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Truth exists for the wise, beauty for the feeling heart. [Ger., Die Wahrleit ist vorhanden fur den Weisen. Die Schonheit fur ein fuhlend Herz.] - Don Carlos (IV, 21, 186) [Beauty] Time flies on restless pinions--constant never. Be constant--and thou chainest time forever. - Epigram [Time] Spring flies, and with it all the train it leads: And flowers, in fading, leave us but their seeds. - Farewell to the Reader [Spring] What the reason of the ant laboriously drags into a heap, the wind of accident will collect in one breadth. [Was der Ameise Vernunft muhsam, zu Haufen schleppt, jagt in einem Hui der Wind des Zufalls zusammen. - Fiesco (act II, sc. 4) [Accident] O jealousy! thou magnifier of trifles. [Ger., O der alles vergrossernden Eifersucht.] - Fiesco (I, 1) [Jealousy] A jest loses its point when the jester laughs himself. [Ger., Des Spass verliert Alles, wenn der Spassmacher selber lacht.] - Fiesco (I, 7) [Jesting] Art is the right hand of Nature. The latter has only given us being, the former has made us men. [Ger., Kunst ist die rechte Hand der Natur. Diese hat nur Geschopfe, jene hat Menschen gemacht.] - Fiesco (II, 17) [Art] The lamp of genius burns quicker than the lamp of life. [Ger., Das Licht des Genie's bekam weniger Fett, als das Licht des Lebens.] - Fiesco (II, 17) [Genius] Observe, the best of novelties palls when it becomes town talk. [Ger., Sehen Sie, die beste Neuigkeit verliert, sobald sie Stadtmarchen wird.] - Fiesco (III, 10) [Novelty] 'Tis not the mere stage of life but the part we play thereon that gives the value. [Ger., Nicht der Tummelplatz des Lebens--sein Gehalt bestimmt seinen Werth.] - Fiesco (III, 2) [Life] The Moor has done his work, the Moor may go. [Ger., Der Mohr hat seine Arbeit gethan, der Mohr kann gehen.] - Fiesco (III, 4) [Work] Obedience decks the Christian most. - Fight with the Dragon, (Bowring's translation) [Obedience] Never the grave gives back what it has won! - Funeral Fantasy (last line) [Graves] Ah, to that far distant strand Bridge there was not to convey, Not a bark was near at hand, Yet true love soon found the way. - Hero and Leander, (Bowring's translation) [Love] Joy, in Nature's wide dominion, Mightiest cause of all is found; And 'tis joy that moves the pinion When the wheel of time goes round. - Hymn to Joy, (Bowring's translation) [Joy] When kings are building, draymen have something to do. [Ger., Wenn die Konige bau'n, haben die Karrner zu thun.] - Kant und Seine Ausleger [Royalty] Only the worm of conscience consorts with the owl. Sinners and evil spirits shun the light. [Ger., Nur der Gewissenswurm schwarmt mit der Eule. Sunder und bose Geister scheun das Licht.] - Liebe und Cabale (V, I) [Light] O that it might remain eternally green, The beautiful time of youthful love. [Ger., O dass sie ewig grunen bliebe Die schone Zeit der jungen Liebe.] - Lied von der Glocke [Love] The dream is short, repentance long. [Ger., Der Wahn ist kurtz, die Reu ist lang.] - Lied von der Glocke [Repentance] Against stupidity the very gods Themselves contend in vain. [Ger., Mit der Dummheit kaempfen Goetter selbst vergebens.] - Maid of Orleans (act III, sc. 6) [Stupidity] A deep meaning often lies in old customs. [Ger., Ein tiefer Sinn wohnt in del alten Brauchen.] - Marie Stuart (I, 7, 131) [Custom] Life did not present its sunny side to thee. [Ger., Nicht seine Freundenseite kehrte dir Das Leben zu.] - Marie Stuart (II, 3, 136) [Life] The worst of me is known, and I can say that I am better than the reputation I bear. [Ger., Das Aergste weiss die Welt von mir, und ich Kann sagen, ich bin besser als mein Ruf.] - Marie Stuart (III, 4, 208) [Reputation] Let no one despair, even though in the darkest night the last star of hope may disappear. [Ger., Verzweifle keiner je, dem in der trubsten Nacht Der Hoffnung letzte Sterne schwinden.] - Oberon (I, 27) [Hope] You come late, yet you come! [Ger., Spat kommt ihr--doch ihr kommt!] - Piccolomini (I, 1, 1) [Time] Displaying page 7 of 10 for this author: << Prev Next >> 1 2 3 4 5 6 [7] 8 9 10
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