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No penance can absolve out guilty fame; Nor tears, that wash out sin, can wash out shame. - [Vice] Nobles and heralds, by your leave, Here lies what once was Matthew Prior, The son of Adam and of Eve: Can Bourbon or Nassau claim higher? - [Epitaphs] Parent of wicked, bane of honest deeds, Pernicious flattery! thy malignant seeds, In an ill hour, and by a fatal hand, Sadly diffus'd o'er virtue's gleby land, With rising pride amidst the corn appear, And choke the hopes and harvest of the year. - [Flattery] See daily show'rs rejoice the thirsty earth And bless the flow'ry buds' succeeding birth. - [Rain] Some folks are drunk, yet do hot know it. - [Drunkenness] Such as she is, who died to-day, Such thou alas! mayst be to-morrow. - [Proverbs] Tell me why the ant midst summer's plenty thinks of winter's want. - [Instinct] That beauteous Emma vagrant courses took. - [Vagrant] That fabric rises high as heaven whose basis on devotion stands. - [Devotion] The cradle and the tomb, alas! so nigh. - [Life] The ends must justify the means. - [Results] The victor's pastime, and the sport of war. - [Soldiers] The world agrees That he writes well who writes with ease. - [Writing] These pointed spires, that wound the ambient sky. - [Spires] They always talk who never think, and who have the least to say. - [Loquacity] Thou sovereign power, whose secret will controls the inward bent and motion of our souls. - [God] Tired of the last, and eager of the new. - [Variety] 'Tis remarkable that they talk most who have the least to say. - [Oratory] To John I owed great obligation: But John unhandsomely thought fit To publish it to all the nation; Sure John and I are more than quit. - [Proverbs] View not this spire by measure given, To buildings raised by common hands; That fabric rises high as heaven, Whose basis on devotion stands. - [Spires] What is this little, agile, precious fire, this fluttering motion which we call the mind? - [Mind] Yet tell me, frighted senses! what is death? Blood only stopp'd, and interrupted breath; The utmost limit of a narrow span, And end of motion, which with life began, And smoke that rises from the kindling fires Is seen this moment and the next expires; As empty clouds by rising winds are toss'd Their fleeting forms scarce sooner found than lost. - [Death] Odds life! must one swear to the truth of a song? - A Better Answer [Songs] For some in ancient books delight, Others prefer what moderns write; Now I should be extremely loth Not to be thought expert in both. - Alma [Criticism] For when one's proofs are aptly chosen, Four are as valid as four down. - Alma (canto I, end) [Proof] Displaying page 2 of 5 for this author: << Prev Next >> 1 [2] 3 4 5
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