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His understanding at the best is of the middling size. - [Understanding] How is it possible to expect that mankind will take advice when they will not so much as take warning. - [Advice] How often do we contradict the right rules of reason in the whole course of our lives! Reason itself is true and just, but the reason of every particular man is weak and wavering, perpetually swayed and turned by his interests, his passions, and his vices. - [Reason] Human brutes, like other beasts, find snares and poison in the provisions of life, and are allured by their appetites to their destruction. - [License] I am convinced that if the virtuosi could once find out a world in the moon, with a passage to it, our women would wear nothing but what directly came from thence. - [Dress] I cannot imagine why we should be at the expense to furnish wit for succeeding ages, when the former have made no sort of provision for ours. - [Wit] I forget whether advice be among the lost things which Ariosto says are to be found in the moon: that and time ought to have been there. - [Advice] I have always a sacred veneration for any one I observe to be a little out of repair in his person, as supposing him either a poet or a philosopher; because the richest minerals are ever found under the most ragged and withered surfaces of the earth. - [Dress] I have known some men possessed of good qualities, which were very serviceable to others, but useless to themselves; like a sundial on the front of a house, to inform the neighbors and passengers, but not the owner within. - [Tact] I never knew any man cured of inattention. - [Attention] I never saw, heard, nor read, that the clergy were beloved in any nation where Christianity was the religion of the country. - [Clergymen] I never wonder to see men wicked, but I often wonder to see them not ashamed. - [Wickedness] I used to wonder how a man of birth and spirit could endure to be wholly insignificant and obscure in a foreign country, when he might live with lustre in his own. - [Travel] I would rather be a freeman among slaves than a slave among freemen. - [Freedom] I'm as old as my tongue and a little older than my teeth. - [Age] If a man makes me keep my distance, the comfort is he keeps his own at the same time. - [Conspiracy] If a man would register all his opinions upon love, politics, religion, and learning, what a bundle of inconsistencies and contradictions would appear at last! - [Opinion] If a proud man makes me keep my distance, the comfort is that he keeps his at the same time. - [Distance] If men of wit and genius would resolve never to complain in their works of critics and detractors, the next age would not know that they ever had any. - [Critics] Imaginary evils soon become real ones by indulging our reflections on them; as he who in a melancholy fancy sees something like a face on the wall or the wainscot can, by two or three touches with a lead pencil, make it look visible, and agreeing with what he fancied. - [Evil] In all assemblies, though you wedge them ever so close, we may observe this peculiar property, that over their heads there is room enough; but how to reach it is the difficult point. To this end the philosopher's way in all ages has been by erecting certain edifices in the air. - [Castles in the Air] In men desire begets love, and in women love begets desire. - [Love] Indeed, Madam, your ladyship is very sparing of your tea: I protest the last I took was no more than water bewitched. - [Tea] Invention is the talent of youth, as judgment is of age. - [Invention] It is a miserable thing to live in suspense; it is the life of the spider. - [Suspense] Displaying page 3 of 12 for this author: << Prev Next >> 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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