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Not to know what happened before we were born is always to remain a child; to know, and blindly to adopt that knowledge as an implicit rule of life, is never to be a man. - [History : Past] One would not object to the prevalent notion that whatever is fashionable is right, if our rulers of the mode would contrive that whatever is right should be fashionable. - [Fashion] Oratory is the power to talk people out of their sober and natural opinions. - [Oratory] Persecution is disobeying the most solemn injunction of Christianity, under the sham plea of upholding it. - [Persecution] Plagiarists are purloiners who filch the fruit that others have gathered, and then throw away the basket. - [Plagiarism] Poetry is the music of thought, conveyed to us in music of language. - [Poetry] Popularity is like the brightness of a falling star, the fleeting splendor of a rainbow, the bubble that is sure to burst by its very inflation. - [Popularity] Precept and example, like the blades of a pair of scissors, are admirably adapted to their end when conjoined; separated, they lose the greater portion of their utility. - [Precepts] Prudery is the innocence of the vicious--external sanctity, assumed as a cover for internal laxity. - [Prudery] Pure religion may generally be measured by the cheerfulness of its professors, and superstition by the gloom of its victims. - [Religion] Quills are things that are sometimes taken from the pinions of one goose to spread the opinions of another. - [Quill] Revenge, which, like envy, is an instinct of justice, does but take into its own hands the execution of that natural law which precedes the social. - [Revenge] Scandal is what one-half the world takes pleasure in inventing, and the other half in believing. - [Scandal] Slanderers are at all events economical for they make a little scandal go a great way, and rarely open their mouths except at the expense of other people. - [Slander] The liberty of the press is the true measure of all other liberty; for all freedom without this must be merely nominal. - [Press] The moral courage that will face obloquy in a good cause is a much rarer gift than the bodily valor that will confront death in a bad one. - [Courage] The shadow of a sound,--a voice without a mouth, and words without a tongue. - [Echo] The sleeping partner of life--a change of existence. - [Death] There are two things which will make us happy in this life, if we attend to them. The first is, never to vex ourselves about what we cannot help; and the second, never to vex ourselves about what we can help. - [Vexation] There is a profound charm in mystery. - [Mystery] There is but one good throw upon the dice, which is, to throw them away. - [Gambling] Those repartees are best which turn your adversary's weapons against himself. - [Repartee] To conquer fanaticism, you must tolerate it; the shuttlecock of religious difference soon falls to the ground when there are no battledoors to beat it backward and forward. - [Fanaticism] We may hold it slavish to dress according to the judgment of fools and the caprice of coxcombs; but are we not ourselves both when we are singular in our attire? - [Dress] Were a whole nation to start upon a new career of education, with mature faculties and minds free from prepossession or prejudice, how much would be quickly abandoned that is now most stubbornly cherished! - [Opinion] Displaying page 2 of 3 for this author: << Prev Next >> 1 [2] 3
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