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She ransacked her mind but there was nothing in it. - [Mind] Nobody wanted me to know. But I wanted to know. - After the Wreck, I Picked Myself Up, Spread My Wings, And Flew Away [Curiosity] God's blessing is not always to be distinguished from His wrath. - Bellefleur [Blessings : Wrath] For memory is a moral action, a choice. You can choose to remember. You can choose not. - The Deaths: An Elegy [Memory] You learn not to look back, anything you're walking away from. You don't cry. If you do, it isn't you. - The Rise of Life on Earth [Future : Learning] For what is irony but the repository of hurt? And what is hurt but the repository of hope? - Ugly [Hope : Hurt : Irony] Felix thought, that the sport wasn't a sport at all. It was just life speeded up. - You Must Remember This [Sport] Is there any mystery like who you finally turn out to be. - You Must Remember This [Maturity]
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