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A daughter is an embarrassing and ticklish possession. - [Daughters] A man that runs away may fight again. - after the battle of Chaeronea, 338 BC [War] All animals are more happy than man. Look, for instance, on yonder ass; all allow him to be miserable; his evils, however, are not brought on by himself and his own fault; he feels only those which nature has inflicted. We, on the contrary, besides our necessary ills, draw upon ourselves a multitude of others. - [Evil] All places are the temple of God, for it is the mind that prays to him. - [Prayer] Chance is a kind of god, for it preserves many things which we do not observe. - [Chance] He that lends an easy and credulous ear to calumny is either a man of very ill morals or has no more sense and understanding than a child. - [Calumny] Man must be prepared for every event of life, for there is nothing that is durable. - [Mutability] Men are taught virtue and a love of independence by living in the country. - [Country] Peace gives food to the husbandman, even in the midst of rocks; war brings misery to him, even in the most fertile plains. - [Peace] That which turns out well is better than any law. - [Success] There is no better provision for life than impudence and a brazen face. - [Impudence] There is nothing more daring than ignorance. - [Ignorance] To live is not to live for one's self alone; let us help one another. - [Brotherhood] It must be that evil communications corrupt good dispositions. - in Dubner's ed. of his "Fragments" app'd to Aristophanes in Didot's "Bibliotheca Groeca", (p. 102, l. 101) [Evil] Of all wild beasts on earth or in sea, the greatest is a woman. - E Supposititio (p. 182) [Women] It is as easy to draw back a stone thrown with force from the hand, as to recall a word once spoken. - Ex Incert. Comoed (p. 216) [Words] Nothing is more useful than silence. - Ex Incert. Comoed (p. 216) [Silence] Truth, when not sought after, sometimes comes to light. - Ex Verberata (p. 160) [Truth] A god from a machine (artificial or mechanical contrivance). [Lat., Deus ex machina.] - Theop (5) [Gods]
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