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You must either conquer and rule or serve and lose, suffer or triumph, be the anvil or the hammer. - [Conquest] Tell me, eyes, what 'tis ye're seeking; For ye're saying something sweet, Fit the ravish'd ear to greet. Eloquently, softly speaking. - April [Eyes] The sagacious reader who is capable of reading between these lines what does not stand written in them, but is nevertheless implied, will be able to form some conception. - Autobiography (bk. XVIII, Truth and Beauty) [Reading] Architecture is frozen music. [Ger., Die Backunst ist eine erstarrte Musik.] - Conversation with Eckermann [Architecture] Alas! sorrow from happiness is oft evolved. [Ger., Ach! aus dem Gluck entwickelt oft sich Schmerz.] - Dei Naturliche Tochter (II, 3, 17) [Sorrow] True happiness springs from moderation. [Ger., Aus Massigkeit entspringt ein reines Gluck.] - Die Naturliche Tochter (II, 5, 79) [Moderation] The society of women is the foundation of good manners. [Ger., Der Umgang mit Frauen ist das Element guter Sitten.] - Die Wahlverwandtschaften (II, 5) [Women] Behavior is a mirror in which every one shows his image. [Ger., Das Betragen ist ein Spiegel in welchem jeder sein Bild zeigt.] - Die Wahlverwandtschaften (II, 5, Aus Ottiliens Tagebuche) [Manners] Girls we love for what they are; Young men for what they promise to be. [Ger., Man liebt an dem Madchen was es ist, Und an dem Jungling was er ankundigt.] - Die Wahrheit und Dichtung (III, 14) [Love] Who is the happiest of men? He who values the merits of others, And in their pleasure takes joy, even as though t'were his own. - Distichs [Happiness] In so great a danger the faintest hope should be considered. [Ger., Bei so grosser Gefahr kommt die leichteste Hoffnung in Anschlag.] - Egmont (II) [Hope] On every mountain height Is rest. - Ein Gleiches [Mountains : Rest] Cursed Mammon be, when he with treasures To restless action spurs our fate! Cursed when for soft, indulgent leisures, He lays for us the pillows straight. - Faust [Mammon] It is one of Heaven's best gifts to hold such a dear creature in one's arms. [Ger., Es ist eine der grossten Himmelsgaben, So ein lieb' Ding im Arm zu haben.] - Faust [Love] Stood I, O Nature! man alone in thee Then were it worth one's while a man to be. - Faust [Man] I feel as stupid, from all you've said As if a mill-wheel whirled in my head. [Ger., Mir wird von alledem so dumm, Als ging 'mir ein Muhlrad im Kopf herum.] - Faust (act I, Schulerszene) [Speech] Yes! to this thought I hold with firm persistence; The last result of wisdom stamps it true; He only earns his freedom and existence Who daily conquers them anew. - Faust (act V, sc. 6) [Freedom] A fiery chariot, borne on buoyant pinions, Sweeps near me now! I soon shall ready be To pierce the ther's high, unknown dominions, To reach new spheres of pure activity! - Faust (bk. I, sc. 1) [Action] Thus at Time's humming loom I ply. [Ger., So schaff' ich am sausenden Webstuhl der Zeit.] - Faust (I, 1, 156) [Time] You'll never attain it unless you know the feeling. [Ger., Wenn ihr's nicht fuhlt ihr werdet's nicht erjagen.] - Faust (I, 1, 182) [Feeling] Yet through delivery orators succeed, I feel that I am far behind indeed. [Ger., Allein der Vortrag macht des Redners Gluck, Ich fuhl es wohl noch bin ich weit zuruck.] - Faust (I, 1, 194) [Oratory] With little art, clear wit and sense Suggest their own delivery. [Ger., Es tragt Verstand und rechter Sinn, Mit wenig Kunst sich selber vor.] - Faust (I, 1, 198) [Oratory] The fine emotions whence our lives we mold Lie in the earthly tumult dumb and cold. [Ger., Die uns das Leben gaben, herrliche Gefuhle, Erstarren in dem irdischen Gewuhle.] - Faust (I, 1, 286) [Life] Your messages I hear, but faith has not been given; The dearest child of Faith is Miracle [Ger., Die Botschaft hor' ich wohl, allein mir fehlt der Glaube; Das Wunder ist des Glaubens liebstes Kind.] - Faust (I, 1, 413) [Faith] My peace is gone, my heart is heavy. [Ger., Meine Ruh ist hin, Mein Herz ist schwer.] - Faust (I, 15) [Heart] Displaying page 15 of 21 for this author: << Prev Next >> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 [15] 16 17 18 19 20 21
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