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Truth is simple, requiring neither study nor art. - [Truth] Truth is violated by falsehood, and it may be equally outraged by silence. - [Truth] The language of truth is unadorned and always simple. [Lat., Veritatis absolutus sermo ac semper est simplex.] - Annales (XIV, 10) [Truth] Yet the success of plans and the advantage to be derived from them do not at all times agree, seeing the gods claim to themselves the right to decide as to the final result. [Lat., Tametsi prosperitas simul utilitasque consultorum non obique concordent, quoniam captorum eventus superae sibi vindicant potestates.] - Annales (XXV, 3) [Success] Truth is often attended with danger. [Lat., Pericula veritati saepe contigua.] - Annales (XXVI) [Truth] Wicked deeds are generally done, even with impunity, for the mere desire of occupation. [Lat., Solent occupationis spe vel impune quaedam scelesta committi.] - Annales (XXX, 9) [Crime] No power or virtue of man could ever have deserved that what has been fated should not have taken place. [Lat., Nulla vis humana vel virtus meruisse unquam potuit, ut, quod praescripsit fatalis ordo, non fiat.] - Historia (XXIII) [Fate] Any one who is prosperous may by the turn of fortune's wheel become most wretched before evening. [Lat., Quivis beatus, versa rota fortunae, ante vesperum potest esse miserrimus.] - Historia (XXVI) [Fortune] Wicked acts are accustomed to be done with impunity for the mere desire of occupation. [Lat., Solent occupationis spe vel impune quaedam scelesta committi.] - Historia (XXX) [Evil]
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