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Chance and change are busy ever; Man decays, and ages move; But His mercy waneth never; God is wisdom, God is love. - [God] In the cross of Christ I glory, Towering o'er the wrecks of time; All the light of sacred story Gathers round its head sublime. - [Cross] Now the noon, Wearied with sultry toil, declines and falls, Into the mellow eve:--the west puts on Her gorgeous beauties--palaces and halls, And towers, all carv'd of the unstable cloud, Welcome the calmly waning monarch--he Sinks gently midst that glorious canopy Down on his couch of rest--even like a proud King of the Earth--the ocean. - [Sunset] Sleep is no servant of the will; it has caprices of its own; when courted most, it lingers still; when most pursued, 'tis swiftly gone. - [Sleep] The talents lost--the moments run To waste--the sins of act, of thought, Ten thousand deeds of folly done, And countless virtues cherish'd not. - [Talent] There is a land where everlasting suns Shed everlasting brightness; where the soul Drinks from the living streams of love that roll By God's high throne! myriads of glorious ones Bring their accepted offering. Oh! how blest To look from this dark prison to that shrine, To inhale one breath of Paradise divine, And enter into that eternal rest Which waits the sops of God. - [Heaven]
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