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They say . . . That, putting all his words together, 'Tis three blue beans in one blue bladder. - Alma (canto I, l. 26) [Words] His noble negligences teach What others' toils despair to reach. - Alma (canto II, l. 7) [Neglect] He, perfect dancer, climbs the rope, And balances your fear and hope. - Alma (canto II, l. 9) [Dancing] In argument Similes are like songs in love: They must describe; they nothing prove. - Alma (canto III) [Argument] My copper-lamps, at any rate, For being true antique, I bought; Yet wisely melted down my plate, On modern models to be wrought; And trifles I alike pursue, Because they're old, because they're new. - Alma (canto III) [Antiquity] Till their own dreams at length deceive 'em And oft repeating, they believe 'em. - Alma (canto III, l. 13) [Dreams] When people once are in the wrong, Each line they add is much too long; Who fastest walks, but walks astray, Is only furthest from his way. - Alma (canto III, l. 194) [Error] You tell your doctor, that y' are ill And what does he, but write a bill, Of which you need not read one letter, The worse the scrawl, the dose the better. For if you knew but what you take, Though you recover, he must break. - Alma (canto III, l. 97) [Medicine] So, if unprejudiced you scan The going of this clock-work, man, You find a hundred movements made By fine devices in his head; But 'tis the stomach's solid stroke That tells his being what's o'clock. - Alma (pt. III, l. 272) [Man] Be to her virtues very kind; Be to her faults a little blind. Let all her ways be unconfin'd; And clap your padlock--on her mind. - An English Padlock [Women] All jargon of the schools. - An Ode on Exodus III, 14, "I am that I am." [Teaching] Ere on thy chin the springing beard began To spread a doubtful down, and promise man. - An Ode to the Memory of the Honourable Colonel George Villiers (l. 5) [Hair] Serene yet strong, majestic yet sedate, Swift without violence, without terror great. - Carmen Seculare (l. 200), imitation of Denham [Thames River] And when the parent-rose decays and dies, With a resembling face the daughter-buds arise. - Celia to Damon [Roses] Soft peace she brings, wherever she arrives: She builds our quiet, as she forms our lives: Lays the rough paths of peevish Nature even, And opens in each heart a little Heaven. - Charity [Charity] The gray mare will prove the better horse. - Epilogue to Lucius (last line) [Women] One single positive weighs more, You know, than negatives a score. - Epistle to Fleetwood Shepherd [Argument] 'Tis not how well an author says, But 'tis how much, that gathers praise. - Epistle to Fleetwood Shepherd [Authorship] Ev'n so, with all submission, I . . . . Send you each year a homely letter, Who may return me much a better. - Epistle to Fleetwood Shepherd (l. 23) [Post] No man's defects sought they to know; So never made themselves a foe. No man's good deeds did they commend; So never rais'd themselves a friend. - Epitaph [Character] Heralds and statesman, by your leave, Here lies what once was Matthew Prior; The son of Adam and of Eve; Can Bourbon or Nassau go higher? - Epitaph--Extempore [Epitaphs] That if weak women went astray, Their stars were more in fault than they. - Hans Carvel [Women] The end must justify the means. - Hans Carvel (l. 67) [End] And oft the pangs of absence to remove By letters, soft interpreters of love. - Henry and Emma (l. 147) [Post] Timely advis'd, the coming evil shun: Better not do the deed, than weep it done. - Henry and Emma (l. 308) [Evil] Displaying page 3 of 5 for this author: << Prev Next >> 1 2 [3] 4 5
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