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Every one wishes that the man whom he fears would perish. [Lat., Quem metuit quisque, perisse cupit.] - Amorum (II, 2, 10) [Fear] Let those who have deserved their punishment, bear it patiently. [Lat., Aequo animo poenam, qui meruere, ferant.] - Amorum (II, 7, 12) [Punishment] Thou fool, what is sleep but the image of death? Fate will give an eternal rest. [Lat., Stulte, quid est somnus, gelidae nisi mortis imago? Longa quiescendi tempora fata dabunt.] - Amorum (II, 9, 41) [Death] Have patience and endure; this unhappiness will one day be beneficial. [Lat., Perfer et obdura; dolor hic tibi proderit olim.] - Amorum (III, 11, 7) [Patience : Suffering] We are always striving for things forbidden, and coveting those denied us. [Lat., Nitimur in vetitum semper, cupimusque negata.] - Amorum (III, 4, 17) [Desire] We covet what is guarded; the very care invokes the thief. Few love what they may have. [Lat., Quicquid servatur, cupimus magis: ipsaque furem Cura vocat. Pauci, quod sinit alter, amant.] - Amorum (III, 4, 25) [Covetousness] He who has it in his power to commit sin, is less inclined to do so. The very idea of being able, weakens the desire. [Lat., Cui peccare licet peccat minus. Ipsa potestas Semina nequitiae languidiora facit.] - Amorum (III, 4, 9) [Sin] They come to see, they come that they themselves may be seen. [Lat., Spectatum veniunt, veniunt spectentur ut ipse.] - Ara Amatoria (99) [Appearance] Like fragile ice anger passes away in time. [Lat., Ut fragilis glacies interit ira mora.] - Ara Amatoria (I, 374) [Anger] Sickness seizes the body from bad ventilation. [Lat., Aere non certo corpora languor habet.] - Ara Amatoria (II, 310) [Disease] We do not bear sweets; we are recruited by a bitter potion. [Lat., Dulcia non ferimus; succo renovamus amaro.] - Ara Amatoria (III, 583) [Medicine] A field becomes exhausted by constant tillage. [Lat., Continua messe senescit ager.] - Are Amatoria (III, 82) [Agriculture] Wine stimulates the mind and makes it quick with heat; care flees and is dissolved in much drink. - Ars Amatoria (bk. I, 237) [Wine and Spirits] Either do not attempt at all, or go through with it. [Lat., Aut non tentaris, aut perfice.] - Ars Amatoria (bk. I, 389) [Success] In time the unmanageable young oxen come to the plough; in time the horses are taught to endure the restraining bit. [Lat., Tempore difficiles veniunt ad aratra juvenci; Tempore lenta pati frena docentur equi.] - Ars Amatoria (bk. I, 471) [Time] The iron ring is worn out by constant use. [Lat., Ferreus assiduo consumitur anulus usu.] - Ars Amatoria (bk. I, 473) [Action] Often a silent face has voice and words. [Lat., Saepe tacens vocem verbaque vultus habet.] - Ars Amatoria (bk. I, 574) [Face : Proverbs] Fortune and love favour the brave. [Lat., Audentum Forsque Venusque juvant.] - Ars Amatoria (bk. I, 608) [Bravery] Jupiter from on high laughs at the perjuries of lovers. [Lat., Jupiter ex alto perjuria ridet amantum.] - Ars Amatoria (bk. I, 633) [Love] Treat a thousand dispositions in a thousand ways. [Lat., Mille animos excipe mille modis.] - Ars Amatoria (bk. I, 756) [Variety] He who holds the hook is aware in what waters many fish are swimming. [Lat., Qui sustinet hamos, Novit, quae multo pisce natentur aquae.] - Ars Amatoria (bk. I, l. 47) [Fishermen] It is expedient there should be gods, and as it is expedient, let us believe them to exist. [Lat., Expedit esse deos: et, ut expedit, esse putemus.] - Ars Amatoria (bk. I, l. 637) [Gods] Truly now is the golden age; the highest honour comes by means of gold; by gold love is procured. [Lat., Aurea nunc vere sunt saecula; plurimus auto Venit honos; auro concilatur amor.] - Ars Amatoria (bk. II, 277) [Gold] Alluring pleasure is said to have softened the savage dispositions (of early mankind). [Lat., Blanda truces animos fertur mollisse voluptas.] - Ars Amatoria (bk. II, 477) [Pleasure] Slight is the merit of keeping silence on a matter, on the other hand serious is the guilt of talking on things whereon we should be silent. [Lat., Exigua est virtus praestare silentia rebus; At contra, gravis est culpa tacenda loqui.] - Ars Amatoria (bk. II, 603) [Silence] Displaying page 9 of 17 for this author: << Prev Next >> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [9] 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
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