [Women] Without a home must the soldier go, a changeful wanderer, and can warm himself at no home-lit hearth. - [Soldiers] Yet have I ever heard it said that spies and tale-bearers have done more mischief in this world than poisoned bowl or the assassin's dagger. - [Tattling] We, we live! ours are the hours, and the living have their claims. [Ger., Wir, wir leben! Unser sind die Stunden Und der Lebende hat Recht.] - An die Freude (st. 1) [Life] Opposition embitters the enthusiast but never converts him. [Ger., Zang erbittert die Schwarmer immer, aber bekehrt sie nie.] - Cabale und Liebe (III, 1) [Enthusiasm : Oppression : Perverseness] This lemonade is weak like your soul--try it. [Ger., Die Limonade ist matt wie deine Seele--versuche!] - Cabale und Liebe (V, 7) [Drinking] Happy child! the cradle is still to thee a vast space; but when thou art a man the boundless world will be too small for thee. [Ger., Glucklicher Saugling! dir ist ein unendlicher Raum noch die Wiege, Werde Mann, und dir wird eng die unendliche Welt.] - Das Kind in der Wiege [Childhood] The world delights to tarnish shining names, And to trample the sublime in the dust. [Ger., Es liebt die Welt, das Stralende zu schwarzen Und das Erhabne in den Staub zu ziehn.] - Das Madchen von Orleans [World] Strange customs do not thrive in foreign soil. [Ger., Nicht fremder Brauch gedeiht in einem Lande.] - Demetrius (I, 1) [Custom] In the smallest cot there is room enough for a loving pair. [Ger., Raum ist in der kleinsten Hutte Fur ein glucklich liebend Paar.] - Der Jungling am Bache (st. 4) [Love] All the arts of pleasure grow when suckled by freedom. [Ger., Von der Freiheit gesaugt wachsen die Kunste der Lust.] - Der Spaziergang (l. 122) [Art] Life is not the supreme good, but the supreme evil is to realize one's guilt. [Ger., Das Leben ist der Guter hochstes nicht Der Uebel grosstes aber ist die Schuld.] - Die Braut von Messina [Evil] Displaying page 5 of 10 for this author: << Prev Next >> 1 2 3 4 [5] 6 7 8 9 10
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