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"How poor a thing is man!" alas 'tis true, I'd half forgot it when I chanced on you. - The Moral Poet [Man] Alas! when duty grows thy law, enjoyment fades away. - The Playing Infant [Duty] Your deeds are known, In words that kindle glory from the stone. - The Walk [Deeds] Dare to err and to dream. Deep meaning often lies in childish plays. [Ger., Wage du zu irren und zu traumen. Hoher Sinn liegt oft im kind'schen Spiel.] - Theklo (st. 6) [Childhood] Common natures pay with what they do, noble ones with what they are. [Ger., Gemeine Naturen Zahlen mit dem, was wie thun, edle mit dem, was sie sind.] - Unterschied der Stande [Character] If you wish to know yourself observe how others act. If you wish to understand others look into your own heart. [Ger., Willst du dich selber erkennen, so sich' wie die andern es treiben; Willst du die andern versteh'n, blick in dein eigenes Herz.] - Votire Tablets--Xenien [Knowledge] O'er Ocean, with a thousand masts, sails forth the stripling bold-- One boat, hard rescued from the deep, draws into port the old! - Votive Tablets--Expectation and Fulfilment [Life] Dear is my friend--yet from my foe, as from my friend, comes good: My friend shows what I can do, and my foe what I should. - Votive Tablets--Friend and Foe [Friends] If thou art something bring thy soul and interchange with mine. - Votive Tablets--Value and World [Sympathy] Satisfy a few to please many is bad. [Ger., Mach' es Wenigen recht; vielen gefallen ist schlimm.] - Votivtafeln [Satisfaction] Art is difficult, transient is her reward. [Schwer ist die Kunst, verganglich ist ihr Preis.] - Wallenstein (prologue, l. 40) [Art] The game of life looks cheerful when one carries a treasure safe in his heart. [Ger., Das Spiel des Lebens sieht sich heiter an, Wenn mann den sichern Schatz im Herzen tragt.] - Wallenstein (pt. I, Piccolomini, act III, 4) [Life] I've lived and loved. - Wallenstein (pt. I, Piccolomini, song in act II, sc. 6), (Coleridge's translation) [Life] Yet tremble at the slow, silent power of time. [Ger., Doch zittre vor der langsamen, Der stillen Macht der Zeit.] - Wallenstein'd Tod (I, 3, 32) [Time] His saying was: live and let live. [Ger., Sein Spruch war: leben und leben lassen.] - Wallenstein's Lager (VI, 106) [Life] It is now as in the days of yore when the sword ruled all things. [Ger., Est ist hier wie in den alten Zeiten Wo die Klinge noch alles that bedeuten.] - Wallenstein's Lager (VI, 140) [War] The will of a man is his happiness. [Ger., Des Menschen Wille, das ist sein Gluck.] - Wallenstein's Lager (VII, 25) [Happiness] A pity about the people! they are brave enough comrades, but they have heads like a soapboiler's. [Ger., Schad'um die Leut'! Sind sonst wackre Bruder Aber das denkt, wie ein Seifensieder.] - Wallenstein's Lager (XI, 347) [Stupidity] If you do not dare to die you will never win life. [Ger., Und setzet ihr nicht das Leben ein, Nie wird euch das Leben gewonnen sein.] - Wallenstein's Lager (XI, chorus) [Death] Accursed be he who plays with the devil. [Ger., Verflucht wer mit dem Teufel spielt.] - Wallenstein's Tod (I, 3, 64) [Devil] Stern is the visage of necessity. [Ger., Ernst ist der Anblick der Nothwendigkeit.] - Wallenstein's Tod (I, 4, 45) [Necessity] For the world is ruled by interest alone. [Ger., Denn nur vom Nutzen wird die Welt regiert.] - Wallenstein's Tod (I, 6, 37) [World] For every event is a judgment of God. [Ger., Denn aller Ausgang ist ein Gottesurheil.] - Wallenstein's Tod (I, 7, 32) [Judgment] Youth is too hasty with words. [Ger., Schnell fertig ist die Jugend mit dem Wort.] - Wallenstein's Tod (II, 2, 99) [Words] The zeal of friends it is that razes me, And not the hate of enemies. [Ger., Der Freunde Eifer ist's, der mich Zu Grunde richtet, nicht der Hass der Feinde.] - Wallenstein's Tod (III, 18, last lines) [Zeal] Displaying page 9 of 10 for this author: << Prev Next >> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [9] 10
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