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What is the short meaning of this long harangue? [Ger., Was ist der langen Rede kurzer Sinn?] - Piccolomini (I, 2, 160) [Speech] I have enjoyed earthly happiness, I have lived and loved. [Ger., Ich habe genossen das irdische Gluck, Ich habe gelebt und geliebt.] - Piccolomini (III, 7, 9) [Love] The heart's impulse is the voice of fate. [Ger., Der Zug des Herzens ist des Schicksals Stimme.] - Piccolomini (III, 8, 82) [Fate] Wine tells nothing, it only tattles. [Ger., Der Wein erfindet nichts, er schwatzt's nur aus.] - Piccolomini (IV, 7, 42) [Wine and Spirits] The very curse of an evil deed is that it must always continue to engender evil. [Ger., Das eben ist der Fluch der bosen That, Das sie fortzeugend immer Boses muss gebaren.] - Piccolomini (V, 1) [Evil] I know that oft we tremble at an empty terror, but the false phantasm brings a real misery. [Ger., Ich weiss, dass man vor leeren Schrecken zittert; Doch wahres Ungluck bringt der falsche Wahn.] - Piccolomini (V, 1, 105) [Fear] On dreary night let lusty sunshine fall. - Pompeii and Herculaneum [Night] In a narrow circle the mind contracts. Man grows with his expanded needs. [Ger., Im engen Kreis verengert sich der Sinn. Es wachst der Mensch mit seinen grossern Zwecken.] - Prolog (I, 59) [Growth] Far must thy researches go Wouldst thou learn the world to know; Thou must tempt the dark abyss Wouldst thou prove what Being is; Naught but firmness gains the prize, Naught but fullness makes us wise, Buried deep truth e'er lies. - Proverbs of Confucius, (Bowring's translation) [Knowledge] Wouldst thou wisely, and with pleasure, Pass the days of life's short measure, From the slow one counsel take, But a tool of him ne'er make; Ne'er as friend the swift one know, Nor the constant one as foe. - Proverbs of Confucius, (Bowring's translation) [Life : Wisdom] O Brethren, weep to-day, The silent God hath quenched my Torch's ray, And the vain dream hath flown. - Resignation, (Bowring's translation) [Dreams] The world's history is the world's judgment. [Ger., Die Weltgeschichte ist das Weltgericht.] - Resignation (17) [History] Eternity gives nothing back of what one leaves out of the minutes. [Ger., Was man von der Minute ausgeslagen Gibt keine Ewigkeit zuruck.] - Resignation (st. 18) [Eternity] The May of life blooms once and never again. [Ger., Des Lebens Mai bluht einmal und nicht wieder.] - Resignation (st. 2), Opportunity [Life] I too was born in Arcadia, it is in my nature too. [Ger., Auch ich was in Arkadien geboren, auch mir hat die Natur.] - Resignation, Eine Phantasie, see similar quotations by Goethe and Ernst Hoffman [Arcadia] And this be the vocation fit, For which the founder fashioned it; High, high above earth's life, earth's labor E'en to the heaven's blue vault to soar. To hover as the thunder's neighbor, The very firmament explore. To be a voice as from above Like yonder stars so bright and clear, That praise their Maker as they move, And usher in the circling year. Tun'd be its metal mouth alone To things eternal and sublime. And as the swift wing'd hours speed on May it record the flight of time! - Song of the Bell [Bells] Around, around, Companions all, take your ground, And name the bell with joy profound! Concordia is the world we've found Most meet to express the harmonious sound, That calls to those in friendship bound. - Song of the Bell [Bells] Threefold the stride of Time, from first to last: Loitering slow, the Future creepeth-- Arrow-swift, the Present sweepeth-- And motionless forever stands the Past. [Ger,, Dreifach ist der Schritt der Zeit: Zogernd kommt die Zukunft hergezogen, Pfielschnell ist das Jetzt entflogen, Ewig still steht die Vergangenheit.] - Spruche des Confucius [Time] Song forbids victorious deeds to die. - The Artists [Songs] The lively Shadow-World of Song. - The Artists [Songs] Seraphs share with thee Knowledge; But Art, O Man, is thine alone! - The Artists (st. 2) [Art] Day's lustrous eyes grow heavy in sweet death. - The Assignation (st. 4), (Lord Lytton's translation) [Death : Evening] Freedom is only in the land of dreams. and the beautiful only blooms in song. [Ger., Freiheit ist nur in dem Reich der Traume Und das Schone bluht nur im Gesang.] - The Beginning of the New Century [Freedom] Clothing the palpable and familiar With golden exhalations of the dawn. - The Death of Wallenstein (act V, sc. 1), (Coleridge's translation) [Morning] Not he who scorns the Saviour's yoke Should wear his cross upon the heart. - The Fight with the Dragon (st. 24) [Hypocrisy] Displaying page 8 of 10 for this author: << Prev Next >> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [8] 9 10
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