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A coward's fear can make a coward valiant. - [Cowards] A sentence well couched takes both the sense and understanding. I love not those cart-rope speeches that are longer than the memory of man can fathom. - [Brevity] All earthy delights are sweeter in expectation than enjoyment; but all spiritual pleasures more in fruition than expectation. - [Anticipation] Any man shall speak the better when he knows what others have said, and sometimes the consciousness of his inward knowledge gives a confidence to his outward behavior, which of all other is the best thing to grace a man in his carriage. - [Behavior] Business is the salt of life, which not only gives a grateful smack to it, but dries up those crudities that would offend, preserves from putrefaction and drives off all those blowing flies that would corrupt it. - [Business] By gaming we lose both our time and treasure--two things most precious to the life of man. - [Gambling] Contemplation is necessary to generate an object, but action must propagate it. - [Deeds] Discontents are sometimes the better part of our life. I know not well which is the most useful; joy I may choose for pleasure, but adversities are the best for profit; and sometimes those do so far help me, as I should, without them, want much of the joy I have. - [Discontent] Every man should study conciseness in speaking; it is a sign of ignorance not to know that long speeches, though they may please the speaker, are the torture of the hearer. - [Oratory] Fear, if it be not immoderate, puts a guard about us that does watch and defend us; but credulity keeps us naked, and lays us open to all the sly assaults of ill-intending men: it was a virtue when man was in his innocence; but since his fall, it abuses those that own it. - [Credulity] For converse among men, beautiful persons have less need of the mind's commending qualities. Beauty in itself is such a silent orator, that it is ever pleading for respect and liking, and by the eyes of others is ever sending, to their hearts for love. - [Beauty] God has made no one absolute. - [Dependence] Gold is the fool's curtain, which hides all his defects from the world. - [Gold] He that always waits upon God is ready wheresoever He calls. Neglect not to set your accounts even; he is a happy man who so lives as that death at all times may find him at leisure to die. - [Death] He that despairs degrades the Deity, and seems to intimate that He is insufficient, or not just to His word; and in vain hath read the scriptures, the world, and man. - [Despair] He that, when he should not, spends too much, shall, when he would not, have too little to spend. - [Economy] He who would be singular in his apparel had need have something superlative to balance that affectation. - [Singularity] Honesty is a warrant of far more safety than fame. - [Honesty] Hope is to a man as a bladder to a learning swimmer--it keeps him from sinking in the bosom of the waves, and by that help he may attain the exercise; but yet it many times makes him venture beyond his height, and then if that breaks, or a storm rises, he drowns without recovery. How many would die, did not hope sustain them! How many have died by hoping too much! This wonder we find in Hope, that she is both a flatterer and a true friend. - [Hope] Human life has not a surer friend, nor oftentimes a greater enemy, than hope. It is the miserable man's god, which in the hardest gripe of calamity never fails to yield to him beams of comfort. It is the presumptuous man's devil, which leads him a while in a smooth way, and then suddenly breaks his neck. - [Hope] I love the man that is modestly valiant; that stirs not till he most needs, and then to purpose. A continued patience I commend not. - [Valor] If ever I should affect injustice, it would be in this, that I might do courtesies and receive none. - [Courtesy] Irresolution is a worse vice than rashness. He that shoots best may sometimes miss the mark; but he that shoots not at all can never hit it. Irresolution loosens all the joints of a state; like an ague, it shakes not this nor that limb, but all the body is at once in a fit. The irresolute man is lifted from one place to another; so hatcheth nothing, but addles all his actions. - [Irresolution] It is a most unhappy state to be at a distance with God: man needs no greater infelicity than to be left to himself. - [God] It is much safer to reconcile an enemy than to conquer him; victory may deprive him of his poison, but reconciliation of his will. - [Reconciliation] Displaying page 1 of 3 for this author: Next >> [1] 2 3
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