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Economics is extremely useful as a form of employment for economists. - [Economics] If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. - [Error] If it is dangerous to suppose that government is always right, it will sooner or later be awkward for public administration if most people suppose that it is always wrong. - [Government] In all life one should comfort the afflicted, but verily, also, one should afflict the comfortable, and especially when they are comfortably, contentedly, even happily wrong. - [Comfort] In economics, the majority is always wrong. - [Economics] Inflation does not lubricate trade but by rescuing traders from their errors of optimism or stupidity. - [Inflation] It is a commonplace of modern technology that problems have solutions before there is knowledge of how they are to be solved. - [Technology] It is a far, far better thing to have a firm anchor in nonsense than to put out on the troubled seas of thought. - [Thought] Meetings are indispensable when you don't want to do anything. - [Committees] Nothing is so admirable in politics as a short memory. - [Politics] One can relish the varied idiocy of human action during a panic to the full, for, while it is a time of great tragedy, nothing is being lost but money. - [Depression] People of privilege will always risk their complete destruction rather than surrender any material part of their advantage. - [Risk] Production only fills a void that it has itself created. - [Production] The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy, that is the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness. - [Conservatives] The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable. - [Economics] Wealth is not without its advantages, and the case to the contrary, although it has often been made, has never proved widely persuasive. - [Wealth] What is called a high standard of living consists, in considerable measure, in arrangements for avoiding muscular energy, for increasing sensual pleasure and enhancing caloric intake above any conceivable nutritional requirement. - [Success] When people are the least sure, they are often the most dogmatic. - [Dogmatism]
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