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Good-bye to the lies of the poets. [Lat., Valeant mendacia vatum.] - Fasti (VI, 253) [Poets] Time, motion and wine cause sleep. [Lat., Alliciunt somnos tempus motusque merumque.] - Fasti (VI, 681) [Sleep] Time glides by and we grow old with the silent years; and the days flee away with no restraining curb. [Lat., Tempora labuntur, tacitisque senescimus annis; Et fugiunt fraeno non remorante dies.] - Fasti (VI, 771) [Time] What is deservedly suffered must be borne with calmness, but when the pain is unmerited, the grief is resistless. [Lat., Leniter ex merito quidquid patiare ferendum est, Quae venit indigne poena dolenda venit.] - Heriodes (V, 7) [Suffering] Those gifts are ever the most acceptable which the giver makes precious. [Lat., Acceptissima semper munera sunt auctor quae pretiosa facit.] - Heriodes (XVII, 71) [Gifts] Truly it is allowed us to weep: by weeping we disperse our wrath; and tears go through the heart, even like a stream. [Lat., Flere licet certe: flendo diffundimus iram: Perque sinum lacrimae, fluminis instar enim.] - Heroides (8, 61) [Tears] Love is a thing full of anxious fears. [Lat., Res est soliciti plena timoris amor.] - Heroides (I, 12) [Love] We are slow to believe what if believed would hurt our feelings. [Lat., Tarde quae credita laedunt credimus.] - Heroides (II, 9) [Belief] It is not safe to despise what Love commands. He reigns supreme, and rules the mighty gods. [Lat., Quicquid Amor jussit non est contemnere tutum. Regnat, et in dominos jus habet ille deos.] - Heroides (IV, 11) [Love] Where crime is taught from early years, it becomes a part of nature. [Lat., Ars fit ubi a teneris crimen condiscitur annis.] - Heroides (IV, 25) [Crime] Thou beginnest better than thou endest. The last is inferior to the first. [Lat., Coepisti melius quam desinis. Ultima primis cedunt.] - Heroides (IX, 23) [Beginnings] How different from the present man was the youth of earlier days! [Lat., Dissimiles hic vir, et ille puer.] - Heroides (IX, 24) [Youth] If thou wouldst marry wisely, marry thine equal. [Lat., Si qua voles apte nubere, nube pari.] - Heroides (IX, 32) [Matrimony] May his bones rest gently. [Lat., Molliter ossa cubent.] - Heroides (VII, 162) [Epitaphs] Every delay that postpones our joys, is long. [Lat., Longa mora est nobis omnis, quae gaudia differt.] - Heroides (XIX, 3) [Delay] Pursuits become habits. [Lat., Abeunt studia in mores.] - Heroides (XV, 83) [Habit] Knowest thou not that kings have long hands? [Lat., An nescis longos regibus esse manus?] - Heroides (XVII, 166) [Royalty] My hopes are not always realized, but I always hope. [Lat., Et res non semper, spes mihi semper adest.] - Heroides (XVIII, 178) [Hope] The deed I intend is great, But what, as yet, I know not. - Metamorphoses, (Sandy's translation) [Deeds] Either you pursue or push, O Sisyphus, the stone destined to keep rolling. [Lat., Aut petis aut urgues ruiturum, Sisyphe, saxum.] - Metamorphoses (4, 459) [Action] I am not ashamed that these reproaches can be cast upon us, and that they can not be repelled. [Lat., Pudet haec opprobria nobis Et dici potuisse et non potuisse repelli.] - Metamorphoses (bk. I, 758) [Shame] Suppose the chariot of the sun were given you, what would you do? [Lat., Finge datos currus, quid agas?] - Metamorphoses (bk. II, 74), (Apollo's question to Phaeton) [Sun] Safety lies in the middle course. [Lat., Medio tutissimus ibis.] - Metamorphoses (bk. II, l. 136) [Moderation] Before he is dead and buried no one ought to be called happy. [Lat., Dicique beatus Ante obitum nemo supremaque funera debet.] - Metamorphoses (bk. III, 136) [Happiness] The god we now behold with opened eyes, A herd of spotted panthers round him lies In glaring forms; the grapy clusters spread On his fair brows, and dangle on his head. - Metamorphoses (bk. III, l. 789), (Addison's translation) [Gods] Displaying page 13 of 17 for this author: << Prev Next >> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 [13] 14 15 16 17
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